
i would like to hear funny stories about pets you don't have to share I'll start I have this dog named Jax and we have an electric fireplace he decided to turn it on one day

My cat, Sundance is an obsolute attention seeker and I always like to go camping with my brother and some of his friends. I made sure to give her plenty of food and water. As I was leaving she stared out the window. I came back a week later and as soon as I took my shoes off she was snuggling with them and even stuck her head in my shoe! That was 3 days ago.... She won't let me put my shoes on. My other cat mouse is an abdolute hilarious pet, she always gets herself im the weirdest of situations for an example; Ontop of the fan, stuck in a pillowcase, hiding in the trash can. She also has a habbit of running into walls as if she were blind, though she is not. Two years ago my father found a moutain lion on the side of the road, the poor thing had to be put down. My dad had it mounted in his living room... Well I was having my dad watch Sundance and Mouse while I was going to be traveling the country! Mouse walked into the living room and saw the lion she puffed up into a ball of fur and flopped over on her side. I THINK she was playing dead and apparently the whole time I was gone she was walking around as a furball and flopping around any time she saw the lion.

Coldwind said: My cat, Sundance is an obsolute attention seeker and I always like to go camping with my brother and some of his friends. I made sure to give her plenty of food and water. As I was leaving she stared out the window. I came back a week later and as soon as I took my shoes off she was snuggling with them and even stuck her head in my shoe! That was 3 days ago.... She won't let me put my shoes on. My other cat mouse is an abdolute hilarious pet, she always gets herself im the weirdest of situations for an example; Ontop of the fan, stuck in a pillowcase, hiding in the trash can. She also has a habbit of running into walls as if she were blind, though she is not. Two years ago my father found a moutain lion on the side of the road, the poor thing had to be put down. My dad had it mounted in his living room... Well I was having my dad watch Sundance and Mouse while I was going to be traveling the country! Mouse walked into the living room and saw the lion she puffed up into a ball of fur and flopped over on her side. I THINK she was playing dead and apparently the whole time I was gone she was walking around as a furball and flopping around any time she saw the lion.
That's my favorite so far

My goldfish can play dead. He likes to scare me >:(

My two rabbits hold my hand when they want to be pet, along with flopping dramatically onto their backs for a belly rub. Me and my partner find it hilarious.

Biologist at Work said: My two rabbits hold my hand when they want to be pet, along with flopping dramatically onto their backs for a belly rub. Me and my partner find it hilarious. That's so cute

Not Debbie said: My goldfish can play dead. He likes to scare me >:( I'm worried about your fish

Not Debbie said: My goldfish can play dead. He likes to scare me >:(

Cats can't see glass. My cat keeps going at the window because there's birds but the glass stops him. He goes splat and try's again.

This happened today. I was walking my puppy Boogie down to the nearest Dollar Tree (where i live, stores really don't care about dogs as long as they're behaving well) I was at a crosswalk waiting for the light, and Boogie looks up at me and starts to jump on me (he's a jack russel/chihuahua mix so it was more like little hops), so I look down at him and go "do you want uppies?" and he got so excited just from that 😭 so i picked him up and ended up carrying him while crossing the street. But the funniest part was probably on the way back, when we got to the crosswalk he started to jump on me again right before the light turned, so I ended up carrying him across the street again. And thats how I learned that my dog is a spoiled little baby who refuses to cross the street with his own paws.