Youll see more cp trained or battle trained wolves, items like jasmines, geodes o charons or gear or decor i want to get rid of.

→Respect the end time.
→I will wait for the payment 5 hours, if there is no answer the last highest bid will get the wolf.
Battle wolves
Start Date: 29 of October at 8 AM
End Date: 4th of November at 8 PM
→2 years old ♦ Divine Health ♦ HW ♦ G8 CL ♦ HERO ♦ MAXED BATTLE ♦ 31RAC ♦ Being BE TRAINED
SB: 200 mush
MI: 25 mush
AB: 800 mushrooms or 1 apple
→2 years old ♦ Divine Health ♦ HW ♦ G5 CL ♦ HERO ♦ MAXED BATTLE ♦ 29RAC ♦ Being BE TRAINED
SB: 200 mush
MI: 25 mush
AB: 800 mushrooms or 1 apple