
Edited at April 9, 2022 06:01 PM by TheMadDave

Bean Birds come in all diffrent shapes and sizes! These are some of the notable races!! House-Hold:Size: About the size of a cat Life Span: 100 Years Bean: Single Type These bean birds are very common and are used as emotional support animals! They are driven to make their owners happy with them, every time they make someone happy they get another bean added to their holder! Wild:Size: Moose Life Span: 50 Years Bean: Multiple Wild Bean birds are uncommonly seen. They rarely take kindly to humans but are very protective of their owners. Wild beans do not seek their owner's happiness but rather their safety, making it so they have fewer Beans in their containers. Ye Old: Size: Housecat - Bear Life Span: 10 - 150 Years Bean: Mini World The ye-old Beans are commonly found in dark caves and are shy timed beings that hid away from humans, But with enough time and effort, they will show selves. Ye-old containers contain miniature worlds and life each based on the ye-olds personality! It's unknown why they branched away from the normal beans of their grandchildren, but it makes it question, what do the beans in the container provided to the Bird beans? Mythical: Size: Unknown Life Span: Unknown Bean: Elemental Many talk about Mythical Bird beans but they are unsure they are even real? They are described to be fabulously colorful, and their beans spark with elemental energy. Many believe that they are all different and special, and no Mythicak will ever look the same as another. 


Hey guys just wanted to bring up mythical bird beans and how they work! Each one is based on a Mythical Bird! there can be more then one of the same types, What there can not be is "Baby" Mythical Bird beans as they are born unnaturally! Each one has a SINGLE Elemental Bean type ^ They will always have all Talons or all paws The have very speical looking Bean holders on their chest + heads Please don't trace this artwork! This is an off-base adoptable!
Example above please quote this message if you have questions about mythical bird beans <3

Hey guys we offically have a bird bean club group now! Feel free to join! It's not needed it's mostly like a badge for your profile to say your in the group! As well as that there will be a Contest hosted soon for a mascot design and a icon design! https://wolfplaygame.com/alliance.php?id=287822 Edited at April 25, 2022 01:37 PM by TheMadLad

Wait so like can I join this club? XD

yes anyone can :) Cinderclaws said: Wait so like can I join this club? XD


Joining this wonderful spectacular amazing thing

I wanna make a bean bird so badly XD