
Long ago the animal gods powered the Big Cats of the world with magical powers. The jaguar specificly was the most talented of the Big Cats and found a way to pass down their powers. Now Jaguars from different areas are moving into their new powers and getting used to them, they live in a Mega Pride in a jungle biome. They are called the 'SkyRose Pride' named after their first leaders, Sky and Rose. They are learning to cope with eachother and learning what it means to be a Mega Pride. Open Roles: Leader - Female SIC (Second in Command) - Male SIC - Healers - - Healers Apprentice - - Lead Hunteress Mvua-Female - 5 years, 6 months (Fruit Lovers) Hunters/Huntresses Alleta - Female - 5 years (The Tea Drinkers) - - - - Lead Fighter - Fighters Nightmare - Female - 5 years (Moss Pack) - - - - Mothers - - - Blossoms(Kits) - - - - Elders - - Omegas - - - P.S I will hold reservations for two days max^^ Edited at November 25, 2022 07:33 PM by Moss Pack

Sign Up sheet: Name - Nickname(s) - Gender - Age - Sexuality - Rank - Desired rank - Power(Any make it up, be unique!) - Appearence(If you can, use pictures) - Personality - Crush/Mate - Blossoms(Remove is N/A) - Feelings about the Pride - Likes - Dislikes - Strengths - Weaknesses(Have to have at least two) - Background - Other - Edited at November 25, 2022 01:30 PM by Moss Pack

My own Role! Name Nightmare Nickname(s) N/A Gender Female, She/Her Age 5 years Sexuality Heterosexual Rank Fighter Desired Rank Lead Fighter or Healer Power Can set herself on fire, head to tail. Though it is not controllable, it goes along with her emotions. She can also cover herself in shadow, its good for sneaking up on others. Appearence Pure black with a hint of purple, violet eyes, 5'7, pretty Personality In RP Crush/Mate None, PM to claim Feelings about the Pride Intruiged but happy that all of the Pride is together. Likes Fighting Helping Caring for others Dislikes Rudeness Abuse Hunting Strengths Running Fighting Flirting Weaknesses Water Loud Noises Background Nightmare has the ancestory of the pride makers but didnt inherit being Leader. Other N/A P.S You can have up to two charcters


Mvua ~ Gender: Female Age: 5 Years and 6 Months Sexuality: Gay ~ Rank: Lead Huntress Desired Rank: Content Powers: Ability to control the rain in a certain radius around her. She can make water protect her, fight for her, and she can summon tsunamis if she is angry enough. Her powers are more tied to her emotions, the worse the emotion, the worse the storm... ~ Appearance: Mvua is a common colored jaguar but with darker tan spots instead of black and she has blue eyes. ~ Personality: Shy || Brave || Adventerous || Noble || Smart || Observant ~ Crush/Mate: Her original crush was a lion named Kimbunga, and they got separated from Kimbunga's pride moving away. Blossoms: None Feelings About The Pride: She likes not being alone, and is very respectful to them. ~ Likes: Climbing, Hunting, Water Dislikes: Dirt, Long Grass, Cold Days Strengths: Speed and Agility Weaknesses: Stronger Things and Being Ignored ~ Background: Not much, her life was pretty happy. ~ Other: This character was originally a leopard, but I changed her to a jaguar for the Roleplay. Edited at November 25, 2022 10:50 AM by Fruit Lovers

Accepted,I'll add her right away^^

May I reserve a huntress?


Name Aletta Nickname(s) None Gender Female Age 5 Sexuality Undecided Rank Huntress Desired rank Lead female Power(Any make it up, be unique!) Can literally turn into pure light, and is very alluring. She can make anyone fall in love with her. Appearence(If you can, use pictures) A bright, sand color,hinting at her powers. She has bright blue eyes. Personality Aletta is bright and sunny, though she often is false, hiding her true feelings under a layer of cool indifference. Crush/Mate Open,PM me or post here! Feelings about the Pride She's fine with it Likes Teasing, hunting, pup Dislikes Rude jaguars, Most males Strengths Loyal Mentally strong Weaknesses(Have to have at least two) Brutally honest Perfecionist Background Born in the Pride, she wishes to rise to the top. Other None Edited at November 25, 2022 06:23 PM by The Tea Drinkers

I made a disscusion, talk on there, do your roles here.