† 𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗『 Jaeger 』𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗 †
" The Reaper "
" Never beg for mercy. Accept that you have failed. Begging is for dogs and humans. "
† 𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗 †

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23 Years
Age Appearance:
19 Years
Female || Feminine
Bisexual { Leans towards Females }
† 𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗 †
High Class || Vadem
Original District:
wip { currently }
Military Solider { Formerly }
Military Escort { Formerly }
Cybernetic Parts:
Military-Grade Cyber Arms { shoulder - tip of her fingers }
Military-Grade Enhanced Speed
Military-Grade Enhanced Strength
Genetically Engineered Eyes
† 𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗 †

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Jaeger is a stunning being, she doesn't even try, and she looks like a badass.
When someone first approaches Jaeger, they see her eyes. Whether they are in an agitated state or not, everyone seems to be attracted to her Violette-colored eyes. It's not a common occurrence to walk up to someone with purple eyes, it's just not. So when people get the chance to see Jaeger's eyes.. people tend to stare, and it's kinda creepy. She understands it to a certain extent, Ooo pretty eyes! Yes, they're pretty and absolutely stunning and she appreciates that she isn't the only one fascinated by them, but please. Don't stare, one, it's rude and two, you look like a creep when you stare into a stranger's eyes intently. So, stop it. For most of the time, Jaeger has a bit of control over her eye's appearance, however sometimes when she becomes severely emotional they tend to blink into an entirely different state. When she becomes emotional, she'll blink and they'll instantly switch like a snap of your fingers. Her sclera will go from a faint pink, white color to a pitch-black. Some refer it to as "demonic" eyes, but it's not really that. Honestly, Jaeger doesn't even know why or how they do that, ever since she could remember, they've always been able to do that on their own.
Just as most admire her eyes, some seem to simply adore her raven black hair. Granted, no one has ever gotten close enough to feel her soft locks, just from afar, it is quite obvious how soft, and cold it feels. You know how in the winter when you don't touch the thermostat, your blankets become cold yet so soft and comfortable? Oddly enough, Jaeger's hair is just like that, however, it seems to always have a cold texture to it. She does really love her hair, and despite all the other wonderful aspects about herself, she truly loves her hair.
Jaeger stands just about 5'7, not entirely unique or noticeable but most of the time she appears to be 5'8 with her posture. She stands with her shoulders back, her spine straight as a toothpick, and her legs always seem to stand straight. She rarely slouches while standing. It isn't much of a surprise when she is seen slouching in chairs, it only becomes a surprise when she sits down. Cough, 6. Why? The woman rarely ever sits down in the middle of the day when sleep isn't of need. The only reason why she would sit down would to be take a nap. She drinks, eats, and rests all while standing up. Maybe it's because she always thinks someone is going to appear around the corner to kill her, and sitting down is a vulnerable position.. who knows?
At an abnormally young age, Jaeger had metallic, cyber arms installed. From the joints in her shoulders, down to her very fingertips, she forever has metallic, military-grade arms. Just like any other human arm, they are just as flexible and mobile as any. In order for them to continue to work properly, an odd substance is constantly circulating throughout the arms. In powerful, thick tubes weaving in and out of circuits and different parts of her arms, the dark purple liquid is constantly moving in the tubes. The tubes are nearly indestructible, Jaeger should know. However, obviously, unlike the normal human arm, sharp rounded blades are installed from the elbow down. Narrow, thin, yet sharp as hell blades have the ability to hide within a metal compartment within her arms, or they have the ability to extend out from that compartment.
Horrifyingly Calm || Intelligent || Easy Going{ when she's in a good mood } || Happy Soul { Only with close Friends and Family } || Heart of Gold || Taunting || Mysterious || Overprotective || Quick Thinker || Judgemental || Suspensful || Malicious || Sadistic || Barbaric || Mercy shall never be Granted || Violent || A broken promise will never be Forgotten || Solitary || Courageous || Honest || Respectful, but demands it in Return
Jaeger is like a kitten. Soft, cuddly, and cute on the outside. But inside, she's an absolute demon from the depths of hell.
Jaeger is generally easygoing, but she isn't exactly outgoing. If she were to approach some stranger or vice versa, she'd say Hi and be kind to the best of her abilities, but she isn't the type to ask how their day is going or ask how's it going, etc. She really isn't interested in some stranger's daily life activities or whether their grandma is sick in the hospital, yes, she'll give her condolences { probably not } but she won't give a flying shit. Again, she'll say "hi" and "bye" within the same sentence and go back to what she was doing previously. Unless she suspects you're a douchebag. Ya see, Jaeger is most likely one of the most judgy beings you may ever meet. Just the way you breathe, she'll either suspect you as a douchebag, spoiled brat, kind going person, or she'll just roll her eyes in utter disgust and focus on something worthy of her time. If you happened to be a real douchebag and speak to her, oh ho ho, you're in for a real treat. Jaeger doesn't tolerate douches, as much as she may be one, she doesn't tolerate other people being ass hats. There's only enough room in this world for one asshat Jeager, no more.
Around strangers who are somewhat tolerable, Jaeger is polite, but she refuses to open up, speak naturally with, or even continue direct eye contact for long periods of time. However, when Jaeger is with the people she loves and feels comfortable with, she acts with a heart of gold. A smile sculpted on her face, a gorgeous, attractive laugh coming along for the ride, and she is always so outgoing, and funny. With close friends and family, she feels as if she can finally be herself. Jaeger loves it when she can be herself, it sucks having to hold it in all the time.. sometimes she feels like she is suffocating, and it's so painful. But, she manages to push it back down, she manages to keep herself in check. But everyone needs to let it go once in a while, whether good or bad, and thankfully, Jaeger does have people she can rely on and be herself with.
When Jaeger is in a good, or tolerable mood, she really is at her best. Because when she gets pissed, she is an entirely new person.
Some people yell, curse, and throw shit around when they are upset but then they leave it be and go on somewhere else. Jaeger? People wished she was like that, that once she was livid, it'd go away within minutes or even an hour. No. Not even the slightest. As if another person takes over the reins, Jaeger turns into the devil himself. With an unbeatable rage, she would absolutely kill without hesitating, or even worse, she'd torture you until the blood that once ran through your veins flowed through the soil of the earth. She takes her time, and she does her best to make the pain excruciating. A rumor goes around, that she used an actual scythe to pull the intestines out from some fool's stomach while his heart was still beating. Is it true? Or is just a rumor? No one knows. But because of this rumor, Jaeger has earned herself a new, popular name. "The Reaper." If you piss Jaeger off enough, well.. you can't run from death. If you thought it couldn't get any worse, Jaeger doesn't have an off button. Once she is pissed, she is absolutely livid, and no living being could possibly stop her once she is in her rage. Well, very few.
† 𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗 †
Significant Other:
Lennox { deceased; unknown }
Lennox { deceased to her knowledge }
Open { PM Me }
Open { PM Me }
† 𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗 †
Spending time with those she Loves
A nice breeze
Fresh Air
Riding at Dusk & Dawn
Being Correct
Prefers to be Alone in Large Crowds
Calm, Steady Life
The Thrill of feeling Pain
Losing Family & Friends { initially breaks her }
Polluted Areas
Overcrowded Spaces
The fear of being Alone
Deep Bodies of Water
Alone in the Dark
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Abnormal Brute Strength
Control over her Emotions { about 75% of the time }
Fire { Deathly Afraid }
Loss of a Family Member { Becomes depressed, incapable of defending herself, etc. }
Emotions { when that 25% hits }
Wine { Easily put under the Influence }
† 𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗 †
As a child, Jaeger was happy. She wasn't bitter, she wasn't unhappy, nor was she a raging monster from hell. She was happy, with all the people she dearly loved, who loved her back. A smile was always glued onto the little girl's face, her eyes lit up with joy. It helped that her mother was always there, helping her every step of the way. From the first moment she opened her eyes up to this world, her mother was always there. The two had such a powerful bond, one that could never be broken. Unfortunately, it seems that Mother Nature decided Jaeger s life was too happy.
At the age of 9 Years Old, Jaeger's mother's life was stripped away from her, right in front of her eyes. A duo of Military Soldiers came busting through the door, falsely accusing her mother of something that was nowhere true. Sadly, they refused to listen. It was a gruesome death, and the pain was excruciating, both for the mother and Jaeger. After the passing of her mother, that's when it all started to go downhill. She'd have minor meltdowns, angry meltdowns. She'd scream on about how the world was cruel, how her mother did nothing wrong. These meltdowns turned into rages she couldn't control. Rages no one had ever seen before. Once, she was found gutting some cat after it scratched her. If life could only get any worse, when Jaeger hit the age of 13, she was forced by her father to have Enhanced Eyesight. Why? He wanted to enroll his daughter into the Military, and from what they heard, you had to have special "enhancements" to enroll. As much as the young girl protested, her father didn't budge, and he sent her anyways. When she came out from the procedure, the doctors spoke of how it had failed mid-surgery. In order to save her eyesight, they did something off the record, and ever since, when Jaeger grows extremely emotional whether it's hatred, happiness, or great sadness, her eyes shift into a very unusual color.
After her eye enhancement, nothing drastic happened for a while. Jaeger could take a fresh breath of air, she was absolutely sick of being her father's puppet. She told herself that she was going to run away soon, she didn't know when, but soon. It wasn't until later that she found her Father become severely depressed after her mother's passing, making him a bitter and horrendous alcoholic. It was sad, but that would have explained why her father had changed so much. Just thinking about her Father's situation would make her cry. She would remember when their life was so much better, granted, it wasn't as bad as other people's situations, but in her defense, it sucked ass.
When Jaeger believed the worst of it was over, at the age of 16, she was forced to have her arms replaced with Military-Grade Cybernetic arms. When she got wind of such a thing, she actually did attempt to run away, but when she was found, she was immediately thrown into surgery. And when she came out, she no longer had flesh and bone for arms.
At the age of 17, Jaeger enrolled in the Military
Theme Song:
Blood//Water - grandson
Darkside - Neoni
Goodbye - Ramsey
† 𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗𝄗 †
... a thunder what now?