
TOC Post 1; TOC/Links/Ad. Post 2; Plot. Post 3; Kingdoms/Project Body. Post 4; Common Magic/Deities. Post 5; Magic Details. Post 6; Beasts. Post 7; Rules. Post 8; Masterlist/Character Sheet. Links Discussion; N/A. Thread; N/A. Sign-Ups; You’re here. Ad Three kingdoms have been fighting for millions of years. The solution that Mind came up with, send a group from each kingdom and force them to live together. Now out in a premade town, are twelve people, five from Mind, five from Heart, and two from Soul. Will it be successful or will all three kingdoms crumble because of it? https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=28&t=81737 Edited at July 21, 2022 01:01 PM by Overthink101

Plot Three kingdoms; Heart, Mind, and Soul, have been fighting for millions of years. Now all low in resources, Mind believes peace can be achieved, and Heart wishes for peace. Soul, is trying to figure out just what they want as a whole, but many of them still want to fight. -- The solution to the war that Mind had come up with, send a group of five from each kingdom, and force them to live together, calling it Project Body. To see if average citizens could get along. Heart immediately agreed, Soul kept putting it off. But now, it has been ten years since the plan was given out, and Heart has gotten impatient, getting the five picked and telling Mind to do the same, Mind wants to keep waiting until all of them have decided to do it, but agrees regardless. -- Now out in a premade town, are twelve people, five from Mind and five from Heart. Soul finally decides, but only sends two people, which Mind is silently glad on. -- Will Project Body be successful or will all three kingdoms crumble because of it? That is the question that Mind faces now, as there are beasts that lurk and feed off of hate, and he will ponder all of it as long as he is able to think. Heart feels uneasy about it, but excited, always listening to feelings, she is ready for peace. Soul, still trying to figure themself out, is trying to guide everyone else, telling them that it'll work out, no matter what evidence anyone shows them. Of course, there are those that do not agree with what has been decided upon, those people may be among the chosen, but... One thing is for certain. Things can't keep going on the way they have been.

Kingdoms Mind; Mind's kingdom was based on economics, and intellect. As such, most people there are closed off, polite, thoughtful, and extremely intelligent. The reason for them joining the war was to seek perfection, seeing the only way to do that was if everyone was the same, if everyone knew what they were doing and why all the time. Now most believe that getting along and allowing people to dictate what’s perfect to them, is the way to perfection. -- Mind's kingdom is to the north. The landscape of Mind’s kingdom is mostly that of a mountain range, with caves and metals and infrastructure that uses the mountains to their advantage. To the north is the sea. The temperature is usually colder. ~~~ Heart; Heart's kingdom was based on feeling, hope specifically. As such, most people are very in touch with their emotions and know exactly who they are. The reason for them joining the war was because they felt it was necessary to help everyone else, but because no one wanted their help, they’d have to take over and show them how much they needed to feel like they knew themselves. Now though, most believe that the true way of helping is through peace. -- Heart's kingdom is to the south west. The landscape of Heart's kingdom is mostly that of a shrubland, green and full of plantlife. Lush and blooming. To the south west, is the sea. The temperature is usually mild. ~~~ Soul; Soul's kingdom was based on religion and faith alone. Most people there were very spiritual and religious, always doing what their gods and goddesses wanted. Their reason for them joining the war was to spread their religion and beliefs, believing everyone else to be blinded without the gods and goddesses. Now, some believe in freedom of religion, and as a result, after much thought, agreed that peace would be the only way to achieve it completely. -- Soul's kingdom is to the south east. The landscape of Soul's kingdom is mostly that of coastal plains, flat and empty. To the south east, is the sea. The temperature is usually warmer. Project Body The town is in between all three kingdoms, right in the middle where they all connect. It is land locked and in a forest, but there are winding rivers to the north and south west of it. The temperature is usually cold in winter, hot in summer, and mild in spring/fall. -- Project Body, if successful, will grow by six more each year, two from each kingdom. Mind's plan, make it to where there is no one left in the three kingdoms, slowly turning Project Body into a singular kingdom itself, to try and end all disagreements and wars between kingdoms. -- Those from Soul will most likely hate anyone with Blood or Dark magic. Those from Heart will most likely hate anyone with Dark magic or Curse magic. And anyone from Mind will probably hate anyone who hates people with Dark or Blood magic. At the same time, they will all probably be careful of each other at first unless they are from the same kingdom.

Common Magic/Deities All three kingdoms have magic and at least two beliefs, though none have the same beliefs, they have some of the same types of magic. Most people have two types of magic they specialize in, some have one and some have more than two, though more than two is rare, though those from Soul are most likely to have more. Where the odds are usually 1 out of 1000, people from Soul's kingdom have a 1 out of 100 chance. Mind Athena is the goddess that Mind worships. Or any non-Greek counterpart of her. Hephaestus is the god that Mind worships. Or any non-Greek counterpart of his. The most common magic types in Mind's kingdom include Pyro magic, Aqua magic, and Cryo magic. Uncommon magic types include Metal magic, Crysto magic, Toxic magic, and Electro magic. Rare magic types in Mind's kingdom include Chrono magic, Dark magic, Blood magic, and Psycho magic. None of the types of magic are forbidden. Heart Artemis, Aphrodite, and Persephone are the goddesses that Heart worships. Or any of their non-Greek counterparts. Dionysus and Asclepius are the gods that Heart worships. Or any of their non-Greek counterparts. The most common magic types in Heart's kingdom include Terra magic, Lava magic, Chloro magic, and Aqua magic. Uncommon magic types include Crysto magic, Vibra magic, and Toxic magic. Rare magic types in Heart's kingdom include Blood magic, Holy magic, and Chrono magic. Dark magic, Curse magic, and Psycho magic is forbidden. Soul Apollo, Hermes, Zeus, and Poseidon are the gods that Soul worships. Or any of their non-Greek counterparts. Hestia, Hera, Theia, and Demeter are the goddesses that Soul worships. Or any of their non-Greek counterparts. The most common magic types in Soul's kingdom include Aero magic, Aqua magic, and Chloro magic. Uncommon magic types include Crysto magic, Vibra magic, and Electro magic. Rare magic types in Soul's kingdom include Holy magic, Curse magic, and Chrono magic. Dark magic, Psycho magic, and Blood magic is forbidden.

Magic Details Magic can take years to learn and years to specialize in. Most people by the age of 18 have at least one magic they specialize in. People can also fail when using magic, and the rarer the type it is- The larger the backlash. Common Magic Types Pyro magic; Fire magic. They can control flames and make flames. They can also withstand high temperatures. Unfortunately, they also become more susceptible to low temperatures. Aqua magic; Water magic. They can breathe underwater and control/make water, but not the temperature of it. Unfortunately, they also become susceptible to drying out and dehydration. Cryo magic; Ice magic. They can control/make ice and withstand freezing temperatures. They also become susceptible to higher temperatures. Aero magic; Air magic. They can float in the air, fly for short distances, and control wind and air pressure. They can also withstand lower temperatures. Unfortunately, they become susceptible to higher temperatures. Terra magic; Earth magic. They can control/make dirt and rock, along with using a form of echolocation by using the vibrations in the ground to track things. It’s also harder for them to dehydrate. They can also speak to animals in less common cases. Unfortunately, they are susceptible to drying out. Lava magic; Lava magic. They can melt into a mobile, living puddle and control/make lava. They can also withstand extreme high temperatures. Unfortunately, they become susceptible to lower temperatures. Chloro magic; Leaf/Vine magic. They can control/make vines and plants. Including flowers, trees, and even grass. They become more susceptible to lower and higher temperatures, and are slightly more susceptible to dehydration. Uncommon Magic Types Metal magic; Metal magic. They can control/make metal and turn anything, living or nonliving, into metal. They are also able to withstand both higher and lower temperatures better. Unfortunately, without practice, they can’t control how long it takes for something to rust. Crysto magic; Crystal magic. They can find gems and jewels with ease, even make them and change them. They can also tell the difference between real and fake ones easily, and know how much one is worth with a glance. Unfortunately, they are rather susceptible to lower temperatures. Electro magic; Electric/Lightning magic. They can run as fast as lightning can move and can produce/control electricity. In some rare cases, they have even been known to teleport to places they’ve been to before. Unfortunately, they cannot always control the voltage of electricity. Toxic magic; Toxic/Poison magic. They can control poisons and toxins, spit out a poisonous substance, and know how much radiation/poison is in something and if it's lethal. Unfortunately, they tend to have weaker immune systems compared to others, which is rather ironic. Vibra magic; Vibration/Sound magic. They can control vibrations and sounds, amplify/mute noise, and even cause sonic blasts/waves. They also have very good ears, and can hear the slightest of things without loud noises bothering them. Surprisingly enough, some can even understand and speak to other animals. Unfortunately, they tend to get less sleep due to their hearing and tend to be very light sleepers. Rare Magic Types Chrono magic; Time magic. They can predict the future once a month, and can freeze time for everyone but themselves for a few minutes at a time. Unfortunately, they cannot always control when and what they end up predicting. Psycho magic; Psychic magic. They can read minds, use mind control, teleport, and use telekinesis. They are also immune to other Psycho users. Unfortunately, they cannot always control when they end up using their abilities. Blood magic; Blood/Healing magic. They can heal people, age people up or down, give people longer lifespans, and solidify/liquify blood. Unfortunately, they can’t give immortality to people. They also tend to be more susceptible to extreme temperatures, dehydration, and getting sick. Curse magic; Curse magic. They can create and give out curses. The curses could be anything, bad luck or a werewolf curse or a curse to always stub your toe right before falling asleep- Literally anything. They simply have to be able to think of it. They can also write them down and then use the paper to give out curses through many different means. They can also give someone else the paper and then that person can give out the curse. They are also the only people who have cures for such curses. They tend to have terrible handwriting but amazing senses and balance. Unfortunately, the only cure is their blood and most are not willing to allow harm to themselves in order to cure others. They also tend to be more susceptible to attracting beasts. Dark magic; Dark/Shadow magic. They can manipulate shadows, solidify shadows, see in the dark, communicate with shadows, give shadows life/free corporeal will, and use shadows for/as transportation. If shadows are given life, they can still be controlled by someone with Dark magic, but are harder to control at night/in the dark than they are at day/in the light. Unfortunately, they run the risk of attracting beasts to them. Holy magic; Holy/Light magic. They can summon things from their religion, they can grant a person a second chance at life once, they can create light, and can even repel beasts if strong enough. Unfortunately, they are more susceptible to lower temperatures and are usually heavy/deep sleepers. Edited at July 16, 2022 12:09 PM by Overthink101

Beasts There are only four types of beasts, all dangerous in their own way. But all have two things in common, one being that they feed off emotions, especially negative ones. The second is that they can take control of a body, so long as the body either welcomes them in or has enough of their emotion in them. The control can last up to five years, and they only require one days rest before it can renew that time. It is possible for all four to dwell inside someone at once, but the repercussions of it are immense. Usually, if there are multiple then it is a Sconforto and just one other. Tenebra This one dwells in shadows, and is strongest at night. They grow timid in light but never stop completely as long as there is at least some form of a shadow. They feed off of hate and anger. They are large shadowy figures that get larger the stronger they are, most look like giants at night. They are the most intelligent during the day and most aggressive during the night. Colpa This one dwells in places of guilt and insecurity, those being what they feed on. They are large fiery birds, like a black phoenix that can, and will burn. Just as guilt can become a fire that consumes you. They are extremely intelligent, both during the day and during night. They are the most agile of the beasts. Sconforto These... Are most likely the most dangerous if there is a group of them. They are not strong. But they are extremely dangerous. They feed off of despair, hunger, and sorrow. They look like a skeleton with shadows all around them, clinging to them, putting people into unease at the mere sight. They do not make noise, they only stare. But their stare is what gets people, if you look them in the eye, you’re immediately made into the best host for them. All of their hosts die within weeks, sometimes days, if not coupled with another beast. They make people lose their will to do anything, and makes them unresponsive to everything. Spavento These are the bravest of the beasts, attacking both at day and night despite being stronger at night. They are like a wyvern or dragon, with scales, tails, claws, and wings. They are also the only beast that can be a color other than black, though most often they are either black or a dark red. Their wings seem to be made of a black fire that has the same temperature of the hottest fire, white fire. They are extremely dangerous and just the sight of one can make people fearful. They feed off of fear and disgust.

Rules - All of Eve’s/WP’s rules.
- Cursing is allowed, keep at minimum though, can’t be every single sentence of every single post.
- LGBTQIA+ friendly and supportive!
- No OOC drama, RP drama is encouraged. Extremely encouraged.
- Romance is fine, just no explicit scenes! Skip them or take it to PMs.
- This is a literate roleplay, 3 paragraphs (300 words) every post, at least. Try to post three times a week at the least, if possible. Please PM me or one of the other people if you won’t be able to do it that week/next week.
- Two strikes, and you’re out. I don’t do third chances, just second chances.
- I control the weather/time- Usually. Anytime I don’t will be discussed beforehand, just don’t assume I’ll greenlight something.
- I can decline any sign-up sheet that we see fit to decline.
- PM me if you no longer want to be in the roleplay, we’ll figure something out.
- Aside from the magic and beasts, this roleplay is medieval realistic. The Mind Kingdom is a bit farther ahead than the other kingdoms, though not by much.
- Be diverse with your characters please, I don’t want five of the same thing.
- Do not kill/gravely injure someone’s character without permission.
- Reservations last for 1 day/24 hours. I will most likely round the time up to the nearest 5 or 0. If you need more time, PM me.
- Don’t clog the sign-ups, affiliations and questions will be discussed/answered in the discussion or PMs.
- No Mary/Gary Sues, John/Jane Does, or any of those sorts. Please. If you’ve read this far, put ‘Did you read?’ in Other. Don’t try to shoehorn your character into being the center of attention, everyone will get their time- Don't worry.
- If you want a character with more than two types of magic, PM me. If you want a character with a rare magic type, PM me.
- Two characters per person max for now, if there aren't enough people signing up then it may change.
- The chosen would be anywhere between 18 and 25 years of age.

Masterlist ((Name | Age | Gender | Magic | Poly/Mono/Ambi | Sexuality | Pack Name)) Chosen From Mind (1/5) Argos 'Arg' T. Coya | 21 | Male | Chloro | Mono | Heterosexual | Didelphis -- -- -- -- Chosen from Heart (2/5) Reserved for Overthink101. Sistine Esme Deveroux | 20 | Female | Chloro & Chrono | Mono | Bisexual | serein. -- -- -- Chosen From Soul (2/2) Reserved for Overthink101. Thalia Ito | 20 | Female | Psycho & Aqua | Mono | Unlabeled | Ciao Character Sheet * means Optional Name: *Nickname(s): Age: *Birthday: Gender: Sexuality: Poly/Mono/Ambi: *Alignment: /~/ Magic(s): Deity(ies): Kingdom: *Class: *Occupation: /~/ Appearance: Attire: *Aroma: *Voice: *Handwriting: *Handedness: Physical Health: /~/ Personality: *Likes: *Dislikes: Strengths: Weaknesses: *Fears: Mental Health: /~/ *Family: Affiliations: *Relationship Status: *Crush(es): /~/ *Themesong(s): What Did They Bring To Project Body: *Trivia: Other: Edited at July 19, 2022 01:05 PM by Overthink101

WIP |~| Keijo |~| Name: Keijo Alvar Elving. Nickname(s): Whatever you can think of. Age: 20. *Birthday: Gender: Male. Sexuality: Gay Disaster. Poly/Mono/Ambi: Ambi. Alignment: Neutral Good. /~/ Magic(s): Curse & Chloro. Fav Deity(ies): Apollo, Hermes, & Theia. Mostly Hermes, if he’s being honest. Kingdom: Soul. Class: Middle Working Class. *Occupation: /~/ Appearance: Attire: *Aroma: *Voice: *Handwriting: *Handedness: Physical Health: /~/ Personality: *Likes: *Dislikes: Strengths: Weaknesses: *Fears: Mental Health: /~/ *Family: Affiliations: Open. Relationship Status: Single. Crush(es): Open. /~/ *Themesong(s): What Did They Bring To Project Body: *Trivia: Other: |~| Lei |~| Name: Leiurus Quincy Buthidae. Nickname(s): Lei, Quinn. Age: 21. *Birthday: Gender: Female. Sexuality: Lesbian. Poly/Mono/Ambi: Ambi. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. /~/ Magic(s): Pyro, Terra, & Toxic. Fav Deity(ies): None. She bows to no one. If any ask and she must answer though, then she supposes Artemis is fine. Kingdom: Heart. Class: Lower Working Class. *Occupation: /~/ Appearance: Attire: *Aroma: *Voice: *Handwriting: *Handedness: Physical Health: /~/ Personality: *Likes: *Dislikes: Strengths: Weaknesses: *Fears: Mental Health: /~/ *Family: Affiliations: Open. Relationship Status: Single. Crush(es): Open. /~/ Themesong(s): Wildfire (English Cover) by Jubyphonic. Adrenaline by Shinedown. Play With Fire by Sam Tinnesz ft Yacht Money. Calm Down by Krewella. That’s What You Get by Paramore. Confident by Demi Lovato. Natural Born Killer by Avenged Sevenfold. Anti-Gravity by RUNAGROUND. Chemical X by UNDREAM ft TIMMS. QUEEN OF THE FREAKS by AViVA. RULES by AViVA. Pinky Promise by Jake Daniels. Born For This by The Score. Born For Greatness by Papa Roach. Let ‘em Burn by NOTHING MORE. Russian Roulette by Tungevaag ft Raaban & Charlie Who?. Victorious by Panic! At The Disco. Don’t Threaten Me with a Good Time by Panic! At The Disco. Emperor’s New Clothes by Panic! At The Disco. What Did They Bring To Project Body: *Trivia: Other: Edited at July 25, 2022 09:41 AM by Overthink101

Edited at August 4, 2022 04:27 PM by Didelphis