
They've all lived peacefully amongst each other for generations, territory was never a problem. They had hundreds of acres, plenty space for a few canines. One day, it was completely fenced off- leaving most of the beings trapped in a smaller, enclosed space where only the smallest of prey could get; now? They're all fighting each other for what seems to be no reason at all, other than to get a few scraps. Its a matter of time, smarts, and willpower whether or not they escape in time; and if they do, what lays on the other side? ..... In short, this is a small group semi literate roleplay based around realistic dogs/wolves/coyotes/whatever. Characters will die; trust me on this, it's a soul part of realism. I hope to hear from you soon! <3 Edited at May 31, 2022 10:04 AM by Petrichor.

Territory Before the Cage: In the center of it all, rolling plains that stretch out for miles in all directions are what you're greeted by, but after traveling for a while, forests of all sorts of trees offer great shelter from the elements. Most of the canines live in the forests. After the Cage: Trees are being cut down, lands poisoned. They're all pushed out into the plains, where they're trapped in a sort of box, that's as big as a smaller house, with a clear, mesh over the top. It's pretty much impossible to climb, however. Edited at May 31, 2022 02:24 PM by Petrichor.

Rules 1. I am the owner, and there is no co-host at the moment. Anyone claiming to be a co-host is lying. 2. Write at least a hundred words, please! I reserve the right to decline any forms I do not see fit for this roleplay. 3. This is realistic. No purple eyes or pure black dire wolves with pink hair. Nothing is really 'pure' anymore, either. Somethings not likely to be completely wolf anymore. 4. No Mary/Gary Sue's, Weeping Willows, you get the idea. You also cant land or miss every hit in a fight! 5. Ask to kill off someones character. You can kill off your own, just let us know in the discussion. 6. Reservations last 12 hours. .. Note Everyone must make at least one character and have a backup idea. Edited at May 31, 2022 10:19 AM by Petrichor.

Roles The Medic Sort of always has some sort of herb on them, but things are running slim right now. . The Natural Leader The one who easily takes the leading role and likes to talk over people and command them around. . The Fighter Constantly in a fight with someone. . Walking Wikipedia They always have info for everything, and will not hesitate to ramble on for an hour. . The Irritable Easily annoyed; will fight. . The Child A child. .... Other roles The one that no one knows Yeah. Prissy Showdog Prissy showdog who somehow gets thrown into the bo. Emotional Wreck Paranoid bean. That One Who Thinks They Can See The Future Self explanatory. The Normal One Normal one, for once. The Stray(s) Ones that came from the city. .. Character limits . You may use any canine, including foxes. Nothing that is extinct. . Character sheet * = optional Name: *Nickname(s): Gender: Age: Appearance: *Important Appearance notes: Personality: *Likes/Dislikes: Other: Edited at May 31, 2022 10:35 AM by Petrichor.

Masterlist ... The Medic (0/1) . The Natural Leader (0/1) . The Fighter (0/1) . Walking Wikipedia (0/1) . The Irritable (0/1) . The Child (0/1) . The One That No one Knows (0/1) . Prissy Showdog (1/1) . Emotional Wreck (0/1) . TOWTTCSTF (the one who thinks they can see the future) (0/1) . The Normal One (0/1) . The Strays (0/2) Edited at May 31, 2022 10:38 AM by Petrichor.


Applying for Natural Leader
Name: Star Gender: Male Age: 5 Years Appearance: Star is a coydog, half coyote and half Dalmatian. Star takes after the lean frame of his coyote mother, with the short fur of his father, though his tail is a coyote's vulpine brush. There is little bulk to him, but he is muscular and lean. Icy blue eyes peer out from a brown-furred face. Black spots mark his pelt; these and the white legs, muzzle splash, and tail are what show his Dalmatian ancestry. The rest of his markings are all coyote; brown fur with the usual black shoulder and tailtip. Star's ears are pointed. Personality: Star is imperious and ambitious. While he can't outmuscle a wolf or Rottweiler, he can out-think his opponent. A lifetime in the wild has made him able to move quickly when needed. The coydog thrives when he has time to plan out his path; thinking on his paws isn't something Star is particularly good at. Morals are extremely important to him, and he will lash out at those who disagree with his code. Though it is hard to win his loyalty, those who do have an ally for life. Star is very social, enjoying being around those who agree with him. Silence and reticence are not something he enjoys, though he tends to be relatively quiet unless he has something specific to say; Star doesn't talk just for talking's sake. Star is stubborn. The small environment seems to have had an equally confining effect on his mind; frustration comes more easily to him now than it ever has in the past, though it is something he takes pains to conceal. Star's humour tends to be very dry. *Likes/Dislikes: + Running, females, those who agree with him, warm temperatures, friends - Small spaces, large dogs/wolves, thorns, the Cage, hunger, those who disobey the rules Other: PM me if you have a female character you'd like to be Star's mate. Edited at June 9, 2022 08:20 AM by Talen