
Welcome to... Conflict The order is Plot Rules Ranks Traditions Greetings List Sign Up Sheet RP ~ A peaceful, mighty pack has dwelled in the forest for a long, unknown time. Then rose a threat called... War. Soon a small amount of wolves from the pack rebelled and ran off. Then they returned... Stronger then ever.. They declared war with my pack... Why? I don't know yet.. But help please.. I can't do this.. Are you on my side or not..? Edited at May 22, 2022 01:31 PM by Bloodmoon's Pack

Rules ~ Mostly, obey all of Eve's rules. No Mary/Garys, Weeping Willows. Don't be, "that guy" please. Hate the character not the player. This is Semi-Literate, I expect at least 5 sentences per post at least. Be detailed. You don't need to be overly detailed on your forms, I just want to know that you will post 5+ sentences. At least 1 post every 2 days, if you can't, PM me cause I'd hate to kick someone out. Must have 2 characters per person, not the same gender. PM me if you can't do 2. Please be kind. I reserve the right to decline or accept your form. No OOC drama, got a problem, PM me or a mod. 3 strikes, your out. Not taking reservations, so do not ask. Have fun and be dramatic. Edited at May 22, 2022 01:14 PM by Bloodmoon's Pack

Ranks ~ Alpha In charge of everything, the alpha is named with the beta, and is heavily guarded. Everyone must respect the alpha and bow to them. No one must speak over the alpha. Beta Second in command, they are mated with the alpha and are the second most respected. Can not be challenged for because the alpha picks them. Delta 3rd in command, they assign hunts mostly and can be challenged for. Gamma 4th in command, they assign daily patrols and rarely assign hunts. This stop can be challenged for. Spy They are basically the stealthiest and fastest of the pack to alert of any danger. Member A normal member who Healer Master of herbs, they heal every injury. Trainees These are wolves in training from 2+ years old and stop at 3 years old. Mothers Wolves expecting or nursing. They don't do anything but stay with their pups. They do not work at all with hunting and border patrols. Pups A young wolf bellow 2 years old. Elders A very respected wolf due to their service to the pack. They normally just help entertain pups and are kind. They are 10+ years old and normally die at 12. Omegas A wolf who has disobeyed more than once, they are to be killed if they can't climb back up the ranks in a month.

Traditions ~ The Omega Rank A tradition that happens once a week. The omegas go through a series of challenges, stealth, swimming, racing, and fighting. The stealth one is when they have to stealthily steal a piece of prey during breakfast time and bring it to the alpha without being noticed. The swimming one is when they have to fight a wolf in the water and one will drown, the other will win. The racing is where they race across a mountain and have to get past the finish line quicker than the others. The fighting one is where they have to see which should be 2 remaining omegas is the strongest by fighting to the death. Will Add More Eventually ~ Greetings ~ Alpha and Beta= Matriarch or Patriarch [Name] Spy= Stealth Master [Name] Omega=Omega Filth Edited at May 22, 2022 12:14 PM by Bloodmoon's Pack

List ~ Alpha Veracious-Bloodmoon's Pack-Page 1 Beta Chosen in RP Delta Axel-Icewing-Page 1 Gamma Grabs are open Spy Grabs are open Members Unlimited Coconut-Bloodmoon's Pack-Page 1 Sky-Icewing-Page 1 Healer Grabs Trainees Locked for now Mothers Locked for now Pups Locked for now Elders Locked for now Omegas Locked for now ~ Band Members Locked for now Edited at May 22, 2022 08:08 PM by Bloodmoon's Pack

Sign Up Sheet ~ Name Age Gender Rank [Put Band If Member Of Band] Desired Rank Looks Personality Affilations Family Crush/Mate/Pups Other

You May Post Remember to thoroughly read and remember the rules!

₪ Veracious ₪ Age: 5 Years and 3 Months Gender: Female Rank: Alpha Desired Rank: She is Content Looks: Personality: Smart || Blunt || Stern || Honorable || Determined || Adventerous || Cautious || Alert || Bold || Noble || Protective Affilations: Two friends, PM me if you want to be one. Family: Coconut [Brother] Crush/Mate/Pups PM me for crush, rest is TBD ~ 🌴Coconut🥥 Age: 4 Years and 7 Months Gender: Male Rank: Member Desired Rank: Hmm nothing really. Looks: Personality: Cowardly || Adventerous || Frightened Easily || Loyal || Flirty || Goofy Affilations: PM me! Family: Veracious [Sister] Crush/Mate/Pups: Open for a Crush or a Mate, Pups TBD Edited at May 22, 2022 08:06 PM by Bloodmoon's Pack

Edited at May 22, 2022 06:25 PM by Icewing

Name- Sky Age- 3 Gender- Female Rank [Put Band If Member Of Band]- Member Desired Rank- Healer Looks-  Sky has a tri-colored coat with gray legs. She stands at 2'9" and weighs about 210 pounds. Sky is a beautiful she-wolf with ice blue eyes and has Black marks scattering her body. She has a muscular build but is very agile. She has slim legs and bulky shoulders. She has a white chest and gray cheek markings. Sky isn't the type of she-wolf you usually see due to her coloring and build. She has a scar going down her side about 3 inches long. The scar is horizontal so it is sideways. Sky doesn't have a lot of issues staying warm during the winter because she has a very soft and fluffy coat. She has a scar across her muzzle but it isn't noticeable unless you are really looking. Personality- Sky is a gentle one when is is with someone she is close to. She can be aggressive when upset and loves to fight. Sky cares a lot for the pups in the pack and has always wanted some of her own. She is very kind and sweet but don't let it fool you she still is very aggressive when need be. Sky has a sassy attitude with some of the pack and does get rude at times. To deal with her is to deal with a storm in all honesty. Sky doesn't always start fight but she can be very temperamental and ends up starting most fights she is in. She doesn't want to hurt anyone younger than her tho or elders so she keeps clam and kind around them. Sky does need some stability and she doesn't get much so she does have some behavior issues. Sky isn't always aggressive but she can be spiteful a lot of the time. She doesn't really want to be a bad influence on the pups so she tries to behave around them. Affilations- Open! Family- Open for sibilings Crush/Mate/Pups- Open for crush or mate may get pregant later on in the RP Other- Done >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Name- Axel Age- 4.5 Gender- Male Rank [Put Band If Member Of Band]- Delta Looks-  Personality- Kind|Caring|Honest|Loyal|Aggerssive|Tempermental|Foucsed|Cunning|Smart|Lazy at times|Loving Affilations- Open! Family Open! Crush/Mate/Pups Open! Other- Done Edited at May 22, 2022 06:35 PM by Icewing