
Welcome! Links Plot Rules Ranks List Sign Up Sheets Signing Up ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sign Ups: You Are Here Discussion: Not Yet RP Thread: Not For A While Sorry Edited at May 21, 2022 08:25 PM by Bloodmoon's Pack

~Plot~ ~ A fight between survival and death. An island has been inhabited with dinosaurs for many years. Humans have decided to move in. They are hunting the dinosaurs due to there being very many humans lost to dinosaur when just touring the island. The dinosaurs however, don't want to die, obviously. Some are just being caught and kept as pets and trained. It's carnivores the humans are hunting mostly. Everyone believes Carnivores are only bloodthirsty monsters, yet they are more. They are caring about others, they look out for each other, they even sacrifice for each other. Who's side are you on?

~Rules~ ~ Two character per person, exceptions only if I know your literate, or RP with you a lot. Follow all of Eve's rules please. No Mary/Gary Sues Don't be that guy. Most players will be hunters, I'm only allowing few to be dinosaurs, and I would like a PM if you want to be a dinosaur. Two hundred words in personality and appearance at least. Hate the character not the player. Be nice to each other. Please don't use swears in a vulgar amount. Three strikes, your out I reserve the right to decline and accept your form Be realistic please No Godmodding, stealing the spotlight, everyone deserves a chance to be seen This is a group RP, don't ignore someone Ask permission first before attacking, hurting, or killing someone's character No reservations, if you have a question PM me Edited at May 21, 2022 08:06 PM by Bloodmoon's Pack

~Ranks~ ~ Commander The leader of all the hunters. In charge of making most decisions, and setting up hunts. They are the most skilled of the hunters there. They have decisions helped made by their council, of the wisest and strongest. General Like a Commander, only less respect and a council member. Council Members These ones help the Commander make decisions, plan hunts, and hunt. They are the three smartest of all the hunters. Hunters Normal hunters, they hunt. Doctor Master herbalist, this is always a female and is gentle and doesn't hunt. They treat wounds with special medicine and disinfecting herbs. They are very good at telling a difference between plants, knowing which are good or not. Trainees Ones training, they dont go on hunts unless they are very skilled and almost a full hunter. They start training normally at 10-15 years old, and stop at 21.

~List~ ~ ~ ~ Commander Grab While You Can. General Grabs Are Open! Council Graaaabs ~ ~ Hunters Unlimited, Grabs Foreverr! Doctor Get a grab ~ Trainees Locked, No Grabs Allowed Right Now ~ ~ Dinosaurs Must Be Experienced RPer That I Know ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~Sign Up Sheet~ ~ ~ Hunter Sheet ~ Name Age Gender Rank Wanted Rank Appearance Personality Affilations Family ~ ~ Dinosaur Sheet ~ Name Age Gender Species Of Dinosaur Appearance Personality Affilations Crush Mate Offspring Edited at May 21, 2022 08:04 PM by Bloodmoon's Pack

You May Grab Now. Remember To Read The Rules Thoroughly! Edited at May 21, 2022 08:05 PM by Bloodmoon's Pack
