

I put up a poll for weather I should do this role play and it was a close race but in the end I got to do it! The plot line is you are ether a lion or a tiger or a liger and the entire wildcat population is going extinct and it is up to you to save them each Friday night I will make one species go extinct until only the lions,tigers, and ligers remain... Form name pack number spiceis age name gender rank appirence personality mate cubs
the ranks are (and they work for all kingdoms) king and Queen (auto mates only one of each) Queen is taken for all king is needed in all prince and princess (next king/queen) ligers have one princess. lioness hunter we have two lioness cleaner lion hunter we have one lion guard general (only one) lion guard lioness general (only one) tigress is taken lioness/lion guard general in training (one of each) lioness (stays at the camp taking care of the little ones) cubs(as many as wanted but not to to many) one we have 5 loaners rules only a few ligers are aloud so it is first come first serve LGBTQ+ is aloud but same as the liger only a few and first come first serve if you are a cub you are not to fill out mate or cubs Only one maybe two characters per person No fightin or being mean although the cubs are allowed to play fight and you can play fight with no claws no killing anyone else it is there cat let them control it time jumps are only allowed if everyone else agrees if you are a cub please fill out a parents piece Edited at March 3, 2020 08:00 AM by Moonlightpath

Form name: Valentine's killers pack number:238464 spiceis: Liger age: 3 name: Saphira gender: Female rank: Queen appirence: A slim white bodied cat, which a light tawny hue to her coat. Faint stripes ripples across the surface marked in a black that fades to gray. She has striking blue eyes and a slightly muscular build. personality: She's a very laid back queen, that welcomes everyone but she also isn't a push over. She doesn't take disrespect even though she's a unnatural cat. She is extremely protective of her cubs and tends to take cubs under her wings when needed. She isn't afraid to fight and will willing show you who's boss if needed. She respects her king though and wouldn't want any other one as her partner mate: king cubs: princess and princes

Name misty pack number: 251594 Age: 1 rank: cub appiernce : a slim golden boied cat stripes of white has sky blue eyes and is a fast fit cub. Personality : repects and listens to everone is not afraid to fight for friends and family will hide when seeing the king and queen is nice and kind and is very easliy threated

Name misty pack number: 251594 speices: lion Age: 1 rank: cub appiernce : a slim golden boied cat stripes of white has sky blue eyes and is a fast fit cub. Personality : repects and listens to everone is not afraid to fight for friends and family will hide when seeing the king and queen is nice and kind and is very easliy threated Edited at February 21, 2020 05:16 PM by flowerblossom

flowerblossom said: Name misty pack number: 251594 Age: 1 rank: cub appiernce : a slim golden boied cat stripes of white has sky blue eyes and is a fast fit cub. Personality : repects and listens to everone is not afraid to fight for friends and family will hide when seeing the king and queen is nice and kind and is very easliy threated
Scuse me please dont forget spiesice and rank

Name misty pack number: 251594 Age: 1 rank: cub appiernce : a slim golden boied cat stripes of white has sky blue eyes and is a fast fit cub. Personality : repects and listens to everone is not afraid to fight for friends and family will hide when seeing the king and queen is nice and kind and is very easliy threated Moonlightpath said: flowerblossom said: Name misty pack number: 251594 speices: lion Age: 1 rank: cub appiernce : a slim golden boied cat stripes of white has sky blue eyes and is a fast fit cub. Personality : repects and listens to everone is not afraid to fight for friends and family will hide when seeing the king and queen is nice and kind and is very easliy threated
Scuse me please dont forget spiesice and rank

Is it a lion or tiger or liger flowerblossom said: Name misty pack number: 251594 Age: 1 rank: cub appiernce : a slim golden boied cat stripes of white has sky blue eyes and is a fast fit cub. Personality : repects and listens to everone is not afraid to fight for friends and family will hide when seeing the king and queen is nice and kind and is very easliy threated Moonlightpath said: flowerblossom said: Name misty pack number: 251594 speices: lion Age: 1 rank: cub appiernce : a slim golden boied cat stripes of white has sky blue eyes and is a fast fit cub. Personality : repects and listens to everone is not afraid to fight for friends and family will hide when seeing the king and queen is nice and kind and is very easliy threated
Scuse me please dont forget spiesice and rank

Name:Aprima Spiesice:Lioness Age:4 and 1/2 Gender:Female Rank:she a loner so she techinally doesn't have a rank Appiernce:She mostly a creamish with a bit of sliver and white and a light brown mixed in. Persona:She quite a quick thinker and is very protective and nonsocial with others since she was young. Mate:Dead Cubs:Bonnie, Gallie, Flora and Ring --------------------------------------------------------- Name:Flora Pack number:250231 Spiesice:Liger Age:1 Gender:Female Rank:is a loner but is a cub Appiernce:She had stripes like her father who was a tiger but she a whiteish brown like her mother, she has black eyes like her father. Persona:She the oldest out of her sibling and the more mature one, she is more braver than Ring and Gallie but doesn't face danger unlike Bonnie Mate:too young Cubs:too young --------------------------------------------------------- Name:Bonnie Pack number:250231 Spiesice:Liger Age:1 Gender:Male Rank:is a loner but is a cub Appiernce:He a brownish cream with a hint of sliver and a dark brown almost like black, he has violet eyes and doesn't have stripes unlike Flora Persona:He quite non social like his mother but rarely speaks at all just a few mumbles and stuff, he doesn't show fear most of the time and he expressionless to others, and he is the second oldest. Mate:too young Cubs:too young --------------------------------------------------------- Name:Ring Pack number:250231 Spiesice:Liger Age:1 Gender:Female Rank:Is a loner but a cub Appiernce:She mostly a brownish with white stripes like her father but a bit of cream mix in, she also has black with a hint of violet in her eyes. Persona:She quite braver than Gallie who is scare of most things, she quite adventorus, she pranks her other siblings, she the youngest sibling with Gallie.(her and Gallie are twins) Mate:too young Cubs:too young --------------------------------------------------------- Name:Gallie Pack number:250231 Spiesice:Liger Age:1 Gender:Male Rank:is a loner but a cub Appiernce:He mostly creamish with a bit of cream and sliver, he has violet with a hint black in his eyes, and he doesn't have stripes. Persona:He quite a scardy cat to most things like his father, but he is quite adventourus too like his twin Ring, He also defensive sometimes even if he scared, He also the youngest sibling with Ring. (Him and Ring are twins) Mate:too young Cubs:too young Finally done! Edited at February 21, 2020 05:24 PM by Meek-o-bliss

Form name:Moonlightpath pack number:umm for me not relivent spiceis:liger age:1 name:snow gender:feamale rank: princess appirence:she is an albino but has light stripes and really pretty blue eyes personality: she is really frisky and likes to play fight with the other cubs and loves to mess with her siblings with pranks many people think she should not be queen and she is the oldest of them all (if you want though you can make her have a twin) mate: NA cubsNA (for me) parents: Queen and king