
Do not post here unless you have signed up to Alpine Hills ------------- - After walking past the other buildigs and stores, you come across a large sign with bulletins under a shop tent. A talon clanks against the wood frame of the sign, and you look up, seeing a hawk staring back at you. "Hey there, I'm Ruo. I always have those other townfolk yapping to me about how they want this, and that, so I decided, why not give the work to the explorers like you!" He takes one of the bulletins down, handing it to you with his claws. "Here, take a look at these. It's some of the quests I came up with from the others." - QUESTS AND REWARDS - I hear that Griffin is running out of glowing mushrooms. I’m sure he’ll be grateful if you find him some. 15 Gems - Starlight and Eclipse have been wanting to make some new potions out of Dragon Scale Dust. Why don’t you bring them some? 20 Gems - There’s a Hydra eating all the fish at the docks! Kill it and bring its bones to Fabre; I’m sure he’ll make something out of it. 25 Gems - Frost has been begging for the Lava King’s skull ever since it tore down some of the old cabins. How about you go hunt it down for her? 40 Gems - The Emerald Dragon likes to terrorize the town every few weeks. Hunt it down and bring its teeth and horns to Starlight and Eclipse. I’m sure they’ll make you some potions. 50 Gems - More quests on their way soon! - Edited at November 8, 2024 01:14 PM by Rogue Turkey

Kieran Blackwood | Raven | Male | M: Ruo ~ Kieran had been making his way down the path after having packed away his newest book from Tulip in his bag. His eyes had rested on the board for a brief moment before he noticed Ruo. ~ Kieran took the bulletin in his own talons as his eyes scanned over the different quests. ~ "A hydra.. An emerald dragon.. Such incredibly powerful creatures. I doubt I'll come to face them on my own anytime soon." Kieran squawked as he trailed back up towards the top. ~ "Say... This quest here for the glowing mushrooms, where would one come to find such fungi? Is the area dangerous with other creatures?" Kieran inquired. He figured there was the forest nearby where most mushrooms would surely grow, but perhaps there was another location, since he couldn't be sure if he had seen glowing mushrooms there before.
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Ruo hopped down beside the raven. "All quests start in the forest." He said, pointing past the cabins and into the forest. "There, you will find many paths that lead to many things. But, yes, you may find monsters in there. But they won't really bother you until you get too close. Just stay away from any puddles of mud or sand. They might suck you in."

Kieran Blackwood | Raven | Male | M: Ruo ~ Kieran nodded his beak, his gaze shifting to the forest before returning back to the quest bulletin he held. "Sounds simple enough. I will be sure to find these glowing mushrooms." Kieran spoke confidently as he handed the bulletin back to Ruo. ~ 'A quest so small, just to gather some fungi will surely be useful in getting me some extra gems! Then, maybe I can buy some appropriate gear for some bigger quests afterwards.' Kieran thought to himself, feeling rather smug and proud of his own plan.
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Meliora ~ Meliora, far up saw a raven looking at a billboard. A raven looking at a billboard. Fancy that. Totally not like the falcon up above was wearing shiny armour and had a dagger. Hm. Maybe it wasn't so odd. Nonetheless, curious now, Meliora swooped down to said billboard once the raven had left. If Meliora was anything, nosy might have been one thing. But not in a bad way... maybe. She just wanted to know what it was. "Hm. What's this?" Reading it through, Meliora was intrigued. Maybe - okay, maybe - as a way she could re-earn her lost investment in what was probably not the best financial decision, but... these quests sounded intriguing.
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(New font :0) Kieran Ruo nodded his head. "It should be easy enough. Just don't get to close to anything hat sounds or looks dangerous." He said as he took the bulletin back, waving bye with his wing. - Meliora Ruo looked down again, glancing at the other hawk for a moment before speaking. "Have you found any interesting quests you like?"

Meliora ~ Meliora looked over the list. Hmm. A lot of these looked interesting - hey, at least they were all worth gems, and - hmm. What about that one? One of the quests had caught Meliora's eye. Maybe she could do it. "Just a question," she finally said after looking at the billboard for a bit. "What's with the Hydra at the docks?"
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Meliora - Ruo hopped down to stand infront of you. "The Hydra... yes, the Hydra. The Hydra is a very, very big serpent that eats the biggest fish imaginable, or so Tide says. Tide has bee complaining about it for some time now. He tried to kill it once, but well, Hydras grow heads when you try to cut them off, so." He said, puffing up his feathers against the colder winds.

Meliora ~ Meliora frowned. Her practical side of things was... thinking. most definitely. "Wouldn't it have been more practical to kill the body instead of the heads? Unless of course their body regrows too." Shaking the thought off her, she thought for a bit, then nodded. "Perhaps it might be more ideal for me to go talk to Tide about it? He might have more information about it."
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Meliora - Ruo shrugged, then nodded. "Sure, Tide may know something about it. And I'm sure he'd like a visit from someone." Ruo said, flying back up to his perch on the board. "Just don't make him talk too much, or he'll never stop!" He cawed from the board, before standing back up and looking around.