
Do not post here unless you have signed up to Alpine Hills ------------- - You walk down the path that led away from the bigger cabin, you make your way to a building with a tent attatched. You walk in, and a red wolf looks p. "Hello, I'm Griffin, the healer here. I fix all the broken bones and wounds and all that stuff... You get the idea. Need me to fix anything?" He asks, his tail waving back and forth. -

Kieran Blackwood | Raven | Male | M: Griffin ~ Kieran's wings fluttered as he came to land by the tent, his furry friend following a short distance behind. He nudged aside the tent flap as he made his way inside. ~ "I take it you're the one who made the request for the glowing mushrooms?" Kieran inquired as he set aside his backpack, using his beak to carefully peck out the mushrooms. ~ "I found these. I'm hoping they're good enough, since I found them myself and all." Kieran couldn't help but gloat a little, acting smugly.
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Kieran - Griffin looked up, surprise and happiness glinting his eyes as he looked down at the mushrooms. "Why yes, I am." He said, trotting over and picking one up in his paws before setting it down and reaching below the small table that stood in front of the stand, grabbing a small pouch. "I hope it wasn't too hard to find them." He said, taking 15 Gems out of the small pouch and putting them on the table, passing them over to you.

Kieran Blackwood | Raven | Male | M: N/A ~ Kieran happily chirped as he eagerly pecked the gems into his backpack, his eyes carrying a new gleam of excitement as he shuffled the bag back onto his back. ~ "Glad to have been of service to ya! Until next time!" Kieran called out in a sing song voice as he beckoned his feline companion to follow along.
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Kieran - Griffin waved goodbye, gathering the mushrooms up and going back to his work.