
Do not post here unless you have signed up to Alpine Hills - - The sound of clanking and sizziling are all around you, and you peer into the doorway to see a giant white lion at work. He turned, cocking his head slightly before greeting you in a booming voice. "Morning! I'm Fabre, the one that makes all the armor and weapons for your trips. You'll thank me later when you're fighting off a dragon with a sword made of Purim, Purim is a metal only found here, and it's the strongest there is. Why don't you take a look at my weapons and armor over there? You might need them." - - Armor - None Leather - Adds some protection, just be careful not to get stabbed... - 10 Gems Gold - Better than leather, but you'll be here often getting dents and other repairs done - 10 Gems Silver - Somwhat strong, protects you enough to not get and major wounds - 15 Gems Iron - Better than most, you wont get any arrows swords in your stomach... - 20 Gems Steel - Great for fighting more dangerous enemies. It'll keep the pain awa, if you're good with a sword - 25 Gems Purim - Like I said, you could get blasted with scorching fire and still be perfctly fine. It costs a lot though, it's rare - 40 Gems - - Tools and Weaponry - None Silver Dagger - Not great for fighting dragons and such, but daggers are great for stabbing food and what not - 5 Gems Throwing Knives - You better have good aim for these. They can do a lot of damage when you actually hi the target - 10 Gems Standard Sword - Ya know, just a normal sword - 10 Gems Long Sword - Good enough to stab someone without getting touched - 20 Gems Steel Blade - Slices cleanly throug henemies - 25 Gems Purim Blade - Extremely easy to win battles with this blade - 40 Gems - Edited at October 24, 2024 01:43 PM by Rogue Whispers

Edited at October 24, 2024 03:02 PM by Bobcat

Meliora ~ Melie fluttered around the blacksmiths' shop. Hmm. How much exactly did she have again? Oh, right - not much for now... she guessed... but enough to get some things after all. She had seen the quest board on her little flutter around the town, after all. Some things she might be able to do. So... what exactly did she need? At least, with the stuff she had. Making her decision, she ambled up to the white lion. "Hey," she said, cocking her head slightly. "Surely you'd have some of that silver armour that can fit my frame?"
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Fabre looked up from his work, happy to see his first customer. "Hello, there! And yes, I do believe I have just the perfect silver armor for you." The white lion padded over to the back of the heated room, digging through many pieces of metals before pulling out a smaller piece of armor, the pieces threaded together by leather. "This should do the trick."

Meliora ~ Meliora clucked her beak appreciatively. "This does seem about right. As long as it's light enough for me, no?" (Let's ignore the real-life fact that silver is 1.4 times heavier than iron.) "I'll say, I'm a bit impressed you have something my size. I was assuming I'd have to wait." Looking up at the white lion, she cocked her head a bit. "I think I might need some sort of weapon as well. What would you reccommend for something that I would be able to use?" At least... it had to be within her budget - and for now, she'd have to go light on the spending. (a bit short oof-)
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Fabre tapped his claw to his mouth for a minute, then stood up and walked to the back the room once more looking at shelves full with weapons. "For you...." He said in his booming voice. "I suggests the dagger. Though others have trouble fighting with it, I think being small and having wings making it much easier." He said, setting the dagger down next to the armor

Meliora ~ Melie nodded. "It does look sturdy and light enough for me to use." She picked it up and tested it's weight in her claw a few times, before setting it down and swooping over to the weapons rack where he had picked up the dagger. "Say," she said, examining what was on the shelf, "are those throwing knives reusable? Because a dagger seems great, but if I was to go against anything bigger..." she mused out aloud as she looked at them.
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"Indeed." He said, walking over and grabbing one of the knives in his hand. "I sell 6 in a pack, and once you slay a monster, you can use them again! Fell free to use them for as long as you like." He sat the knife down, and grabbed a small leather pouch. "It's best to keep them in here when your not using them so you don't get stabbed."

Meliora ~ Meliora cocked her head at the great white lion. "Well, you certainly have thought of most things!" she said appreciatively. "I think that'd be about it for my shopping here." Smiling a bit at the blacksmith a bit, she set herself down in front of the items he had laid out. "That'll be... something along the lines of thirty gems for these three items?" While Meliora was quite conscious of the fifty that she had, she was also a bit conscious of the fact that if she wanted to do anything productive, she'd need these things. And they'd be dead useful, after all.
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The white lion nodded, smiling. "Yes, 30 Gems. It's a lot, but It'll do the job perfectly." He said, handing the knife pouch over with the other things.