

• Nameless - 1st Person • I woke with a rumble in my chest. I got up with a large, toothy, yawn as I stretched my body and wings. The small dragons that huddled again me while I slept all scurried away. The smaller dragons flocked to the bigger dragons like myself. They were picked on by the medium sized dragons that mostly refuse to approach large dragons like me. While large dragons like me ignore their presence, sometimes benefiting from their presence. The smallest of them can pick out scraps from between my tooth or pick things off my scales. Either way it didn't bother me. I made my way into the larger section of the colony where most the other dragons were before settling on a rock.

*Star, a ice-storm, stretched and went to the clan, having never fit in, she didn't go often*

• Nameless - 1st Person • I looked around the open space at the center of the colony. As the alpha entered and wandered around every dragon kept their eyes on him. Quite a few were scared of him, but I didn't mind. He was always friendly toward me so I had no reason to be spooked.

*she bowed to the alpha and went out for food, coming back with a pretty big elk*

• Nameless - 1st Person • I watched a few dragons leave and enter the colony. One of them returned with an elk in their maw and it was tempting to try and steal. A couple dragons went and tried to steal it from the female.

*she sighed and set it down then electricity bounced from spike to spike as she growled then she picked it up and brought it to the elders and the little ones, along with the moms*

• Nameless - 1st Person • I watched the female bounce around for a bit before she took the food the the section of the colony where the mothers and elders were. I made eyecontact with a couple of the mothers and they were waving me to come over it seemed. I didn't want to at first since I didn't lay any eggs this season, but with a sigh and three strong flaps of my wings I flew over to them.

*she turned and greeted her* hello

• Nameless - 1st Person • "hello," I said sitting down, curling into a ball. One of the mothers nudged my side but I tried to ignore it.