
{ ~ Credits to Central Moss for creating the original awesome RP! ~ } Hello, Dragon riders! As you may or may not have known, we can no longer continue our RP on the old Forum. This is not for the actual Roleplay though. Here, we're going to figure out some stuff, making sure things go smoothly. Hopefully, the OP of the RP will join us ^^ _____________ We may have new people coming in (MAYBE), but if you are a rider from the old RP, please post your character information below. You can copy and paste it from the old Forum. Please include your Dragon and their character sheet. ______________ If you are a new rider, please fill out this form: Name: Preferred name: Age(13 to 23): Gender: Pronouns: Sexuality: Role: Year: Appearance: Personality: Strengths: Likes: Dislikes: Signifficant Other: Relationship Status: Preffered Dragon Type: Other: We'll figure out a dragon for you, so don't worry about that. Old riders, you'll keep your dragons from before. Edited at January 29, 2023 01:30 PM by Soulsilver

This is my character: ___________________________ Name: Axel Steel Preferred name: Axel, Axe Age: 18 years old Gender: Non-binary Pronouns: They/them Sexuality: Pansexual Year: 7th year Personality: (With strangers) Reserved Wary, blunt, sarcastic. (With friends) Fun, sort of chaotic, super sarcastic, loyal, and protective. They are mischievous. Appearance: Axel is sort of tan, but still pale. They have a pixie cut. The undercut is black, and the hair on top is white. Their hair is unruly and messy but doesn't look bad. eyes: Axel's eyes are a shocking red-amberish color. Their irises are red with amber flecks. Strengths: Fighting, picking things up quickly, sketching, electric guitar. Likes: Sketching, reading, mythical creatures, music, heights, the outdoors, and parties. Dislikes: Annoying people, being underestimated. Significant Other: Ari Relationship Status: Look above Preferred Dragon Type: Dark/Shadow and poison Other: They are good in risky and dangerous situations because they think fast, but they also take risks a lot. Dragon: Dust Bunny ______________________ Name: Dust Bunny Age: 52 years gender: Male Type: Earth Appearance: Personality: Dust Bunny is a fierce, aggressive, and cruel dragon. He likes teasing newer riders and tamers, he tricks them and isn't kind. Skills: Strengths: Teasing Trickster Boulder throwing Weaknesses: Water Types Mate: None ~Credit to Central Moss for Dust Bunny and his character sheet!~ Edited at January 29, 2023 11:59 PM by Soulsilver

Spot pack said: Name: Clementine Eva Mae Foxglove Torrez Preffered name: Clem Age: 15 Gender: Fem Pronouns: She/They Sexuality: Lesbian Role: Student Year: 5th Appearence: Pale skinned girl with green hair that has a pink streak running through it, often wears sweatpants, a t shirt and combat boots, is about 5"2 Personality: Friendly, but really rough and occasionally overbearing or overly loud and excited, but doesn't mean any harm. Strengths: Hand to hand combat, sneaking around, parkour and using basic weaponry( Bo staff, sword, etc) Likes: Engineering, candy and all things animal related and all bugs except centipedes Dislikes: Comments about her height, swimming, and centipedes Signifigant other: None Relationship status: Cold and alone :( Preffered dragon type: Fairy Other: If you ever need some one to give you random chemical compounds for unspecified or iffy reasons, as long as it's only borderline illegal and not fully in the red, Clem is your girl. ( Recent addition: Has a strong East London accent. )
Fruit Lovers said: Solar 269 Years And 6 Months Female Light (Uncommon) ~ A large white dragon with yellow wing flaps and a few gray stripes on her. Solar is a very pretty dragon, and looks quite friendly and she has light purple eyes. She has strong, large wings and stands on four legs, and she has sharp, ridged claws. She has small, hard scales covering her body. She has a very long, strong tail and two large dark gray horns on her head. ~ Solar is very friendly, easygoing, and gentle, a perfect starter dragon. She is very kind to others, and is obedient to all the humans. She doesn't mind being pushed around and tries to be as easy as possible. She enjoys laying on warm rocks in the heat, and is only grumpy when she gets woken up from a nap. ~ Solar is very skilled at making quick decisions on what to do. Solar is best at resisting heat and flying for a long time. Solar is worst at fighting and being in the cold. ~ Solar has no mate. Wip
Solar is my character's dragon, credit goes to Fruit Lovers for the original character sheet. The only reason that it says Spot pack is cause that is a dead account, password got changed a little while after posting on the rp, still the same user though. Edited at January 29, 2023 01:08 PM by Belladonna pack

Name: Maggot Age: 52 Gender: Female Type: Dark Appearance: Maggot is a imitating black dragon with glowing pearly white eyes. Her scales seem to glow with darkness and she seems to be a shadow herself. She has four large wings long, sharp talons. She has a white aura ,but she can hid it at will. Maggot also has a slim but muscular build. (c) Jeb’s Dragon Creator, @picrew.me (Pretend it has four wings) Personality: Maggot is a very distrusting dragon. She especially distrusts humans and hates them with a passion, but she can be extremely loyal. She likes to fight, annoy, and start drama. Maggot is very stubborn and likes to take risks. She has anger issues and is very good at lying and convincing. has so many hidden feelings that she tries hides from herself, she is very good at hiding emotions. Skills: Maggot is Quick and agile, can become one with the shadows and can use the shadows to shapeshift or manipulate them, she can see a little bit of the future and feel emotions, she can see in the dark, and she breathes a dark mist that gives a strong emotion of fear. Strengths: The darker it is the stronger she is. She gains strength from the moon. Weaknesses: Light, big bodies of water (she can't swim), and her own mental self. Mate: none Other: N/A

Name: Jasper Sterling Preferred name: Jaz Age(13 to 23)(35 to 50 for headmaster): 13 Gender: Female Pronouns: She/ Her Sexuality: Straight Role: Student Year(If student): Year 1 Appearance: Jasper is a little shorter than average, but not to short. She has long brown hair and hazel eyes. On Jaz's belt she carries around a pouch with reasorces and has holders for throwing stars. She also wears a dragon tooth necklace, shirt with long sleeves slightly pulled up to reveal two long black gloves with finger holes, and boots. Personality: Wild, Choatic, Fierce, Brave, and Weird Strengths: Doesn't care what people think about her. Doesn't mind getting messy. Pretty good at throwing stars. Likes: Dragons ( Total dragon Nerd), Weapons, and adventures! Dislikes: Snobs, Homework, and Spiders Signifficant Other: None... yet Relationship Status: None... yet Preffered Dragon Type: Doesn't care Other: N/A

Advance Warning ⚠️
It has been decided that the roleplay sign up's will be discontinued and the main roleplay will open on or around February 2nd, please message me if you can't sign up before then, and want to, so that I can discuss with Soulsilver. Please make sure that you add your human AND dragon sign up sheets if you already have a character, and make sure to credit the person who made the sheet, unless you originally filled it out, and made BOTH characters. Above all, just have fun, and please, please, PLEASE, if you are new and joining the roleplay, no Mary/Gary's, Godmodding or controlling other characters, along with the other basic rules and regulations for the forums.

Name: Isa Age: 13.5 years Gender: Female Role: Student Year: One Appearance: Isa has long, slightly curly Light brown hair usually kepted back in a braid. She is pale skinned and She has round blueish grey eyes. Personality: shy and prefers to let others volunteer first for almost anything unless in includes getting away from people. She's kind but doesn't make friends easily. Likes: drawing, dragons, animals, Dislikes: crowds, loud noises, people who talk a lot. Preferred dragon: anything that isn't to flashy. ------------------------ Character 's dragon: ( original creater: centralmoss) Name: Icicle Age: 159 years Gender: Male Type: ice Personality: sweet, protective, loves to be ridden, Likes attention Skills: ice shards, freezing breath Strengths: Agility, training, good impressions Weaknesses: fire, arrows, poison ---------------- ( The dragon that I created) Name: Glow Age: 50 years Gender: Female Type: Storm Appearance: Glow has coppery orange scales with a lighter underbelly and has pale green eyes. She has ridges along her back. Her wings fade towards gold at the tips. She is 5 feet tall and is 8.5 feet long nose to tail tip she has a wingspan of 10 feet. Personality: Glow is a shy dragon preferring to stay in the shadows then in crowds. She doesn't trust easily and can be quite fierce. Abilities: She can change her scales to more muted greys to blend in with rocks and shadows, she can shoot lighting out of her mouth. Strengths: hiding in the shadows, flying, agile Weaknesses: Stronger dragons Rider from original roleplay: Arrietty ( Centralmoss)

Name: Ember Preferred Name: Ember Age: 16 Gender: Female Pronouns: She, her, hers Sexuality: Pan Role: Not sure what that actully means, but uhm, Apprentice? Year: What does that mean, Imma just say 2 Appearance: Long, wavy black hair, striking yellow eyes, pale skin, scar over one eye Personality: Outgoing and protective, very playful and adventurous Strengths: Loyalty, good eyesight and hearing Likes: Cute things and wolves, color orange, cold weather Dislikes: Snarkiness, her brother Significant Other: None Relationship Status: Single Pringle Pref Dragon Type: Either Fire or Shadow Other: Can turn into a cat I'm guessing I don't make a dragon?

Kitsune, one thing is that this isn't really a shifter school academy sort of thing. Yes, we do have two ability users already, but they don't shift, so if you could change that, it would be much appreciated. Role: You're going to be a student at the academy, and the year is basically the grade. I would put you in year 6 though since you're sixteen. And no, we'll figure out a dragon for you ^^

(Kia's OLD form. If you would like her new one, tell me! :D) Name: Kina Nicknames: Kia Age: 21 Years And 8 Months Female Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Gay..? ~ Role: Student Year: 5th? ~ Appearance: (I don't have a picture for her) Kina is tall and skinny. She wears a purple shirt, with dark blue jeans, and has a big black hoodie. Her hair is a dark black color with a few hints of brown. She only wears because it was the only comfortable hoodie she could get, the rest were jackets. xD Kia has her right eye blue, and her left one is green. Her skin color is tan. Her nails and toenails are painted purple, her favorite color. She has a small gold leaf ring, and a gold necklace, just a boring, gold necklace! No decorations on it. xD ~ Personality: Kia is very annoying. She doesn't respect anyone, and always thinks she is right about everything. She is very mean, and doesn't like to be around anyone else. She only came here because she thought dragons were cute. :) ~ Strengths: Being Stealthy, Annoying Others, Acting Smart Likes: Trees, Nature, Fire, The Color Purple Dislikes: The Ocean, Being Wet, Fish, Being Cooped Up ~ Sister: Maji... Significant Other: Uhm... Relationship Status: Uuhhmm... Preferred Dragon Type: Fire! >:)