
If you want to join the roleplay please PM both Frostyhills24#294020 and Lunar Eclipse#290295 ~ Starter Plot Yasari saves another hybrid from a bear attack after they were already injured from escaping a group of hunters. She decides to take him in and heal him up, and in return, he protects her and helps provide for her in the way a mate would for both her hybrid halves. This makes her extremely confused because she can't tell if he is being generous or trying to court her. Edited at November 5, 2022 07:38 PM by Frostyhills24

- Frostyhills24 -   ~ Personal Information ~ Name: Yasari Age: 22 Gender: Female (She/Her) height: 6'2" Species: Hybrid (Elytrian-Piglin) Languages: Piglin, Nether-speak, Enderman, she understands English but can't speak it. Father: Unknown (Deceased) (Piglin Brute) Mother: Unknown (Deceased) (Elytrain) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Extra Information ~ Personality: Independent, strong, Logical, Merciless, Reliable, hard-working, self-provider, determined, efficient. Likes: Books, Exploring, Black cats, Arctic foxes, Gold, Wither skeletons, Withered roses, and her netherite axe with gold detailing. Dislikes: Monster hunters, Bears, Withers, Abilities: She is unaffected by the heat, and she doesn’t have to put on as many layers as a human does in the cold. She has the ability to fly because of her elytrian side and can walk through the lava. She doesn’t have time to really enjoy life, it’s all work, work, work, for her since she lives alone. Housing: She lives in a cottage, in an arctic biome. She built her cottage with a ladder leading down to an underground ravine where she keeps all her farms, farm animals, storage, etc. She normally only travels outside the cottage to collect wood and to go to the nether. Backstory (shortened): After an incident of her accidentally killing a hunter near a town in her teenage years she moved to the arctic. Monster hunters occasionally try to find and kill her thinking she is a unique monster. Her scars are all from fighting bears and hunters, otherwise, she really has no other threats. Fun facts: + For Piglins giving gold or golden items is considered flirting, for Elytrians it is the same way with diamonds. + Yasari is not used to being given things in general. So she gets flustered when given things without having to trade for them or without having to do a favor in return. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the blog with her full character sheet Edited at November 5, 2022 07:32 PM by Frostyhills24

Name: Gastly Age:20 Gender:Male Height:6'5 Species:Hybrid(Enderman and Ghast) Languages:Enderman but can speak nether Father:Enderman(deceased) Mother:Ghast(Unknown) Siblings:alot one of them Being Ranboo Personality: kind, naive, Shy, Talktive Likes:Fire,Running around,being annoying, magmas,Cats, Dogs Dislikes:water,being patted,being talked about,Hunters,people who hurt Cats and dogs About:there's no much known about him Housing: unknown Backstory: unknown Fun facts: + He finds Netherite a weak thing + He finds Enderite interesting [Mod edit: Image removed for hotlinking, no credits, dollmakers and picrews must be credited. Please upload images to a correct image hosting platform.] Edited at November 6, 2022 11:24 AM by Eternity

Yasari's Pov - 1st Person The snow was worse than most days, it was coming down hard enough that it would be best if I didn’t fly. I opened my front door and went to the shed connected to the house, I grabbed the sled and hooked up the two Grey Clydesdales I kept to pull larger kills and wood. I wanted them grey so it was easier for them to hide among the snow if they ever had to be turned loose. I got on the cart and led them through the timber, guiding them using the reins. I spent most of the day collecting timber. I heard human voices yelling and immediately I ducked, they were growing distant but I could still hear the hoofbeats. I quickly grabbed the reins of the horses and guided them between rocks where they wouldn’t be seen. I tracked and followed the horse prints, I heard them start returning and hid again. “Let's go, if we don’t get him the bears will and we can return for his bones!” they started to cheer and rode past. I went the way they came slowly stalking, I started hearing a bear. I removed my axe from my belt, the thing I hated more than hunters were bears. They always tried to kill my livestock, I wanted to get rid of it and make sure it knew this is my territory. I stalked closer and hid behind a rock, the bear was the largest in my territory so far. That wasn’t intimidating though, was spooked me was that the bear had a hybrid pinned against the rocks. They were bleeding from the head and threatening to pass out. It was on its hind legs and it stood about 5’5”, most likely an adult male. I jumped down and ran up from the side, switching to my hog form and standing 6’7”. My wings disappeared into my back, feeding into the hog form. I jumped down and talked the bear from its side knocking it off balance and then falling into a shoulder roll. Immediately while it was down I took my axe to its shoulder blade, ribbing its shoulder muscles so it couldn’t use that arm. I stumbled back and ended up doing another shoulder roll to get out of its way. It got on all 4’s and roared, I roared back louder. It ran directly at me, I jumped to the side last minute and threw the axe down on its neck as hard as I could, severing its head. I let out a victory roar, I turned to the hybrid and approached. I knelt and made direct eye contact, his head was rested again on the rock behind him. We stared each other down, I didn’t say anything and changed back into my humanoid form, my wings reappearing from my back. The only sound was the cracking of my bones moving and the crows in the trees waiting to see if it was safe to land and eat the bear. I got up turned my back to him and started cutting the pelt off the bear. ------------------------------------------------- This is the starter I do not expect you to type this much Edited at November 5, 2022 09:27 PM by Frostyhills24

Gastly first person i watched the other Hybrid as I tryed to force myself up but fell right back down as I groaned in pain as I hand my eyes closed for some reason as I layed my head back in pain as I cryed abit as the water burnt a part of my face

Yasari's Pov - 1st Person I heard a shuffling than a sizzle coming from the other hybrid as I was finishing removing the pelt of the bear. I turned to look at the hybrid and they were crying, the tears were burning their face. I quickly finished removing the pelt and removed the head from the bear completely. I put the pelt over my left shoulder and the bear head in my left hand. I walked off to my wagon and left the stuff to go back for the hybrid with a sigh. When I came back I offered them my right hand, once they took it I pulled them up and pulled them into a fireman's carry.

Gastly first person He groaned when she lifted him up he was very light as I whispered"thank you for saving me..."I had some type of Nether talk but it had some Enderman in it aswell

Yasari's Pov - 1st Person I heard and understood what he said, but I didn't respond. I then laid him in the back of my wagon and threw a cloak over him. I put a cloak over myself in case the humans came back. I climbed in the seat of the wagon and led the horses home. Luckily we didn't run into them and got home without issues. I took the hybrid into the house and sat him in front of the fire, lighting it and throwing a bunch of furry warm pelts at him than handing him a potion of healing. I went back outside to take care of the horses and take the logs off of the wagon. I wasn't wearing much but I handled the cold well due to my unnatural warm body and thick skin. I headed back inside carrying the bear pelt and head, then strapping the pelt to a drying rack. I brought out my extra cauldron and lit a fire underneath it and waited for it to start boiling.

Gastly first person I saw the boiling water and then did a endean scream as I backed up far away from it as I kept doing that scream like I terrified of the water

Yasari's pov - 1st Person I jumped at the high-pitched screeching and quickly turned my head to the hybrid. I put myself and put my hands up and spoke in nether "Calm down I'm only boiling water to get the skin off the bear skull so I can make a new mask," I said quickly then sighed "Would you prefer if I boiled the water in a different room?" I asked in nether-speak letting my arms drop and tilting my head to the side.