Pack Name/Number:
Character Reference and description of what you want:
Payment (always accepting different offers):
Total amount of Apples/Mush:
Alternative Payment (options below):
Important notes:
Headshot: 2 apples/1,200 mush
Headbust: 2 apples/1,200 mush
Fullbody: 3 apples/1,800 mush
Surprise: 600 mush
+Background: 1 apple/600 mush
+Shading: 400 mush
(prices may change depending on difficulty)
Alternative payments:
Fertility Fig. (insta-pop): Takes off 2 apples 1,200.
Green/Red fern: Takes off 2 apples or 1,200.
Butcher's Broom/Elderberry: Takes off 2 apples or 1,200 mush.
Golden Raspberry: Takes off 3 apples or 2,000 mush.
Passion Flower: Takes off 2 apples or 1,200 mush.
Exclusive/Crystalline Dyes: Takes off 5 apples or 2,000-3,000 mush.
Decor/Gear: Prices vary.
Other: Make an offer and I might accept.
I will not take Jasmine or any of the gender-related items. This may change depending on how I feel that day. Try to make the offer anyways.
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If you find that you are not satisfied, I do offer a ~75% refund (round up) in mush and apples. I do NOT (normally) refund breeding items, but will return their worth in mush (and possibly) apples.
I will also redraw if needed.
Be honest about how you feel! I need criticism to improve.
That's all I've got. Thank you for your consideration!