
Hi everyone! I am currently working on a personal palette and just have a question. I entered the exact same colour code into the section for the chat boxes as I did for the home page tables yet they show as two different shades? Their opacity is the exact same, nothing is different between them Example below The darker red is the shade I am aiming for (grey boxes are just hiding my currencies, they aren't part of the palette) Super confused @_@ Thank you for any guidance <3 
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You may have placed the HEX in the wrong spot. You can PM me if you'd like and I can help you more! ^^

Is it possible you messed up a number / letter in the hex code?
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Jack Frost said: You may have placed the HEX in the wrong spot. You can PM me if you'd like and I can help you more! ^^
Thank you, I shall message you soon <3 TheCuteHuskyPack said: Is it possible you messed up a number / letter in the hex code?
Both of the numbers are the same :| perhaps it's in the wrong spot, I'm clueless haha
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