
Hey there, So, some of you may know that I work with an online art program and a *drumroll* trackpad. On an old computer. I struggle, but, hey, I get things done. More or less. Example Credits to me. Yes, the tail is supposed to be that long. Character belongs to South Side/ South Pole. Can y'all see the pixels around the harness? It took me about an hour to get the pixels off of the outline of the reindeer and wolf. But my art program is awful, none the less - it has issues with pixelating things. But I can't pay for an art program. Does anyone have a advanced FREE art program? Edited at December 16, 2019 09:05 PM by Star of Wonder

Medibang and FireAlpaca are both great art programs that you can get for free! I personally recommend Medibang. Skyetic swears by Autodesk Sketchbook, but I wasn't able to figure out the layout as I've become accustomed to my art programs. I believe there's also a thread somewhere on here with a bunch of links to free art programs!

I use an app called medibang. You can use it for free, or buy medibang pro. I just use the free version. Theres lots of brushes and tools


Actually, Krita is a very advanced app, which is much like photoshop. I recommend that, if your hands are already stable ;)

Autodesk Sketchbook is incredible, but will be difficult to get used to if you use programs with layout similar to firealpaca and photoshop and such.