
all art shown is mine.
Im... happy my current art style. I feel like I'm improving nicely.
https://s33.postimg.cc/7v18q5rvj/Untitled753-5.png https://s33.postimg.cc/b1vs9rwvz/Untitled762.png
Today I took a big step and decided to try lineless/semi-realistic art. I'd like some thoughts on whether I should switch to this style or use it for my shop or whatever.
Thanks ^^

Mind if I ask what you use to draw?
From what I see, both styles are cute as hell. However, the last piece posted is, personally, the better of the two styles.
What I'd say, though, is to make your lines thinner in your usual style ( if it's possible, I know using mouses / normal tablets are difficult to do that with ! ). If you can't make them thinner, don't worry. I honestly think you've improved so much already, and I can't wait to see how you progress with your art :D Edited at July 5, 2018 02:57 PM by Xeno

Xeno said: Mind if I ask what you use to draw?
From what I see, both styles are cute as hell. However, the last piece posted is, personally, the better of the two styles.
What I'd say, though, is to make your lines thinner in your usual style ( if it's possible, I know using mouses / normal tablets are difficult to do that with ! ). If you can't make them thinner, don't worry. I honestly think you've improved so much already, and I can't wait to see how you progress with your art :D
I use ibis paint X on my phone. I used to draw with just my finger but now I use a fancy pen with a stylus-like thing at the end.
Thank you! I'll try to keep that in mind. Personally I feel the second style is a bit messy, maybe your suggestion will work.
Thank you so much! :D