
So, I've been doing digital art for some time now, with a focus on doodling canine and feline creatures. As a result, I've been studying the anatomy of real life canine creatures for some time now as well. Even though I do have a bit of a cartoony art style (and I'm not the /best/ artist by any means, I still have a lot to learn), I do have an eye for anatomy. And since that can be a pain in the butt, I thought I'd help some people out with it. So, I'm offering free redlining and general anatomy help. :'D
If you don't know, redlining is just where you send me a drawing you're unsure about, and I go over it to see if I can fix up the anatomy in some places. People usually do this in red, hence the name. xP If I redline something and you change your piece accordingly, you don't need to credit me or anything. I'm just here to help, so. ^^
Please note that I'm probably not the best person to trust with equine art, since.. I don't really do that. xD
Also note that even though I might be online, it may take me a while to get to redlining your art. Most of my time on WP is spent on my phone, and due to my busy schedule I'm only really on my computer in the evenings. So apologies if there's a delay. :'D
So.. yeah. To make things a bit easier, here's a little form for you to fill out if you're interested in redlining~
Art For Redlining: Needs Help With: Would you like the result posted in this thread or in PM?:
If you need general advice, just post your questions/what you'd like help with. ^^
Aaand that's about it. Enjoy, I guess? :'D

Art: http://i63.tinypic.com/n1sadd.jpg Need help w/: everything X.X Post in thread please

@Moon Wolves I'll see what I can do! ^^

The head is so weird, and it looks really derpy :\ Could you send it through pms? Thanks!
[Fixed the link for ya] Edited at May 13, 2018 08:44 PM by Mavi

@Moon Wolves This is what I came up with~
It's a bit messy, so I'll explain. xP
The wolf's head, even considering the chibi-style proportions, seemed a little big. So basically I made the head a little bit smaller, and the body a little bit bigger. His neck was especially quite skinny, so I gave him some meat there. (didn't do this, but adding a fluff like texture on the neck and in some other places would be cute c;) Also tidied up the head anatomy, as I felt like the snout was awkwardly jutting out from the head a little bit.
As for the island(?), I made it more 3-dimensional, separating the part that the wolf was standing on from the rocks and stuff that you see underneath the water. As for the reflection of the wolf's head, I didn't really do much with it, I just tried to connect it to the island a bit more so it didn't look like a random floating head. :')
Hope this helps~

@Deja Thanks! I'll see what I can do~

Dash Attacked said: @DejaThanks! I'll see what I can do~
(And thanks Mavi X3)

Ugh, I'm so in love with your art. I need this.
Here the art https://s31.postimg.cc/ix4k1cecb/Untitled370-2.png ^ my current avie which I feel is a bit off. Is there anything I can change about it? ;-;
Also, mind sending this through PMs too? Edited at May 14, 2018 01:50 AM by Cún.

@Cun Alright! I'll see what I can do when I get home tonight. ^^

Thanks! Gotta say that's kinda epic! Dash Attacked said: @Moon WolvesThis is what I came up with~
It's a bit messy, so I'll explain. xP
The wolf's head, even considering the chibi-style proportions, seemed a little big. So basically I made the head a little bit smaller, and the body a little bit bigger. His neck was especially quite skinny, so I gave him some meat there. (didn't do this, but adding a fluff like texture on the neck and in some other places would be cute c;) Also tidied up the head anatomy, as I felt like the snout was awkwardly jutting out from the head a little bit.
As for the island(?), I made it more 3-dimensional, separating the part that the wolf was standing on from the rocks and stuff that you see underneath the water. As for the reflection of the wolf's head, I didn't really do much with it, I just tried to connect it to the island a bit more so it didn't look like a random floating head. :')
Hope this helps~