
Administrator Lightbringer
Welcome to our Design An Item contest for July, the Dog Days Of Summer! Put on your creative thinking caps and come up with fun items for our Event Shop! These will not be dropped by the Swimmers. They will be in the Event Shop. They can be any summer theme or dog theme. You only need to come up with the ideas for the items, not draw them. Our artist will draw them for you. There will be multiple winners for this and each will receive 5 copies of their item! This contest ends Next Monday the 8th. Please don't overpower the items. Think about what you would like to have. Good luck everyone!

Collar Adds points to obedience stat - Flip flop Random sandy colored pelt for expecting mother's pups.

Chew toy: given to pups and gives 20 cp to battle or agility beach ball: adds 30 cp to battle ConeFlower: given to a female wolf to give 40% chance of a light fallow or dark fallow pup being born

Dog Tag - "Wowza! A coin! No... icky someone carved something into it. Welp, maybe it could pass for something else?" Use this 'coin' as a fake WolfParty token! There is a catch though.... You can only receive dog based pelts! Tennis Ball - "SQUEAAAAK!" Use this tennis ball to add +25 Social! (CP amount is subject to change) Stuffed Toy - "It looks like a pup! Ahh! It SQUEAKS?" Use this on a pup to gain +10 CP on selective randomized stats! (Charisma, Social, Maternal, Empathy, Morals) Biscuit - "This.... smells awful. But.... it looks like a bone?" Feed this to a wolf mid-battle to regain a bit of hunger and health. (Amount is subject to change) Dog Blanket - "Wow it's so warm and cozy! It feels so safe here." Use this in a pregnant female to reduce her pregnancy timer by 10 hours (Time subject to change) Dog Collar - "Oooh look at this! So fancy~!" Use this on a wolf and their next litter of pups will have a higher chance of gaining a randomized dog based pelt! There is an increased chance is one or more parents already has a dog based pelt! Doggy Bag - "It smells good. Like really good. Like really REALLY good!" Use this item to double the amount of dog bones you earn for 1 hour. (Time is subject to change) Edited at July 3, 2024 10:08 AM by Emmet

Sunscreen- increases total wolf health by 10.

Squeaky Bone - "Oooh this looks fun!" Give this to your pup for a CP Boost for Social and Empathy! . Sock - "Oh the temptation, you just can't resist!" Give this old chewed, and worn out sock to your pregnant wolf to increase chance of getting a pup with the parents markings! . Beach Towel - "Nice and cozy day at the beach." Give this tor your pregnant wolf to have a higher chance that their pups get a Summer themed pelt! . Sunscreen - "Now I might get a tan ;)" Give this to your wolf to increase their health before/during battle . Beach Ball - "Nice and steady, only thr best can balance this on their nose!" Give this to your wolf to increase their social and charisma by 15 points! . Floaties - "Perfect for learning to swim!" Give this to your pup to increase their chances of gaining CP in explore! . Dog Leash - "Learning the hard way!" Give this to your pup/wolf to increase their diposition to Obiedient. . Dog Collar - "Ugh, all scratchy!" Increases Wisdom and Empathy by 15 points. Edited at July 4, 2024 05:29 PM by Wolf Pride
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Doggy Treats - use on a wolf to increase it's weight; adds +15 pounds per use. (If it's too much, maybe make so it can only be used 2 times per wolf or decrease to +10 per use?). Good Boi Badge (can be "good boy", but I thought "boi" was cuter) - Increase the disposition rate by one stage. Firefly Jar - Doubles the CP gained by a pup in explore for the next 40 moves. Whistle - calls back a prey/enemy that escaped. Edited at July 7, 2024 11:29 PM by Revelry

Dog Lead or Dog Muzzle - Changes wolf disposition to obedient. Dog Whistle - Allows you to summon an enemy or prey creature of your choice. Camping Tent or Sleeping Bag - Adds a single slot to your den. Plane Ticket - Allows you to skip the wait time to replay a level in explore. Sunscreen - Changes wolf's base coat to a different colour (randomly selected).

Kong- It's chewy and hard. You find peanut butter inside. Hunger +10 Sunglasses- You try them on and see the world in a whole new way. +5 perception. Inner tube- Your wolves float down the river. +5 moves Edited at July 3, 2024 11:51 AM by Link Cat

I've been wanting to suggest an item that removes explore replay cooldowns, but then I saw hydroberry already wrote this! I agree with that suggestion, would love to see it in game. m Dog Treats- Even a pack of wolves can't help but get excited over this delicious snack! (Pack happiness fixed at 100% for twelve hours) m Cone of Shame- I hate this thing. But it's supposed to be good for me... (Wolf heals at a faster rate for 12 hours) m Travel Kennel- Fall asleep in here, and you somehow end up in a different place when you wake. (Teleport to a random unexplored space in explore; good for times when you can't find the last couple of squares) m Doggy Paddle- I learned to do this to stay afloat. (+1 flood vital for all exploring wolves for 20 moves) m Fire Hydrant- A place to leave a mark on the world. (Increased chance of winning in pack encounters in explore for 20 moves; essentially adds dominance without actually adding dominance) m Table Scraps- All this? Just for me? (No increase in hunger/thirst for explore team for 20 moves) m Puppy Pawprints- Your pups have all the energy of a golden retriever! They're all eager to play. (Take two pups with you during explore) m Squeaky Toy- That noise catches the attention of any canine! (Pups pay better attention; increases chance of the pup gaining cp in explore) m Frisbee- A toy used for training and tricks! (For 20 moves, pup has a chance of gaining cp from any hit to prey/enemies in explore, not just kills) Edited at July 3, 2024 04:29 PM by Wolves of Kirsuk