
I am looking for some custom design ideas for this ugly boy below: I would love to see some ideas for him. Here are some things I do and do not like! LIKES: - uncommon/rare/legendary coats - eyes color doesn't matter - male beta position - dark or neutral colors - good blending -higher rarity than what he has now DISLIKES: - leopard print - any unnatural coloring -common pelts - no blue,orange,purple, green, or red I know it isn't a lot to go on but I am still pretty open to ideas. I would like something that won't cost me more than maybe 60-75 apples. If I pass on your idea please don't be offended. If I find one that I like I will message you personally and talk to you through there. (And we can figure out a payment plan of some sorts.) Also, put how much it would cost in the link with it. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT A CONTEST JUST LOOKING FOR SOME IDEAS. Edited at February 14, 2022 09:43 AM by Vaelaq

https://wolfplaygame.com/custom.php?cid=161518 :) 117R I've never linked a custom wolf before so idk if that will work- ;-;

alright it does! forgot that leopard was a dislike though... sorry! you can't really see it so...- Edited at February 1, 2022 01:17 PM by ~.Archery


I could try something thats a little cheaper but also with good rarity... let me see what I can come up with

I don't have any apples so can't do it...sorry...

Ahh see thats lowers rarity then what he has now but thank you! OnlyOneOf said:

You don't need apples to do it. Just come up with the design and copy the link. But its fine lol. Wolfborn said: I don't have any apples so can't do it...sorry...

Yeah the link didnt work haha. Valentino~ said: https://wolfplaygame.com/custom.php?cid=161518 :) 117R I've never linked a custom wolf before so idk if that will work- ;-;

do you like dark colors or birgther wolf colors?