Since I've finally got the time back on my hands (and I oh-so-rudely let all my other 1x1's fizzle out) I'd like to start an RP with someone (or a few if we mesh well!)
Prefer human/humanoid, dragon riding, cryptid hunting, general cryptid-esque things. I've no definitive plots in mind, but I've always been a sucker for the world falling apart and the mains trying to fix it.
Maybe something How to Train Your Dragon like, with the mains finding dragons and learning to bond with them?
I typically play female, and often do MxF, but am open to any pairing.
Anywhere from 400-2000 words is great, but I can definitely write more and would prefer if you could as well (once the plot is developed, of course - I understand the relatively short beginning posts)
Semi-lit preferred. I can ocassionaly use big words, but sometimes I forget how to spell and write nicely, so I'm not always the most eloquent partner.