
Game Moderator Darkseeker
ImgBB.com will no longer be used as an image host. Threads providing links to image hosting sites have been updated to reflect this new rule.
Please update any ImgBB links that you've used on the forums so you don't lose any important images.
If you're looking for a new image host that's not on the list of what we have already, feel free to test this one out: http://www.imagebam.com Edited at August 8, 2018 12:48 PM by Vennenum

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Users will have a week to update any posts using ImgBB so they don't lose any images (and so mods don't lose their minds).
After August 15, 2018, any images linked from imgBB will be edited out.
So please don't report any until then Edited at August 8, 2018 01:44 PM by Mavi

Is https://postimg.cc still allowed? Edited at July 27, 2019 06:24 AM by Star's Oracle

Vennenum said: ImgBB.com will no longer be used as an image host.Threads providing links to image hosting sites have been updated to reflect this new rule.
Please update any ImgBB links that you've used on the forums so you don't lose any important images.
If you're looking for a new image host that's not on the list of what we have already, feel free to test this one out: http://www.imagebam.com
Is imagebam.com still an acceptable host

I am unable to use the imagebam because it comes up with a warning... :P

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Yes, both imagebam and postimg (should) be allowed.
@TheShyFoox-- what warning are you getting? Please make sure to turn off any adblockers you have.

Vennenum said: Yes, both imagebam and postimg (should) be allowed.
@TheShyFoox-- what warning are you getting? Please make sure to turn off any adblockers you have.
Awesome thanks!

Is there a certain reason imgbb isn't allowed anymore? Just curious. ^^

Using it like we do on here was found to violate their terms of use.

Oh, thank you for telling me. c: