
ok we can start here when you are ready Edited at September 18, 2024 09:31 AM by icemoons

(k, but which wolf should I use? I'll let you choose)

I'll be female, Here's my bio Name: Ice age: 7 looks: grey fur, blue eyes, a scar along her side, has a slight limp. personality: ice is a very very privet wolf, she doesn't let anyone see her. She is very wary of strangers at first and doesn't back down from a fight. She's lonely but doesn't want other wolves to know. She has a very sad past and it haunts her dreams. (ok when your ready you can do yours and then we can start!)

(I'll use one of my real wolves cuz I'm not good at making one up) My wolf: Gender: Male Name: Fight on Fighter (you can call his Fighter for short) Age: 10 Looks: a black wolf, with medium grey stripes everywhere, gold eyes, light grey paws, 128 pounds, thick build, fur type is long, and he has a black rat as his tiny "advisor" named Stone. His Life: his mom was the daughter of my very 1st wolves, his dad was a wolf from another pack so he never knew his dad. Fighter is a fierce strong and brave, experienced wolf, but he acts like he's WAY younger, so no one always gets his age right, so it doesnt ever come to his mind that he would die. He is also dominant, social, and empathetic, which means he doesn't seem intrested in killing humans, wolves, unless he has to defend himself. He likes to teach others about anything. (k lets start)

( kk) Ice awoke at dawn with a dull ache in her leg. the ache was furmiliar to her but she still hated it. She winced as she stretched before going out of her cave to hunt. she haden't eaten in days and knew she had to find food. after searching for a while Ice had found a elk carcus that haden't been killed by her, it had a wolf's scent on it though. I hope this isn't an intruder... i don't wanna fight but I will if i have to... still it's food so im gonna eat it. she thought before taking her fill of her meal. after eating ice had began the treik home but paused at the scent of the same wolf from the kill. her fur bristled on her back and she scented the air again. this wolf was close, very close... as Ice got back to the den she laid down to watch and find the intruder. Ice had the smallest hope that the wolf wouldn't be hostile, maybe that wolf was as alone in the world as she was... ( don't forget to subscribe to op so i know when you post and we can keep the story going!)

(I subscribed) Fighter smells another wolf nearby, "5 miles away", he thinks to himself, "only...", then he hears his stomach gurgule and he remebers that he is hungry so he sniffs the air and smells nice fat cows that smelled tasty so he ran towards the cows and 3 miles further form the other wolf. Then when he killed 3 cows female one was giviing birth so he ate the one giving birth because it smelled tastier and was fatter. Then after eating he sees he has a lot of leftover he sighs not knowing what to do. Then a minute later he smells dog tracking him, he quickly rolls into the dead cow then the dog can't find him and returned to their owner.

( i didn't get the notification that you replied...) Ice sighed, The wolf was moving away now, she had been watching for a while now and decided to sleep. She yawned and tried to stand but her leg was stiff and collapsed under her. oh come on! stupid leg... i guess i'll sleep here tonight... Ice gave a howl, she didn't know why, maybe the wolf she scented would hear it and come, her howl was beautiful, long, sweet and it showed how lonely she was.

Fighter after all that rolling, purks his ears up to a howl of a beutiful female wolf. Then he thinks "does she want help or what?" then he didcided to go see whats u with her but 1st...what about his food? Then he dicides to drag them somehow into his den 2 miles away...2 hours later. and job done! He grabs one of the dead cows head and neck and runs towards the wolf he heard howling earlier.

ice watched the moon rise over the vally. She was tired but sleep wouldn't come to her. She sighed not wanting to remember but as she closed her eyes, the horrid day came... Ice heard the rumble in the ground and let out a yelp. the alpha of the pack Eskimo saw it coming. he yelped back, afraid.
"Ice take the pup and go!" eskimo yelled. " Not without you! COME ON!- NO NO WILD NO!" Ice screamed. The pup had fallen over the cliff and eskimo, the father had gotten thrown over the edge by the avilanche. The ice came twords her and slammed into her, the world went black. The wolf awoke with a start, it was still night but she was shaking with fear. she didn't want to rememeber but she did. She let out a groan and stood up then jumped back as a male wolf was in front of her. ( Subscribe to op)

Fighter cocks his head at Ice, asking her, "are you hungry?". Then Fighter drops the food in front of her gets back sits down and watches what Ice will do or say. (I already subscribed and get notifications each time you write) Edited at September 23, 2024 11:15 AM by Meile