Wolf Play : Hope | Literate RP | Open!
 Lazy Kingdom
06:54:55 Lazy, Crazy Cat Lady
Hello, I am looking to do a laid back Rp with someone! Any topic works :D!

Please PM me!
06:52:41 Cloudz, Pumpkin
06:50:28 Cloudz, Pumpkin
I have dark brown with a lot of red in my hair so the roots are darker while the rest of my hair is sunbleached to look really red (cause im irish) so it looks better with dark blue then any light dye
06:49:30 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
Can I show y'all something I drew while playing with some flat brushes? >_>
06:49:14 free palestine
The urge to make a wolf YCH but I dont want the hassle lol
06:49:02 Vox, Corey
I keep buying more art of Jethro and I cannot stop ;-;
06:48:23 Vox, Corey
Ooo, that's a good shade!

Do you have dark hair or is it light? I know it looks dope no matter hair shade, but curiosity has me in a chokehold lmao
06:48:20 free palestine
Also Essenger is great for sketching. But I dont want to draw another canine again lmaoo
06:47:51 free palestine
I am thoroughly surprised no ohe has made those edgy draconic/demon horns for custom gear. Non cervine, just edgy horns. Or at least I cant find them. It would have been a great throw back to those old internet age fantasy wolf forum rpgs lol
06:43:37 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

Part of that picture (which is gorgeous) made me think.

Does anyone in chat know how to change the focus of objects with their eyes? I can and it's super weird when you do it subconsciously.
06:42:24 Devil (Any pronouns)
Hi chat
06:41:22 ET
Another attack down! :D
06:39:20 Cloudz, Pumpkin
He loves it, I didnt do full blue, i only dyed the tips. But I did dark blue/colbalt blue
06:37:40 Vox, Corey
Does he like it? :D

What shade of blue did you go for? :0
06:34:47 Cloudz, Pumpkin
My boyfriend was the first to see the color, he still gets surprised seeing me with blue hair, nobody else from my work has seen it, only a few people knew i was dying it
 white tail
06:33:52 tails
I know
06:32:48 Cloudz, Pumpkin
Lol, my hair is sensitive (because of my medicine)
 Arctic Moon
06:32:34 NY, Malo, Arctic
White tail
Wolves can die after they turn 15
06:32:01 Vox, Corey
That's fair. I was too lazy to try to go anywhere so I did it at home while I tried to avoid the dobermans that wanted to jump on me lmao
 white tail
06:31:40 tails
my pack has been slowly"disappearing" my only wolf is winter now
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Hope | Literate RP | Open!October 1, 2020 02:16 PM

sock monkey

Posts: 12435
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The Protector [1/1]
Kodaline the Caucasian Ovcharka, played by Grimm


The Jack of All Trades [1/1]
Ajax the Rhodesian Ridgeback mix, played by Candor


The Speed [1/1]
Frosch the Greyhound mix played by Verdorben

The Brains [1/1]
Kyanite the Smooth Collie mix, played by envious


The Wayfinder [1/1]
Camino the Catahoula mix, played by Boundless


The Detector [1/1]
Valentia the Barvarian Mountain Hound, played by Onyx Haven


The Small One [1/1]

Geralt the Norfolk Terrier mix, played by Kämpa


Edited at October 1, 2020 08:39 PM by Autumn Bound
Hope | Literate RP | Open!October 1, 2020 02:17 PM

sock monkey

Posts: 12435
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Early Spring
Starting Time:
7:30 A.M.
General location:
West coast, what might have been a California city
The large enclosed dome that is the canine training facility. There are no windows, but it is a spacious, well-kempt structure that provides for all of your needs. You are treated well by the humans, and have plenty of time to run about in the yard between training sessions. You have never been outdoors, and only know what lies beyond your home through training simulators.
You are currently situated in the largest yard - green grass, sturdy fencing, and a ball or two included - with the rest of your group members. You have worked together for years, and know each other well.
Current weather (outside)
Warm, light breeze, partly cloudy.


Edited at October 1, 2020 02:17 PM by Autumn Bound
Hope | Literate RP | Open!October 1, 2020 02:18 PM

sock monkey

Posts: 12435
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Announcements, etc.

None as of now.


Edited at October 1, 2020 02:19 PM by Autumn Bound
Hope | Literate RP | Open!October 2, 2020 11:48 PM

sock monkey

Posts: 12435
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Camino | The Wayfinder l Mentions: Team

There was something off about Boots this morning. Her handler, of course, had been affectionately dubbed 'Boots'. An odd nickname, but appropriate, nonetheless. As far as Camino knew, he was the only one in the world of humans with his specific footwear - worn, old combat boots, shoes that sounded a distinctive, heavy footfall upon his approach. No matter the time of day, he was always wearing those boots - those same boots that Camino had nearly chewed to bits as a puppy - perhaps more than just once. Miraculously, he had gotten another pair. And another. The boots just kept coming back. Odd was the human's ways of clothing - there always seemed to be a replacement. Goodness knows why they needed more than on pair of fabric to protect their fragile skin, but it was not the concern of a dog occupied by her own job and tasks.

Usually, when there was work to be done, Boots walked with confident purpose - and Camino appreciated his steady nature and sure routine. It all made sense, when she knew what was ahead. But today was not normal, as far as she could tell. Her handler had changed. He wasn't collected and his footfalls weren't as deliberate - instead, his gaze was distant, his normally calm manner frayed. He was agitated, worried, tense, and it was almost as though Camino could smell the stress on him. It was from him that Camino had learned the art of remaining calm, and level-headed, and it was uncharacteristic of him to betray his own teachings. Camino adored Boots - she didn't like his unhappiness, nor was she looking forward to whatever that change in demeanor meant for her and her team. Change - upredicted change, at least - was chatoic, messy, and highly stressful.

Walking in silence, as they always had, the human and dog soon arived at the enterance to the yard - a lovely space. Enclosed, windowless, yet well-lit and cheery. Vividly green grass was rooted in soft dirt - an excellent surface for digging, but Camino knew better than that. Boots had discouraged her long ago from that particular habit, but there still was a distant longing inside of Camino to bury her claws into the earth, pulling up the grass, tearing apart the frail root system.

You know better, Camino, her mind whispered.

The wayfinder sat obediently at the gate as she had been taught. Boots swung open the door, and stepping inside before beckoning for Camino. There was no need for him to tug at the leash attached to the worn leather collar around her neck - the two had worked for hours upon hours when Camino was young for off-leash training. It was almost as though she could predict what her handler was to command before he said a word. Regardless of the obediance courses Camino had sat through, she knew she would follow Boots anywhere he asked her to go - within reason, of course.

Boots kneeled before the dog, reaching out a calloused hand to scratch behind her ear, just wear she liked it. With practiced motions, he then unclipped her leash.

"I'll see you soon, alright?" He said, standing once more, then brushing the dirt from his pants. Boots waited for a moment, as though contemplating something, before releasing a sigh and exiting.

Camino watched him go. She had rather hoped he would stay, perhaps toss the ball a few times. But he had places to be, business to attend. Camino turned, shaking out her spotted pelt. She was the first to arrive in the pen, which wasn't unusual - her handler was always punctual.

Camino drew up her hanging ears to the best of her ability, tail swinging through the air as she paced the edge of the fencing, taking in the different scents. With a huff, the dog then picked up a bone to chew at, and carried it to the far corner. Camino drew a paw half-heartedly across the dirt before setting her nylon bone on the grass and laying down. Relaxed, as was per usual for the wayfinder, she gnawed at the bone, eyes scanning the pen for any arriving teammates.

Hope | Literate RP | Open!October 3, 2020 12:43 AM

Former Pack

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⁀➷ Geralt ⁀➷

゜The small one ゜Mentions: Frosh ind. Camino

The frigid blow of vented air ruffled Geralt's small build. He never liked how automatic things were here, although, he never knew what it was like to feel something natural. All he had experienced from the outside world were the simulations that took place daily. Geralt bounced up and down, having to trot alongside one of the humans as they headed toward the yard. His pace wasn't at all a smooth one, as one could see his limp ears flopping up and down every time a paw left the cold, rough flooring. The sounds of heels clipped and clopped their way down the hall, along with the insistent pitter-patter of Geralt's claws scraping the ground. He could sense a tension radiating off of everyone, although he didn't know why. Every day was set in a routine, why should today be any different?

Although he felt uneasy, Geralt shoved those feelings in a deeper part of him. If he could feel it, the others could too. The last thing the team needs is anxiety. The thought of the team always lingered in his mind... Geralt suddenly perked up at the sudden halt that came to him. The brown-black halter that fit him since birth suddenly tugged on his chest. Immediately, Geralt stopped. Voices approached his auditories as he listened in on the faint mumbles and whispers of conversation that leaked. Although he couldn't quite make out the words, it seemed to be a polite greeting infused by terrible small talk. Even after years spent around people, some just can't spark up a conversation. Just the very thought of constant talking brought him to the idea of Frosch. How he adored the long-legged creature that was purely non-stop. If Geralt ever felt bored, Frosch was there to spill out heaps and mounds of entertainment. Although, the rest of the team don't seem to be as tolerant of him as Geralt is, yet that doesn't seem to diminish Frosch's demeanor.

Once he heard the ending of the human's conversation, he readied himself to continue forward. It wasn't long until they reached the yard, although it always took Geralt a while to reach it because his little body could only handle so much at a time. Finally, they arrived at their destination. Gentle feminine hands opened the gateway to the yard, allowing Geralt's low point-of-view to grasp the knowledge of his surroundings. Immediately, his soft caramel-hued eyes wandered over to the fit multi-colored female off in the corner. Gnawing off on a bone, a relaxed aura just seemingly floating off of her. The very sight made Geralt fluff up and leap towards the grass. Yet he only met restraint. The halter stopped him from continuing onward, and Geralt collapsed in mid-air. Of course, he forgot he was still attached to the leash... and seemingly forgot his manners.

"Easy GG," Light words descended down to Geralt.

Regaining his posture, he sat upwards, chest slightly heaved forward; pointed towards the woman's knee as he perked his ears for her words. The anticipation and patience that he had to undergo in such sort notice caused the small creature to tilt his head slightly as if begging he could go. Yet, the woman had other intentions. Out of her pockets, she grabbed a small ball. The size was large enough for Geralt to have to open wide but small enough for another dog to choke on. Excitement overrode his body. Motions without thought started to explode. His body leaped upward on its hind legs, his front paws outstretched onto the woman as he eyed the toy. A couple of small yips erupted from his little muzzle as his body rattled with anticipation.

"You ready?" The very words caused Geralt to bark louder this time, jerking his head upwards in a wanting motion. "Are you sure?" Geralt leaned back, releasing his front legs from her leg before pushing back on them again, as a fox would leap onto a rabbit-hole. "Go get the ball!" This time, Geralt used her leg as a jumping post to propel himself forward. His eyes locked on the ball that was sent flying through the air. Through all his blind excitement, he didn't even notice that his harness departed from the hook of the leash. But, was still attached to him. He could feel its loose, yet compacted grasp along his stomach as he bounded forward with all the might he could. His little body tumbled forward, calculating when to leap upward and grasp the ball in his jaws. He was a little speed demon that could've been called Bullet in another life. He had a steady pace, that was until the ground fell into a slight ditch that wouldn't have bothered a larger dog, but lagged Geralt to slow down. His pace became uneven, yet he managed to keep his balance.

Although now lagging behind, he still kept on pushing. The ball gravitated downward, hitting the ground with a thump before ascending once more. He had to catch it before it gave into the gravitation. Geralt's mouth parted open, and with one last push forward, he clamped it shut around the ball. Victory! He skidded to a halt, flopping onto his side at the sudden force he had to use. Yet, quickly regaining himself, her darted back to the woman. In no time, he was at her feet once more, the ball rolled off his lips, his salmon tongue lolling as he harshly panted. Only now he began to feel the throbbing pains in his legs. He had strained them once more, but he didn't mind. His heart practically thumped out of his chest, but he had been in far worse situations, once that he thought his heart would burst out from his chest.

"That's enough for now, little man," The soft giggle left the woman's lips as she closed the gate, leaving Geralt behind. The departure of his human would've left him in a slight depression if it weren't for her small laughter that left an airy sense around him. Geralt turned back around, adrenaline slowly leaving his critter-sized body. His eyes didn't need to scan much of the yard before landing on the she-dog.


He had almost forgotten about her, she had been so quiet. Once more, for hopefully the last time he had to use so much energy, he pushed forward, barreling towards her. Once he managed to close the distance between the two, he slowed into a bouncy trot. Happiness and excitement once again fluttered in his eyes. A greeting posture was presented with the wagging of his tail as his button nose twitched at the sudden whiff of Camino's scent. Although before he could only sense a relaxed demeanor, something was off. His eyes slightly diminished and dulled, more of a comforting look radiated off of them now. He knew the dog had some mixed emotions dwelling inside, as all dogs did, and he was here for that purpose. As now he was only inches from her face, a tongue swiped out and grazed her chin. It was Geralt's famous way of saying "Hello!" Although some dogs may not approve of it, he thought it was a way of submission, yet a kind of comforting love that he was capable of expressing.

Edited at October 3, 2020 12:49 AM by Kämpa
Hope | Literate RP | Open!October 3, 2020 02:08 AM

Sir Froggington

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Ajax | The Jack of All Trades | Mentions: Camino, Geralt

Ajax's tail loudly thumped on the ground. He looked up into his handler's eyes with round adoring eyes, as she came closer. They had a close bond, and he knew her very well. They spent a lot of time with each other. He only spent more time with his team mates. She was an interesting character with the an unnatural bright pink dye in her hair. It gave that splash of color. She tended to be more cheerful and even. Some called her happy and rambunctious depending on their mood.

Today, she didn't give him the attention he normally recieved from his gaze, and he ducked his head disappointed. It normally meant he hadn't preformed well or he hadn't done something that she had asked of him. He wasn't sure how he had failed her, but he felt disheartened. He perked back up ready for any order she may command him, realizing this may be some other unusual test, that she was trying to set before him. When he looked back up, this time he was sure that he was ready to pay attention.

He realized that she was stressed. The scent made it clear as day, as it poured off of her body. The way she behaved, was so unusual, and he wondered how he had missed it the first time. She was stressed out, and she had a special destination for himself and her. He hoped they would go together, but they normally went their own directions. Uncharacteristically clingy, he pawed at her leg, and barely held back a pitiful whine. She didn't respond, and instead gave him the order to heel, as she led him down the hallways. Miffed that he had been so totally ignored, he gave his fur a great big shake, as his trainer led him out into the largest yard.

He wagged his tail excited that he would get to run around and play. There was plenty of room here for a large dog like him. He realized that he wasn't the largest, but he was heavy enough of a dog, that he deserved to be called large. His head cocked up at the trainer waiting for any signal. Normally, when he came to this field it meant he could play, but his trainer might have different ideas. His trainer just made some motion with his hands, which Ajax interpreted as he was free to go. Ajax felt a little hurt. Not only had his trainer not rubbed him down and told him what a good boy he was before they parted, he had basically signed shoo go away.

While he was trained to be highly tuned to change, he tried not to let the change in behavior bother him. After all his schedule hadn’t changed, and he had no idea what the change in temperament could mean. He tried to encourage himself that he was glad that his trainer didn’t feel the need to tell him to behave anymore. Maybe his trainer wanted him to be more independent. It was proof of the hard work and progress he had made.

Since Ajax had worked so hard for the trust, he was proud that he had finally earned some freedom. He shook off his momentary gloom, and sighted the dogs that he had been training with for years, so he headed in their direction. Even though it was at odds with his desire to play, and his youthful age, he was a little sleepy, and he wouldn't mind taking a nap. Now that he was inside the artificial yard, he had a look around. Depending on the dogs in here, he would nap or play.

He wouldn't mind playing with either Camino or Valeria. They were more his speed, and they weren't as small as some of the dogs. It was a good thing, because he was often a rough player. Sometimes he liked to roughhouse with Koda purely, so that he could practice taking down a large creature. It wasn't really fair, because Koda wasn't actively fighting back, so it was never the struggle. However, he did get to practice placement of how it might work. He realized that there were two other dogs already here.

There was no Frosch, which was a relief. He could talk someone's ears off, and made Ajax tired only thinking about him. He bounded across the field in large flowing energetic leaps. "Hello," he told Camino happily wagging his tail. His eyes widened with surprise, as he leaned away from Geralt sniffing him in surprise. "Hello Geralt, I hadn't seen you from across the field," he told him. He was quite small, and hard to see. He didn't feel like he could play, because Geralt might get squashed. That would not be a positive beginning to an already weird day.

That left him with the option of lying down, and being asleep. He sat his huge haunches down. "How are you doing? What's been happening?" he asked. He was a little curious why they had decided to let them into the large field today. He was curious if everyone else would be coming along also. He didn't want to make a big deal out of a mole hill, but it had him concerned. He had himself situation more on Camino's side rather than being near Geralt. Perhaps Camino would be a safe separater to keep him from accidentally flattening him.

Hope | Literate RP | Open!October 3, 2020 03:34 PM

Mara Moonridge

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Valentia | The Detector | M: Ajax, Geralt, Camino

Valentia's brown eyes gazed worriedly at her handler. They were close, and besides the nervous scent she could smell coming off of him, he was unconsciously exhibiting almost every one of the nervous ticks that he had. He had run his hand through his hair at least fifteen times in a span of five minutes, kept glancing as Valentia as if he was going to say something and then thought better of it, he was walking faster than normal, and he kept picking at the leash. She whined softly, brushing up against him. He looked down and patted her on the head, urging her to "come on." That wasn't like him.

Normally, when she did that, he'd stop for a good minute and rub her ears. It seemed to help calm him down, but this time, he didn't do that. Did she do something wrong? What if he was mad that she accidentally woke him up this morning? Oh no, she thought, ears pricking and forehead wrinkling. But he normally lets me know when I've done something I shouldn't.... what if this was the last straw?! He wouldn't give me away, would he? Surely he wouldn't... I've never been disloyal. Valentia walked fast enough to keep her handler's pace, worrying over his behavior the whole time. She kept glancing at him, her tail tucked, head down in an apologetic gesture, but he didn't seem to notice.

All he really seemed to look at today was the way they were headed. He seemed.... distant today. He'd seemed a bit anxious last night, but that normally only happened when he'd forgotten to ready everything for a training session the next day, so she'd thought nothing of it. Apparently, she should have. If she'd comforted him last night, maybe he wouldn't have been like this today. He normally told her what the plan for the day was as they walked, but now he was silent. Valentia kept thinking, but couldn't figure out what might be wrong. She pawed his leg and whined again, looking up at him with worried eyes. He turned, bent down, and looked at her.

"I'm alright okay, Val? Don't worry about me. You've got a big day today." With that mysterious sentence, he gave her a weak smile, scratched her ear, then clicked his tongue, the signal for her to follow him. What's he mean I've 'got a big day today?' What's so different about today? He doesn't act mad at me, he won't stop and calm down, he's not telling me what's going on... I have no idea what's happening. Why won't he just spit it out? Valentia started walking faster, until her shoulders were even with her handler's legs. She could feel her heart beating slightly faster as her anxiety rose.

After looking at him again, she stopped walking, hearing her hearbeat thrum louder in her ears. The leash tugged at her collar, but she didn't budge. Her handler looked back and clucked his tongue. Valentia sat down stubbornly. He sighed, walked back to her, and rubbed her ears for a minute. She looked up at him, her tail thumping softly. A few people passed by, asking if they were okay.

"She's just being a bit stubborn today," he'd say, giving them an apologetic smile. She huffed, but otherwise didn't protest. I'm only being stubborn because you need me too, she thought indignantly. After a moment, she heard his voice whisper into her audits.

"Feel better now?" She looked in his eyes, smelled his scent. Whether he knew it or not, he felt better. She gave him a doggy grin, licking his nose. He chuckled and shook his head as he stood up. Before he could even call her to come, she was by his side, tail wagging. I may not know what's going on, but if he feels better, that's all that matters, she thought relieved. Soon, they'd made it to the yard. Her handler unlatched the gate, led her in, and closed it behind them. He scratched her ears again as he took her leash off.

"Go on," he spoke softly with a gentle pat to her rump. Obediently, she trotted off, turning as he left the yard, waved to her, and left. Was it just her, or was he getting worried again? She barely held back a whine, but realized that there was nothing she could do to help him now. He had already left. She sighed and turned to look at the rest of the yard. A few other dogs had already arrived. Part of the group that she'd been thrust into; she could tell by their scents.

She thought for a moment, looking at each dog in turn. The smallest one is.... Geralt.... The spotty female is Camino, and the other one is... Ajax, I think. She approached after repeating their names a few times under her breath, though she still stayed a bit away. She nodded to each of them in greeting, though she made no move to say anything. Val, you're fine! she scolded herself. You've made it through extensive training; training that's strained you to your limits and you can't even manage a simple "good morning?" That's sad, Val. She sighed quietly.

"Um, g-good morning," she spoke softly, pawing at the ground nervously.

Hope | Literate RP | Open!October 4, 2020 03:36 PM

Dark Matter

Posts: 11487
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<°-°> Frosch <°-°>

<°-°> The Speed <°-°>

<°-°> Mentions: Camino, Geralt, Ajax, Valentia <°-°>

Frosch was trotting along the long empty halls, his tongue out the side of his mouth and his eyes bright.
Another wonderful day for fun and talking!
He could barely hide his excitement and nearly unbalanced the small human when he jumped forward. Ray he called her, which was short for Ray of Sunshine, because that was just what she was. Her eyes were blue as the simulated sky in the training sessions, and her hair as bright and golden as the sun, and she was happy and talkative, just like him. It was the perfect name.
He wondered what they were they doing that day? Would he train with the others in his team? Would he be able to run?
Oh he hoped he would be able to run and feel the wind on his fur.

He gave Ray a bright smile, his way of apologizing for pulling her, though it was more of a check if she was okay than an apology.
When Frosch stood on his hind legs he was taller than the woman, and though she was strong and he had no intention to hurt a fly- maybe talk- could flies talk? He'd love to talk to a fly and ask what it was like to fly! Would it be like running? He loved running too!
Frosch looked away from Ray, breathing in the ventilated air. He wasn't a big fan of the smell of this air. It was too stale, too clean. He had never smelled real air, never been outside, but just the thought of it made him jump in excitement.

"Frosch, calm down! We'll be there soon!" He heard his human laugh behind him, and when he looked back, he saw her wiping at her eyes. He smiled.
What a wonderful start to the day! He'd gotten his human to laugh, and from the looks of it they were walking to the largest yard, as he remembered taking this same path a while back. That would be amazing! He could run, really run, when he was there. The grass gave him traction, there was enough space to run straight for a little while, and when it was so open he could pick up speeds that made it feel like he was running through wind.
He loved it, when he got to run that fast.

He yelped with joy when Ray opened the gate and jumped again, some of his team was already there! Because of the harness he had on, he couldn't run just yet, so he turned to the golden haired human and made his eyes as big as possible and raised his left paw.
Most dogs begged to be pet or given a treat, but he begged to be let free every single day. He would never leave Ray, she was his and no one would change that, but the thought of running wild with no end was exhilarating!

"Oh, Frosch, you're such a sweetie" before he could move his human had wrapped him in a great big hug, and for the first time he realized that she had tears running down her face. The sight was very foreign. He'd only ever seen her cry twice before, and one was from happiness, when he tripped over a hole in the ground and tumbled down a hill in one of the larger yards.
He didn't like it.
Frosch licked her face and wagged his tail till she started laughing, and gave her the biggest smile he could when she grabbed his face and looked him in the eyes.
"I love you, boy" After one last hug she unclipped his harness and left, closing the gate behind her.

After a worried glance at the gate he turned around to take in the area.
In a distant corner he saw Camino... Ajax and Valentia... and Geralt? The tiny form could only be Geralt, who else was so small?
He barked a loud happy 'hello' before jumping into a fullspeed sprint, skidding to a halt right in front of them, kicking dirt in their faces.

"How are you guys today? Did you sleep well? I slept amazingly! I was dreaming about running in a desert! There were these green spiky trees, rabbits to chace and dirt! There was so, so much dirt" he laughed, "Whenever I ran I created an entire clpoud of dust, it was amazing!"
He let his tongue hang out the side of his mouth.
"Did you guys dream anything?"

Edited at October 4, 2020 03:42 PM by Verdorben
Hope | Literate RP | Open!October 12, 2020 06:24 PM

sock monkey

Posts: 12435
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Camino | Wayfinder | Mentions: Geralt, Ajax, Valentia, and Frosch

A round blur of motion shot through Camino's feild of view, followed by another, only slightly larger blur. The two tumbled, the larger blur coming out victorious, the ball in his mouth. Bright eyes caught Camino's, and the terrier totted forward, gait high-stepping and energetic. Inadvertantly, Camino's tail beat at the ground a few times, and her jaws parted in a good-natured grin. The dog always brought joy wherever he went. A small pink tongue flicked across Camino's chin as the larger dog lowered herself to his level to greet him.

"Hey Geralt," she said with an easy smile. Although she wasn't neccessairily feeling his energy, she shook out her mottled coat and rose to her paws, in case he wanted to play. If it would make the small dog happy, she would always be willing to play - anything she could do for her teammates, she would.

In only a moment, before Camino had a Chance to speak, a large figure was bounding towards the pair in long, graceful gaits Ajax. Even with his swift approach, Camino trusted him not to plow her or Ajax over - he had much more control over himself than, say Frosch. Even so. She stepped over Geralt, in case the oncoming dog might misjudge his distance.

Ajax came to a halt, greeting the two - his energy was already causing Camino to perk up a bit. "Hey!" the catahoula responded warmly. She watched as he carefully stepped away from Geralt until Camino served as a barrier between the two. Ajax had always been somewhat nervous around the smaller dog - which, really, Camino guessed stemmed more from fear of hurting him than anything else. Everyonce in a while, the Wayfinder had nearly stumbled over him, but not nearly often enough for her to be concerned for his safety - he was a tough little dog, whatever his size may be. Regardless, she wouldn't invalidate Ajax's discomfort.

"Nothing much," she responded. "Geralt just got here, and we should have some free time." Camino considered asking Ajax if his handler had been acting unusual, perhaps, but decided against it, as she didn't want to worry the team. She would keep it to herself, and adress the topic only if someone else brought it up. The team was happy right now, and she wasn't going to change that, not yet.

It seemed to Camino a conversation could not develop before another dog arrived. The canine was smaller, and more unfamiliar than the rest - ah, that had to be Valentia. The newer member of the team - a nervous, but sweet dog. Camino didn't really know her well, but she knew her enough to know that a little comfort couldn't hurt her anxiety.

Valentia greeted the group with a stuttering hello, and Camino stepped towards her, demeanor relaxed and friendly. "Morning Valentia," she said, eyes warm. "You have a good rest?" Most dogs, such as herself, consistantly sleep well; and then there were dogs like Kodaline, who somehow managed to function with only a few hours. Koda's lack of sleep was concerning to Camino, but she found that she couldn't change anything about it - he really just didn't sleep well.

Camino let her head lower slightly, lending to her a sort of non-threatening appearance. The poor dog still was nervous - perhaps she needed to take a walk? Camino hadn't discovered what calmed this dog yet, and emotional intelligence seemed to be a skill that, although Camino certainly posessed, was stronger in Geralt, for example.

Perhaps she ought to let Valentia greet the others first.

And suddenly, all at once, an incredibly tall, thin figure was barreling towards the group with no intention of stopping.

Any hope at peace was ripped away in that very moment.

Camino did her best to sheild the smaller canines, Geralt and Valentia, from the oncoming dog. The group was bombarded by both a spray of dirt and a spew of words. Camino had to take a moment to understand it all, and then process her response. She blinked, unfazed.

Offering a light smile, Camino responded, "Morning Frosch," voice friendly and far more steady and calm than his own. Humouring the large dog, Camino then considered the onslaught of questions. "I don't really remember my dream, but I'm sure the others might." She turned to the rest. "Any fun dreams?"

Camino stepped away from the group, facing them with an observant, calm gaze, waiting for conversation to spark and more dogs to arrive.

Hope | Literate RP | Open!October 13, 2020 09:58 AM

Mara Moonridge

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Valentia | The Detector | M: Ajax, Geralt, Camino, Frosch

Oh, that was pitiful, Valentia! Pitiful. You're such a scared little puppy. You can't do anything without freaking out about it! You couldn't even make the walk here without panicking about your handler. You're weak. Stop it! I know it was terrible.. But at least I said it! At least I made it here!... Oh, why do I have to think about everything so much? Valentia looked at her claws as they scraped the ground. Then a shadow fell over her and she looked up. Camino had come over. She had always seemed like one of the few dogs that Valentia could talk to... at least with a bit less anxiety.

Her ears perked as the Wayfinder spoke. "Morning, Valentia. You have a good rest?" Valentia nodded, looking at the dog gratefully. It was much easier for her to talk when she could focus on just one canine, rather than the whole group.

"I-it was okay. It felt nice after training yesterday," she gave Camino a small smile. "How did you sleep?" Although Valentia hadn't really gotten to know anyone in the group, besides first impressions and names, Camino was easier to talk to, and always tried to help her feel comfortable. She appreciated that more than the female could ever know. Yes, Valentia was still nervous, but her anxiety had calmed down from when she'd first said good morning.

She tried to keep her attention on Camino, but her mind kept wandering back to her handler's odd actions. "Um, do you know what's going on today, by the way?" she asked Camino hesitantly. However, the words had hardly left her mouth when a loud bark registered in her audits and a huge, thin blur dashed from the entrance to the yard towards them. Valentia's eyes widened and she stood up, unsure of whether she should run or barrel into Camino's side to get her out of harm's way. To her surprise, Camino stepped in front of her and... Geralt! She'd forgotten all about him! She looked, but Camino was standing in front of him as well. Valentia's heart was beating quickly as she whipped her head back around to the tall figure streaking their way.

A shower of dirt on her nose and a barrage of words upon her ears greeted her. She shook her head and blinked a couple of times to clear the dirt out of her face. Looking up, she saw a dog that seemed to be made of.... leg and not much else. He was so tall! She remembered meeting him before. His name had something to do with frogs, or so she thought... Camino's voice interrupted her thoughts with a "Morning, Frosch," and then proceeded to answer his questions. Valentia thought for a moment, trying to process what the big dog had said. Valentia spoke slowly, focusing on just Frosch. Just focus on one dog at a time. It's like training. You can't do everything at once, Val. It doesn't work like that.

"I-I slept well enough," she nodded nervously, her claws dragging across the ground, scraping at the grass below her paws again. Stay calm, Valentia... You've got this. He asked what I dreampt... My options are to answer truthfully, make something up, say I don't remember, or say I didn't dream anything. Make a choice quickly, Valentia. You can't take forever...

"I.... don't remember much of my dreams. From what I do remember, it was just a lot of scent tracking. It's all I really know... S-sorry, Frosch. I wish I could've remembered more so I could tell you," she gave the large dog an apologetic look, adding, "Your dream sounds great, though." In her mind, she remembered her dream vividly. Oh, how she wished she didn't.

She was on a mission, tracking scents in an unfamiliar area, the others close behind. A huge, unidentifiable beast came barreling out from a hidden cave, straight towards the team. She wasn't fast enough. It was over before she could get there. She'd waken, chest heaving. She'd tried to go back to sleep, but flashes of the dream-it had seemed so real-kept coming to her when she closed her eyelids. So instead, she had waken her handler, in hopes he could distract her until it faded from her mind.

She was able to drag her mind back into the present as Camino stepped away from Geralt and her. No, please don't go, her mind whispered. She looked down at the ground, trying to anchor herself and calm her fast-beating heart. She knew she shouldn't be this anxious. It galled her that she was, but she hadn't found a way to stop it yet... just ways to help herself deal with it.

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