Wolf Play : The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}
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=3 yay
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12:04:15 Asmodeus (he/they)
bye chat
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12:03:58 Asmodeus (he/they)
Huge Congratulations! Your Alliance has made Alliance Of The Day on the News Page!

ohhhh yay
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12:02:54 Asmodeus (he/they)
never mind it's in glitched now
 Continental Wolves
12:02:17 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
You have logged in 238 days in a row.
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12:01:43 Asmodeus (he/they)
um howl at the moon is glitched for me
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12:00:54 Asmodeus (he/they)

the campus I'm on refused to set off fireworks
11:59:51 Don't call me BJ.
Samesies, I was really looking forward to them this year. No one here was in a patriotic mood enough to do any fireworks :(
 Avatar Of Lust
11:59:04 Asmodeus (he/they)

I made this pelt design but I don't think I will turn it in for the contest
 Demon Souls
11:53:57 Demon/Death
What level is best for hunting rabbits?
 Avatar Of Lust
11:53:31 Asmodeus (he/they)
I'm sad cause I couldn't see any fireworks :(
 Blood lust tide
11:52:52 BewareWhoYouTrust
 Golden Meadows
11:52:10 Ollie, Gold
Welp, happy fourth of july to all those who are celebrating it.

Me and my cousin are going to sneak out at 11:30, so wish me luck with that lol
 Chaotic Twins
11:51:34 Ryder,Kalian
I'm excited for FMC
 Continental Wolves
11:41:51 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
I haven't done any fireworks this year >.>
11:41:11 Don't call me BJ.
Omgs What do the fireworks look like over there?
 Clear Sky
11:40:55 Sky / Blue - she,her
anyone awake?
11:37:26 Lil Techy | Techno
it sounds like giants stomping around in the distance right now


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The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}August 18, 2019 12:58 PM


Posts: 6996
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Welcome, Welcome!

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Basic Information

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Previously, I had made an RP called 'Murder Mansion'. It died due to me having to leave for personal issues, so when I returned, I recreated it. I then again had to deal with personal issues, so yet again, it died. I'm friends with the people who used to be in both RPs and a group of us who stayed have been making little side RPs with our characters. We discussed it for a bit and decided that instead of making a whole new full-blown RP, we would just take the group of us and RP here, instead.
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We would do random scenarios, so for example, 'Valentine's Day'. We would then RP and say it was Valentine's Day. We would RP according to whatever scenario/theme we were doing for that day or so. I understand I'm not explaining it very well, but you get the jist.
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Keep Everything PG-13
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Follow All WP Rules
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Be Polite
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Hate The Character, Not The Player
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No Mary/Gary Sues
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No Being OP
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Have Fun!

Discussion Link-


Edited at August 21, 2019 08:04 PM by Masky
The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}August 18, 2019 02:17 PM


Posts: 6996
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Only people from either the Original RP or Remake RP may join. If you wish to join us, but weren't part of either, PM me personally. There isn't a 100 percent chance of you getting in even if you do ask me. It really is just the luck of the draw. If I get a bunch of people asking me to join, then I will put your name in a randomizer and pick 2-4 people. If you don't make it, don't be rude or childish about it, please. Just wait for the next draw if anything. I will not tolerate unkindness and you will be blocked, then reported to a mod, if need be. Please and thank you.
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Further more, I will post a form for you guys who wish to join down below. Just fill it out and then PM it to me. I will then give you the basic information that you need to know in order to understand what's happening.


If you have questions, feel free to ask me in PMs! I don't bite too hard! Also, if you do ask a question, I will put it up here so I don't get frequently asked the same question. I won't give out the name of the person, as I understand if some people are more shy than other or simply don't want to be put up here.

Edited at August 18, 2019 07:16 PM by Masky
The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}August 20, 2019 05:00 PM


Posts: 6996
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The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}August 20, 2019 05:00 PM


Posts: 6996
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The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}August 20, 2019 05:04 PM


Posts: 6996
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First Theme/Scenario

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Vacation At The Beach!

Due to me being lazy, I don't feel like writing what the house that they are renting looks like right now.

You May Now Post!

Edited at August 21, 2019 07:47 PM by Masky
The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}August 21, 2019 07:22 PM


Posts: 6996
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The sound of tires screeching could be heard, before suddenly making one loud sound and then falling dead silent. Well, only for a moment though. The door to the large black van slammed shut and out popped a small, white-haired girl from the driver's side. For whatever reason, Scar let her drive, which was a horrible mistake, as half the time she couldn't even see without Scar picking her up and using his foot to hit the brake. The other half was her just speeding and almost hitting multiple things, both living and nonliving.

A giggle came from her as she stretched her limbs, sore from the multiple-hour drive. Glancing back at her tall friend who was getting up and walking through the curtain to the back of the van, making sure everyone was alright. Really, the van was more of a trailer-type thing, but still. All that mattered was that it was large enough to fit everyone back there and probably a few more.

There were couches on either side, with a bunk-bed at the end with windows on the sides. A small kitchen area that was literally just a sink, few cabinets, lights, and mini-fridge. Simplistic, yet nice. It had a small T.V. and on the floor under the bottom bunk, along with under the couches, were bags of clothes and such things. All of their necessities and whatever else they packed. It was Air Conditioned. That was the important part.

Kyoki had Kross sitting on his lap, arms wrapped loosely around his torso as he had fallen asleep. Nova had an arm wrapped around Aria's shoulders, leaning against one of her shoulders, sleeping quietly as well. When Scar walked in, he kept his empty expression as he looked at everyone, "We are here." He stated simply. With that, he then turned and left, opening the door and hopping out.

Grumbling a small bit, Nova and Kyoki both shifted, before their eyes opened at the same time. They looked at each other tiredly, before rubbing their eyes. Everything that they just did was the exact same. God, how creepy they could truly be. "Morning." They said in unison, before giving a small giggle at how identical they were.

The small girl looked up at the large- no, massive- estate in front of her. Clapping her hands excitedly like a child, she grinned. "We're here! We're here!" With that, she sprinted forwards excitedly. Her grey-eyed gaze held an excited gleam to it as she ran down the path and to the front door. Fumbling in her pocket for a moment, she pulled out a key and unlocked the doors, turning the knob and pushing them open happily. She stopped moving as her eyes- well, eye- widened as she looked at the grand entrance.

Edited at August 21, 2019 07:31 PM by Masky
The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}August 21, 2019 08:08 PM


Posts: 24919
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George/M/Homo/Controlling/Insanity/M: Everyone

George took his headphones off and glanced at Kelly. Kelly was pretty pissed that he had ruined her plans, but hey this was gonna be fun. Kelly probably didn't think so. She was only really talking to Frost whenever Frost talked to her, which wasn't a lot. George sighed softly and ruffled up his hair. "Can I just stay in the car?" He asked hopefully with a small smile. Kelly just shook her head. George huffed, annoyed. He desperately wished he could stay in the car or go back. He wasn't the biggest fan pools if he was being honest. He preferred lakes and he was a city person for Christ's sake! He glanced at the building from the inside of the car. It seemed so huge from where he was. He was sitting more towards the middle so he kinda just waited for everyone else to get out first being as 'nice' as he was.

Oof writers block)
The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}August 21, 2019 08:30 PM

Former Pack

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Lucas | M | Homo | no clue at this point... | mentions: Everyone.

For most of the ride Lucas had been hugging himself in a corner. No he was not a fan of speed and shadow happened to be driving like a maniac. He had been tempted to talk to George but decided against it not wanting to make a fool of himself. As the door opened he quickly ran out once on the ground he found a tree to hug. The look on his face was one of a traumatized child.

Frost | F | Bi | insanity | mentions: everyone

She was hot that was all the went through her mind throughout the car ride. It had been nice chatting with kelly here and there but at the end of the day she knew heat stroke was going to get her by the end of the day. She was sweating more than the average person at this point, it looked like she was a melting popsicle. As the door opened she moved to the shadows of the car hissing at the sun that seeped through the open door.

Damian | M | Bi | insanity | mentions: everyone

He was quiet for the ride having not bothered to talk to anyone. Everyone seemed excited for this summer vacation he didn't have a clue why. He never got the idea of family or vacation to him this was just like the circus moving to a new location. He hopped out of the car and looked to the house, it was beautiful indeed. Although he found himself already missing the security of the forest.

....it's been too long.... I promise I'll write more for the next reply's!)
The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}August 21, 2019 08:48 PM

Former Pack

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Felicity Rouge - F - Bi - Murderer - Mentions: Everyone
Kross Kasai - M - Bi - Murderer - Mentions: Everyone
Aria Rose - F - Bi - Insanity - Mentions: Everyone
Insanity - M - Bi - Guess - Mentions: Everyone

Felicity sat beside Damian, smiling as Shadow drove. Every now and then, she'd say something like: "Isn't this great, Dami?" With a big smile on her face. When the drive was finally over, she followed Damian out, kissing him on the cheek. "Love you!"

Kross sat on his boyfriend's lap, his eyes closed. He nuzzled his face down into Kyoki's neck, fast asleep. Well, until Scar started talking. He jumped a little, frightened at the sound of his voice. He quickly calmed down, and patted his lover's head. Aria had been fast asleep as well, her long white hair covering her face. Scar's voice made her open her eyes and smile. "Wow, guys! We finally made it!"

Insanity sat on the very end of the couch, grumbling the whole way. Somehow, he found a way to become visible to everyone at the same time. And he hated it. Not as much as he hated this trip, though. He didn't care for human things like this. He stood up, his tail whipping back and forth. He looked around with his odd looking eyes, and walked out. "Ugh. What the hell is this?!"

Edited at August 21, 2019 08:51 PM by Petals
The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}August 21, 2019 10:47 PM


Posts: 6996
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My Chaotic Characters//Mentions: Everyone

The small female looked around at everyone else, noticing on how she, along with only two or three others were excited. That made her a bit upset, as she had actually been saving up to take everyone on a vacation anyways. She tried not to let it get to her, though, as she cleared her throat and spoke, "Everyone find a room and then claim it. Feel free to sleep together, couples." She then paused and stared at Felicity, then Damian. "Aye! No messes, do you understand me? I didn't pay extra for a maid so you guys are gonna have to either buy new sheets or wash a pair, depending." She said in a commanding tone, before giggling and running off upstairs to find a bedroom. Oh, how much she loved to make dirty jokes and then act innocent. It was her specialty!

A small snicker came from Scar, before he silently walked after her. His hands were shoved into his jean pockets and he was hunched slightly, walking at a slower pace than her. A much sower pace, considering she ran. He had no smile, though his eyes held just the slightest hint of caring in them as he watched his best friend. No, he didn't have a crush on her. He just simply cared for his friend deeply and considering she had been the reason he- Gah, nevermind. Who would want to know Scar's backstory anyways?

Nova and Kyoki had an arm wrapped around their lover's, not really minding one way or another what room they took. This house rather massive, so there wouldn't be a need for a specific bedroom, as they all would probably be relatively large. Plus, if Shadow took the largest bedroom in the house, what would even be the point? The girl was always by herself since nobody seemed to take a liking to her- Well, at least that's what she thought, anyway.

Short, sorry))

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