It has been Forever since I organized a WolfPlay RP, I am very rusty. but i also have zero patience so SIGN UPS ARE OPEN EVERYONE YAAAY
i have like the weakest world building ideas for this so if anyone wants to hijack it in the eventual discussion Be My Guest
RP Thread: nuh uh
Discussion: n/a
Part 1: Plot
Part 2: Rules
Part 3: Roles + Character Form
The crew of the White Tide have been terrorizing bays from here to there for decades now. Known for their brutal nature and fearlessness, they're the thorn in the royal navy's side and at the forefront of every merchant ship's fears.
However, with a new captain in charge and their last few battles ending poorly (mostly alive, but poorly), the White Tide is entering a crisis. To top that off, the original captian hid his treasure somewhere and didn't bother telling anyone where, so now they're kind of... treasureless. To combat this, they all decided to go with the genius plan of kidnapping the princess for ransom. And maybe hiding in a siren-infested bay just to toy with the royal navy. What could possibly go wrong?
Well, sirens know what anchors are, and now they're not giving it back. The ship is stuck and surrounded by hungry eel-like, shapeshifting creatures who keep trying to lull everyone overboard, and as the nights go by everyone's resolve and sanity is chipping away to the sound of siren whistles. The princess isn't doing too well being shoved on a dirty ship when she's made for a pristine castle. They never actually meant to hurt or kill her, she was just there for some quick money.
So now they're faced with a few issues, and for once it would actually be nice if the navy came by because they have got themselves in quite the predicament. The new captain's constant slip-ups and their most recent plot disaster is making crew loyalty drop, the sirens are absolutely salivating under the hull of the ship, and the princess looks like she had a bit too much salt water to drink.
They've been here for three days now and probably don't have much left before a mutiny, a siren feast, their plot backfiring, or all three occur.
-All WP rules apply
-All romance pairings allowed obviously, but please note that romance is not the main priority of this.
-Characters must be older than 23 and preferably way older than that. These are pirates after all
-please try to have proper grammar and write more than two paragraphs per post.
-fights in character should not bleed out to OOC drama. do not take personal offense to characters fighting please (you must ask for permission to kill/physically wound another tho of course)
-Reservations last two days
-once i think of more rules i should probably have i will Add Them
Captain (0/1)
First Mate (0/1)
Sailing Master (0/1)
Carpenter/Medic (0/1)
Sailors (1/whatever)
Princess (0/1)
Background (optional)