
Hi Everyone! Willow here ^^ This is where my wacky wonders shall be asked + answered by you guys! I will try to make it a daily thing, and if your new, feel free to answer any of them (if theres more than one when you find this) Happy Hunting!

Willow's Wacky Wonder's #1 Hi! So. my Wacky Wonder today is- If you could be any animal, what would you be and why? Me personally I'd either want to be a bird or a fox, those reasons being I can fly (for the bird) and for the fox, im not entirely sure but there my favorite animal so ^^ But what would your answer be?

I would want to be a wolf (surprise!) because I love them and I'm biased Or maybe a black bear, because they're cute None of those are good reasons lol. But that's my answer

Willow's Wacky Wonder's #2 Hi! Welcome back! So. I had a different thought this morning. So! My Wacky Wonder today is- Do you ever have dreams you don't undertstand? I have a bunch of strange dreams, I sleep a lot so afterwards I will sit and try to figure it out. But what about you guys? Edited at May 2, 2024 02:02 PM by Willow Tribe

I never remember my dreams, except for the feelings I have from them. Like, if I'm dreaming of something that would make an excellent plot for a book, when I wake up all I remember is that it seemed really good and never actually what it was. I know I've had strange dreams, I just don't know what they were xD

I sure do, one of them was about turtles climbing on walls..

If I dream its never good because it usually means I have a fever, so all of my dreams tend to be fever dreams. I never understand them

Willow's Wacky Wonder's #3 Hi! Welcome back! I have had this thought for a few days now if I'm being honest. So! My Wacky Wonder today is- If you could bring back any era, what era would you bring back? If I'm being 100% honest, I'd love to bring back the 2000's because of the music. But what about you guys?

Willow's Wacky Wonder's #4 Hi! Welcome back! I'll admit I have been off for a few days (Oops..) But we are back with another question. That being said! My Wacky Wonder today is- What would you do during a zombie apocalypse? Strange question I know but I was rewatching I am Legend yesterday. XD I would buy a whole bunch of canned food, lock myself inside, board up windows and only venture out if I had to. How about ya'll?