
Hello! I have loads of characters, and you can ask any of them questions, so long as you don't STEAL them. Nothing racist, homophobic, or generally mean, like, for example, "Spitfire, you're ugly" or something like that. Please ask questions, like: "Spitfire, why are you so grumpy?" or something. Be respectful! Think of these characters as real-life people. (You may also ask them roleplay questions, such as "How do you roleplay") (I will ignore/report inappropriate questions) (Also, if you ask a question and the answer isn't in the bio, I will add it and give you credits for it) Without further ado, here are my characters: Edited at January 23, 2024 03:52 PM by Crypto Currency

Hey Reeko, what do you think of anthro mice or rats?

Reeko: "H-how did you... d-did you look through my search history?!"

Shanx, I like your name! Where did it come from?

Shanx: "Well... I chose it. I thought it sounded like the word 'shank'. Ehehehe..."

Hey Lilith, do you like to take naps?
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Lilith: "Yeah-I do! Naps are super fun."

Agreed, how do you feel about naps in canine hammocks?
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Lilith: "Hmm... It depends. I don't like windy days, so no if its windy."

Hi Peraya, do you like hawaiian pizza?