
The Betta Fish: Mr Wiggles (I got this idea from Spirit, he and I are twins and got our own betta's on Christmas.) - I got Mr Wiggles on Christmas, he was given to me in a very small vase, and horrible food. I didn't have the money to get him the tank yet so I did what I could for the time being, I played with him, the way I did that was put a dry erase marker against the glass and make circles for him to chase, I also pet him. He is still a baby betta. The food I was given was far to big for him to eat so each food time I had to cut up each pellet into 6 pieces so he could it, 2 pellets for my little guy. Anyway, his name is Mr Wiggles and he will be given loads of care <3
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His 2.5 Gallon tank until I can buy him a 5 Gallon. Currently I'm waiting for the water conditioner to set for Mr Wiggles to be set in. When I am paid I will buy him loads of hidey holes, plants, decor, and a leaf bed. I will also get him some new LED's for his tank. He already has a water heater in there, I plan to buy a filter when I'm paid as well. <3 If anyone has any ideas for fish treats please let me know!!(Foods that are okay for young Betta!)
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Anyone feel free to comment!
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Mr. wiggles is a very active child
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He reminds me of my old beta, Shadow! Can't wait to watch him grow up!

Aww, If you have any photos I'd love to see your betta :D
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I won't lie, this reminds me of the betta I had when I was little. His name was Diego and I remember bringing a picture of him to school on pet day
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Awww do you have any photos of him now?
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I'm not sure. I don't think so, it was like, 11 years ago?
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