Feel free to comment, give tips, or just chat about fishes I suppose.
I have a fish, his birthday is December 25th (when I got him)
his name is Acorn Vyn Guardian, named after two of my close buddies and my self.
Here I will update people.

Update one, the day I got him.
very small boy. Best Christmas gift ever. He was very sad though. Such a horrible container. I was not given any time to prepare or was I given the right stuff to take care of a baby betta fish. The pellets I was given were to big for him so I had to crush them up.

update two:
I bought him a much bigger tank, better food, heater, and rocks he will hopefully dislike less. It's currently sitting for 24 hours. When he saw it he got quite excited- I don't know if it was because he saw the huge tank beside him or that he knew it was food time. Perhaps both. But he got much happier all of the sudden.