
(I wasn't 100% sure where to put this, if it's in the wrong category mods please move it) ~ So this has been on my mind for well a long time. Ive always struggled with writing detailed personalities and appearances, and for the rp's I like to be in well it's kind of required. So I was wondering what are some tips for writing detailed personalities and appearances. ~ Comments are very appreciated- :p You can also pm me if you'd like that better ^^ Edited at April 5, 2022 02:06 AM by Cinderclaws

honestly, similies work magic. compare a feature to something in nature, whether it's texture or color. i don't have much else to offer ;;

Go to a personality trait generator. Choose 1-3 traits for good and bad ones, then make a list. Make a paragraph for each trait.

When it comes to writing appearance, I find it easier to look at examples. For example, I want a dark hair witch character, so I look at images of women with dark hair and pick out the features I like. Same goes for outfits.
Personality: Start out with very broad terms, such as kind or mean, and elaborate from there. Why are they kind/mean? What makes them happy/sad? Try to select traits that would match with those you already have. For example, a selfish person probably wouldn't be very loving in a relationship while a kind person might put others above themselves to a point that it's unhealthy.
If all else fails, take inspiration from already established characters ^^

Thanks for the tips guys :D these will really help me!

This is also extremely good advice. Flowery language such as comparing a smile to the sun or eyes to glittering gems can make a person seem very pretty without having to outright state that they are and vis-versa Skeleton. said: honestly, similies work magic. compare a feature to something in nature, whether it's texture or color. i don't have much else to offer ;;

I'm a beginer when it comes to writing, so take this with a grain of salt. When writing personalities for my characters I like to have 3 main characteristics. One good, one neutral, and one negative. Here and there I'll do 6 traits. Once I have 3 things I'll go into detail about them. (Sometimes in rps I post the 3 basics, and sometimes I don't and just put the details.) - Example: George is Lazy - Honest - Charming George is quite the lazy wolf. He'd much rather be lazing about in camp than out hunting and providing for his pack. Most his pack-members resent him for this. or Though George is lazy by nature he still pulls his weight. He'd rather be napping than hunting but he still does his work. Some of his pack-members make fun of his lazy tendencies, though this doesn't affect him. or George loves to lay about. Some call him lazy but he just enjoys a simple life. He hunts and does his job then he'll just laze about camp. - (These are quite crude and basic examples) Just saying George is lazy means next to nothing, how he's lazy matters. Words often have many meanings or interpretations. Edited at April 5, 2022 05:44 PM by Ricaan