
Ask me random questions about whatever as long as it's you know appropriate thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

Why is this a trend? ~~~ Who do you admire most

No idea Hurricane blizzards said: Why is this a trend? ~~~ Who do you admire most My friends and my sister

What's your favorite plant?

Snapdragon i love them they give me somthing to do because i have adhd and i need to move my hands so much FancyPants said: What's your favorite plant?

What do you like to do on slow days? Do you play any sports, if you do which? What is your WP goal? What wolf is your favourite and why?

what is your favored color? what is your favored dog breed? what is you favored food? what is your favored animal? what ids are your favered moves? what is your favored shows?

Do you have a hobby Do you have any pets What's your favorite drink What's your favorite season

Hurry said: What do you like to do on slow days? Do you play any sports, if you do which? What is your WP goal? What wolf is your favourite and why?
1) read/wright/draw or try to find a new rp partner 2)marching band 3) breed a mela 4) of all time my first she alpha because she was kinda just really fun to make at the moment my mela because she is baced of Mavis avi Eevees Evolutions said: what is your favored color? what is your favored dog breed? what is you favored food? what is your favored animal? what ids are your favered moves? what is your favored shows?
1)Black 2)husky 3)pesto 4)lions or dragons 5)the entire MCU 6)tfatws Winter Halo said: Do you have a hobby Do you have any pets What's your favorite drink What's your favorite season
1)drawing and writing 2)a. Cat 3)coffee or boba 4)winter

*slams down spin chair and turns around* Time to interrogate Moonlight! Right Favourite Cat breed? Do you like spin chairs? Fabourite time of the day? are you a warrior cats fan? (Book series) are you a survivor dog fan? (Book series) What is your favorite emotion? Do you have any pets and what are there names and why did you name them that? Lmao 😂 Interrogation is over Time to torture someone else *Turns around and disappears into the door frame*