
This is the chat and announcment place for the Animal Crackers alliance. Feel free to chat, advertise discounts and suggest things here! Have fun and remember, no criticising animal crackers here! . Edited at November 5, 2024 07:41 PM by Auklet
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WoW Recently Redone (And Redone again, oops) The previous system did not cope well with a lot of people and didn't reward the people getting the best ranks as well as I wanted. I tried to fix it, then realized it was broken, so here is system number 3! . If you have concerns/questions/suggestions, let me know and I will try to adjust it. . You must have a rank better than 50 to get rewards . Apple rewards will be split between members who get over 50 after bonuses for power rank are calculated and subtracted from it in order from first to last, so if 5 people deserve apple split but there is only 3 apples, the apples go to the top 3 ranked ones(this might happen rarely since the rank rewards are supposed to be most of it). . Fighting for the alliance is greatly appreciated, but does not change the rewards. . Apple bonuses by rank Okay, I know this is a little complicated, but I will calculate all of it, you can just know what to expect with this. . If the alliance gets, First- x = 2.5 Apples Second- x = 1.5 Apples Third- x = 0.5 Apples . If there is 0.5 in apples it is 500 mushrooms 1: 3x 2-5: 2x 6-10: 1x 11-20: 500 mushrooms/apples times x 21-50: 100 mushrooms/apples times x . . New rules for people who don't do WoW . . For WoW going forward, and all members must PvP at least once per alliance rules and get a rank 50 or better. So, you now have 5 days into WoW to get your rank above 50 or I will kick you from the alliance for the remainder of WoW. I don't want anyone to stress about this, you will be invited back after WoW and are free rejoin anytime, however you will not get any rewards for that month's WoW. The reason I am doing this is since PvPing in WoW has always been a rule, I just haven't been enforcing it enough because some packs that don't do WoW are amazing and I wanted them to stay in the alliance, but we have lost a few WoWs because of this, which is unfair to the members who have been PvPing like crazy. Edited at February 27, 2025 08:25 AM by Auklet
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Announcements - There is a new rule for WoW, check it out above! . - If you have a pack you want to recruit, let me know and I will invite them and help them with dominance. Discounts! - Already discounted breedings found here
- Already discounted sales found here
- Discounts table! (the list was getting to be a mess)
Some discounted male breedings if pmed | Discounted female breedings if pmed | Sales discounts if pmed | Training | Link Cat Cosmic Storm Amygdala TheSigma Auklet Wolf Pride Defiant Rescue | Auklet- all of them are free anytime, pm to open up breeding. | TheSigma | Auklet's free BE training found here! . Defiant Rescue offers discounts on BE and cp training, let them know | I think all of them are listed, but so many people offered discounts, I have lost track, so thanks to all of you for being so generous! Feel free to ask me to add something. Edited at January 25, 2025 04:51 PM by Auklet
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Remember, guys, even though it doesn't say Discounted alliance breeding ALL my studs are up for alliance discount!!! :) There will soon be more of them :-))

Okay, so we have 5 members now, and I was thinking that is enough for some contests and giveaways! I think there is a breeding contest in our futures, because of Darkgold's alliance contest that is so much fun. I was also thinking about having a collecting item contest, basically where we see who can get the most of one item, such as a robin feather, by the end of a period of time. Let me know your ideas for contests and prizes.
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Who can raise your dominance the most in 24h/1 week or something? Auklet said: Okay, so we have 5 members now, and I was thinking that is enough for some contests and giveaways! I think there is a breeding contest in our futures, because of Darkgold's alliance contest that is so much fun. I was also thinking about having a collecting item contest, basically where we see who can get the most of one item, such as a robin feather, by the end of a period of time. Let me know your ideas for contests and prizes.
I also have a POL breeding center and friends and alliance gets discount! Also all the males in my den are for breeding at alliance discount!

I love that contest idea of collecting an item! Especially good for preparing for a game event like FMC, or the monthlys. We could also do who collects the most event currency or bones. I also just put some males up free to the alliance :)
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Edit: Sorry wrong forum XD Edited at March 15, 2024 07:55 AM by Leo's

hey guys! i made an art shop, and it's an alliance, friends, or art alliance discount on art!

How will we do WoW prizes and how do we document it? I shall just send you a summary with the won battles and total wager? - Animal crackers forever!!!