
This is the official chat of Snakes Shadow Circus Announcements will be put here feel free to chat with each other here

This battle is taking a while lol

Hello everyone, I thought to write something to do some team building hope you enjoy. “The carnival arrived overnight, its colorful tents and eerie music drawing everyone in, but there was something off about the performers…” (Your turn to write something to continue the writing) Edited at February 28, 2024 02:10 PM by Silent Moon

(Sorry it took so long to reply to this, I couldn't think of what to say ^^') "The performers' faces were cast in shadow, and they had some strange features: some had extra eyes. Some had horns, or spiky tails. Still, there was something familiar and enchanting about this place. It had all the typical attractions of a circus: clowns with painted faces and big smiles, snake charmers whose swaying dance cast a spell on the serpents, fire eaters with an exhilarating taste for danger, jugglers, contortionists, magicians, trapeze artists, and more... but where was the ringleader?"

"But where was the ringleader?... He could not be found on the ground by the spectators,but that caused them no alarm as the performs drew their attentaion away. Laughs echoed throughout the tent, a clear sign that everyone was having a splendid good time, as a tall towering shadow of a man stood behind a curtain with glowing red eyes staring out at the crowd. Dressed in the ringmasters clothing he dared not enter..." (Fighting the flu right now, sorry if it doesn't make sense, have fun.)

First time I am doing an alliance battle between two alliances that I am a part of... It feels kind of weird... 😕 ( Snakes Shadow Circus vs Ghosting)