
Mods lock this thread. Made a new thread for better organization. Edited at October 19, 2023 12:31 PM by Inferno Abyss
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Hey all you Crazy Kids! Welcome to the training forum. Here, you can talk with other members to set up PvP and talk about which wolves work best together, or alone. It's up to you! You can also ask questions to me or Oddity!
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Alrighty! When you find time, I have groups posted below! These groups will change every other week or so before the event.
My group will change after every so many battles. If you are happy after our 1v1 time, then I will move on to the next one. If I feel you need more time, I will stick with you.
And a reminder: If you need a battle wolf, shoot me a PM. I will help you and try to get one your way. If my slots say that I'm closed, ignore them. I will always have a slot open for you guys!
#1: Jumping Wolves Sikoa Savik Vicersle Stray Secrets
#2: FrozenInTime Riddle Moon Chasers Kazimir Oddity #3: Fangsoffire Lost Wolf Edited at March 28, 2023 10:10 AM by Fangsoffire
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Also, as a suggestion from FrozenInTime, how would you guys like to be placed in groups to PvP against each other? And don't be shy to PM me!
We can also switch groups every once in a while so everyone has a feel for each other's wolves ^-^
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Hello :D I think groups would be great, and having the groups in a rotation would keeps things interesting. Different PvP buddies might prompt different kinds of PvP, like more or less wolves or boost/ no boost.
In my pack I have 23 DG wolves: 7 DHs, 1 ES, and the rest without a battle boost. If anyone wants to PvP but there aren't any takers to your wager just shoot me a pm and I'll join you. Keep in mind that I'm a Darkseeker though
As far as training goes, I have a training project that I'll be working on for most of this coming game year, but I should be able to get two or three wolves done the game year after. All I need your wolf to have is battle, resolve, and agility if possible. I'm very flexible on pricing, so just let me know what you're comfortable with paying and we can figure something out :)


I've added a section to my bio that has pricing and a training roster, so you guys can see which wolf I'm currently working on. As I mentioned before, I'm working on a training project so the roster is a lot longer than it normally would be. I won't be able to add anymore wolves to the roster for this game year, but once next Spring rolls around my training will go back to normal. I've also got some sudden and not-so-fun life stuff going on right now so my activity might suffer a little over the next couple weeks. I'll still be training like crazy but I'll be off and on a lot so it might take me a little longer to reply to PMs and whatnot. Fun times, fun times :')

Training roster looks great! Let me know when you want to take the wolf, I'll be BE training him as much as I can to take off the stress from you ^-^ At least, I should be able to get a bit done :') Oddity said: I've added a section to my bio that has pricing and a training roster, so you guys can see which wolf I'm currently working on. As I mentioned before, I'm working on a training project so the roster is a lot longer than it normally would be. I won't be able to add anymore wolves to the roster for this game year, but once next Spring rolls around my training will go back to normal. I've also got some sudden and not-so-fun life stuff going on right now so my activity might suffer a little over the next couple weeks. I'll still be training like crazy but I'll be off and on a lot so it might take me a little longer to reply to PMs and whatnot. Fun times, fun times :')
Oof, not-so-fun stuff. I get that x( Thanks for letting us know! :D
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SORRY IN ADVANCE Yo. Stoked for this event. Just wanna say that if you ever see me slacking shoot me a pm and tell me to up my game. I usually AT LEAST log on once a day and check my mailbox, so leaving a "to do" list works well ^^ ALSO salut everyone! Name's Deso (in case we havent spoken). I've been part of this alliance for a short while. Occasionally you'll see me spawn in chat at 4AM. I enjoy not feeling lonely so PLEASE pm me any questions comments or concerns 9-9 P.S.- Oddity I hope your fun, fun times become less fun...or more enjoyable? I hope life gets better! P.P.S.- I'm listening to Space Oddity now :3 Edited at December 5, 2022 08:14 PM by Desolation