
☕WELCOME☕ This is the new, official forum page for The Caffeine Addict Group! Please, feel free to ask questions, get to know each other, and offer suggestions to help better this alliance! Keep an eye on this forum page as I will be posting about stud discounts, female breedings, contests, and so much more! Remember: ☕ Be polite ☕ Be active ☕ And have fun!
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Hey everyone! Just a little introduction: My name is Sleepy Ash but you can call me anything; Ash, Sleepy, and even Slooth are all nicknames I've gone by. It's nice to meet you all! Things I enjoy: caffeine, DC and Marvel movies/ shows, music, and writing. I also absolutely love wolves (obviously, lol). I am trying to be on more so, if you have any questions or need anything within the alliance, feel free to hit me up! Thanks for getting to know me! Sincerely, Sleepy Ash #79570
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Hello here is my introduction ^^: My name is Free-Claw but you can call me free, claw, or even riot. My favorite color is purple and my number one drink is coffee, without coffee what is life XD. . Things I like: - Roleplaying - Discussing ships - Learning new things - Coffee . I try to be active whenever I can but at the moment I am rather busy doing things joining the army and school work! I would love to learn more about how to get higher rarity wolves and how to train them as I am still semi-new. . As for the alliance, I try and donate when I can and however I can, I am also working on trying to get more dominance to my wolves. If you guys ever give me a paw-up I will definitely give you one back! . Once again thank you for letting me join and I cant wait to see how far this alliance goes!!

It's very nice to meet you! Please let me know if there's every anything that I can do to help you out in any way! Also, the donations are 100% appreciated! Thank you so much! Free-Claw12 said: Hello here is my introduction ^^: My name is Free-Claw but you can call me free, claw, or even riot. My favorite color is purple and my number one drink is coffee, without coffee what is life XD. . Things I like: - Roleplaying - Discussing ships - Learning new things - Coffee . I try to be active whenever I can but at the moment I am rather busy doing things joining the army and school work! I would love to learn more about how to get higher rarity wolves and how to train them as I am still semi-new. . As for the alliance, I try and donate when I can and however I can, I am also working on trying to get more dominance to my wolves. If you guys ever give me a paw-up I will definitely give you one back! . Once again thank you for letting me join and I cant wait to see how far this alliance goes!!
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~New Member Contest~ ~Description~ Hey guys! I've created our first contest! Fun right? The point of this contest is to bring in new, active alliance members so that we can have more people to help each other as well as help out with future contests such as giveaways, etc. If you are interested, keep reading to learn the rules as well as check out the awards! ~Rules~ ☕ Follow all WP rules. Please don't break chat rules, spam rules, etc. just for this contest! ☕ If someone wants to join because you invited them, please let them know to write that you were the one who invited them in the "other" part of the form alongside their favorite caffeine beverage! ☕ Have fun! This contest isn't to be boring or regular. Get creative and have fun with how you invite people! ☕ Contest will end in one month which is September 15, 2022 ~Awards~ Now for the part you're actually interested in! Awards will based on points you receive by the deadline! ☕ 1st place: 1 apple ☕ 2nd place: 200 mushrooms
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Let's see how this goes!! Good luck everyone!!