
So our history can be set in stone _Last recorded by Eno_ Edited at June 20, 2022 04:12 AM by Cadaver


I forgot you were a frog and got scared

Bread supremacy. Bread is love, Bread is life. It is true and known that Bread is both good by itself, and good with nearly every food imagineable. Numerous chat participants have pledged their alleigance to Bread. We are unstoppable. Further, Bread cannot simply be contained within the confines of the forum. Bread rises and spreads, like wildfire. I skipped 2 rounds of times I could have played games and explored in favor of fighting in the name of Bread. Bread doesn't play games, Bread owns the game. Edited at June 20, 2022 04:27 AM by Trenzalore

... Bread is weak. Plays second fiddle to the main course. Bread lacks the strength to bring flavor on its own. It requires outside assistance. ~ Understand it or not. The Cult of Breadkind shall crumble and that's no rye. I wish to open the eyes of all, not force my beliefs down the throats of others. I may support a carnavorian diet more, but all food has its place. I lost a full night's sleep o er this debate, and am willing to serve you in aid. Join us and be welcomed into the Anti-Bread Confederacy. Join them and perish. Edited at June 20, 2022 04:34 AM by King of Winter

Lol. His name is Kremit. Cadaver said: I forgot you were a frog and got scared

Regardless of your opinion of Bread's strength, bread is everywhere. You can't deny it. Despite your lack of love for bread, you cannot say it is not liked by most and loved by far too many to count. The bread wars were never over how good bread was, or over whether bread is good enough to be enjoyed on it's own (be advised, it is), but the wars were started by anti-breads who hate bread as a blanket judgement. You were the one who tried to break down the Bread and divide and conquer by trying to make it a war of ifs and hows and whys. The truth remains - Bread wins. Bread loves, and is loved. Bread is craved and Bread is worthy. Bread is life. You have lost. Edited at June 20, 2022 04:37 AM by Trenzalore

How does bread love. Does it nurture? Can one truly subsist entirely off bread? Objects don't love. The individual animates them. Personifies it. Deifies it even. I speak logically...

Bread loves people by delighting, and loves other foods by supporting strong flavors and uplifting weaker ones. Grilled cheese, buttered toast, toast with jam, garlic/herbed breads, cheesy pull aparts, pretzel bread, fried breaded chicken, cheese sticks, breaded and fried vegetables, bread pudding, and your favorite, the Reuben. The list of foods bread pays compliments to is endless, and yet many of them would be nothing without the bread. Bread loves people as it is affordable to even the lowliest peasant while still pleasing and delicious to both peasant and royalty. Edited at June 20, 2022 04:55 AM by Trenzalore

... You still hold onto that notion. A single example, a sandwich. Yes. That is your rallying point against me, and you use it like its a scandal or a dark secret. I won't bury the light when it comes to such things. Still changes nothing. I don't like bread, I will revoke your claims at bread superiority. Besides, Reuben isn't my favorite. It only bears a fond memory. A rarity for breadkind. ~ You say bread loves. I won't challenge that any longer. The more I fight that, the more you won't seem to listen. Just a rehash of old ideas of how it has "resonance with other foods". Cheese has resonance, meat has resonance, but yet you choose to hoist bread on a pedestal. Your argument lay upon bread being the best mediator, that it does a job like no other. ~ What say you to your competitors? Meat and Cheese. Edited at June 20, 2022 02:26 PM by King of Winter