
This experiment is to see if wolfparty is truly worth it! Feel free to comment the wolves you get from wolfparty Duds or studs it's good for the stats! Duds for the experiment will be wolves with no boost or defect with less then 20 rarity Also Dynamic wolves will be an exception to the rarity rule and be in their own category _Wolves recorded_ Defects:1 Boosts:7 Dynamic:5 Duds:10 20-30r:7 31-40r:3 41 and over:6 - ^Notable Wolves^ _Images are clickable_ Clover🍀 Gaelic Blood Edited at May 15, 2022 04:59 PM by Cadaver

I got this guy from wolf party. He has turned out to be a really good explorer wolf! https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=3781081

got this one from wolfparty~47 rarity and legendary coat Powder Sugar as well ~ 57 rarity and dynamic coat i'd would say that both are a score :')

5 Star Pack said: I got this guy from wolf party. He has turned out to be a really good explorer wolf! https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=3781081
Hey, just so you know the wolf you linked is not a wolfparty wolf as wolves from wolfparty are Gen 1/have no bloodline. He is still very pretty tho!

I got her form the wolf party ;-; she wasn't worth it XD but here she is Edited at April 18, 2022 07:14 PM by Firefox

I sold these guys but I had a couple lucky grabs awhile back:

Just going to breed them out, see if G1 breeders are worth it <3
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I got this girl awhile back

This girlie is definitely a dud 😂

Here's what I got from 6 round 1's. Dud Boost dud dud dud dud (I spam wolfparty a lot so if you want anything just pm me!