
This club is for all the chaotic people of wolfplay. We exapt anyone as long as your chaotic and don't mind other chaotic people. So come join us and we shall build a chaotic army together. Form: What will you bring to this order?: Why do you want to join?: What are your prefered pronouns?: Name/Nickname: What position would you like? (We will vote if it is a very importent one): Edited at March 19, 2021 01:58 PM by Cloudystar

Slots for potistions Currant overseerer: Cloudystar Princesses: Princess Torch (Torch) Princes: None at the moment Knights: None at the moment Advisors: Order (The Great Sage~) Queen: Queen Greenfall (Greenfall) King: King Lord of the Wolves (Lord of the wolves) Animals: Birb (Ricaan) Snek (Raven of Ashes) Random doggo (Interstellar sun) Edited at May 5, 2021 11:02 AM by Cloudystar


Uh, there has been many clubs for chaos made already-

What will you bring to this order?: I am the birb of Chaos I am a magical parrot that can mimic dogs, I will bring barks and lovely Chaos Why do you want to join?: Because I am birb of chaos. Duh, I am meant for this. What are your prefered pronouns?: He/Him/They/Them Name/Nickname: Crash, Sage, or Chaos birb(Feel free to give me a nickname-) Edited at March 20, 2021 12:29 AM by Ricaan

Mm well.... I don't know what to do... 0_0

Should we wait and see if a mod does something?

Probably, maybe? I hope they don't lock it- Edited at March 19, 2021 01:20 PM by Ricaan

Should we pm a mod or wait?

I think we should pm a mod and get it over with-