
Rules: 1. Be Kind 2. Be as weird as you want 3. just so i know you read the rules put your favorite animal in other 4. No inappropriate emojis please 5. NO SPAMMING 6. Follow all of Eves rules Edited at June 24, 2020 01:26 PM by Amethyst Moon

Roles Queen: Amethyst Moon Princess: Rock Creek Royal Jester: Dark°halo OG Towns People: Acid Queen TheDenOfUwUMasters Icy_hot Redmire (These are just the OG members that were here befor the first chat got closed down, if i forgot some of yall sorry .-.) Towns People: Meian(Donut Overlord) Fish Head (Fishy) PoisonedLove (Poison/Broken) Queen of wp (Drmmr Grl) Dragon Feathers (Crazy wolf) Onyx's Haven (Onyx) Moonlightpath (Moon) Pinky and the Brain (shadow) Gentle Breeze (Breezy) Pumkit (gimmie) (if you were not here before the first chat closed down im sorry you will have to sign the form as i do not know you) Edited at November 6, 2020 08:18 PM by Amethyst Boo

The Form: What you want to be called: The weirdest thing you've ever done: Favorite color (because why the fuck not?): Things you want us to know about you: other:

QwQ Who Says I'm not a Cannibal?

Edited at June 22, 2020 06:53 PM by Amethyst Moon

What you want to be called: I mean, 'Mei' works. I would love to be called Donut Overlord, but is that too hard to remember? The weirdest thing you've ever done: Oh, there are too many things. I guess I'll choose, though. Um... how about the time that I 'brewed' some cherry blossoms and gave them to my mom, who had a cold, saying, "these will revive you." I was 10 though, so no judging Favorite color (because why the fuck not?): YELLOW. Idk, It's a good color. Well, it's the color of my blankie, which I've had since I was born. It's also the color of lemon, my favorite flavor. AND, it's the color of happiness, I guess :|. Not that I'm happy, more like depressed. JK JK, unless... Things you want us to know about you: I love horses, all animals, dogs, and horses. I own three beautiful female goats, which isn't important, but why not. I am a seasoned viner/ memer who knows ALL the classic vines/ memes. I play minecraft, it's the best game, and all true gamers will agree. I am very wierd, but I don't flaunt it often, I'd say. I am subscribed to Mully, SwaggerSouls, and everyone in both their gangs. other: I was gonna say something, but I forgot. Oh, well. Um... squeezing my brain to remember. Yeah, no, I can't remember. I just remembered what I was goint to say! Happiness is like peeing your pants. I haven't experienced it since I was 6. Just kidding, I'm not depressed XD. I'm just crazy. - Donut Overlord Edited at June 23, 2020 11:46 AM by Meian

sorry I'm leaving kingdom of weird them because I can not live without emojis...

Wait, who said emojis weren't allowed?

well i'm not going through the trouble of another form

Meian said: Wait, who said emojis weren't allowed?
You didn't read the rules Edited at June 23, 2020 05:01 PM by Amethyst Moon