
Table of contents Post one: Table of contents Post two: Rules Post three: Plot Post four: Role/Pack info Post five: Sign up sheet Edited at April 6, 2024 08:43 AM by Devil town

Rules 1. Follow all of Eve's and WP rules. 2. You can have three characters maximum 3. Please no mary sues or perfect characters, everyone makes mistakes and has problems. 4. I'd like sentences for personality and appearance, please. But I will accept just words for personality if there's more than 5 5. Hate the character not the pack 6. Minimum word count is 25 7. Don't reply to only one pack's RPs 8. Your characters can't be in a relationship with each other, that ruins the fun for other players. This includes family members aswell. 9. Make sure you read all the information included about the roleplay please, don't join without knowing the basic information about it. 10. Please don't be mad at me if i don't accept, or point out mistakes in your character info, we're all trying our best. Edited at April 6, 2024 08:59 AM by Devil town

Plot "What...happened? It was all so sudden... I... I don't know how it happened." The randomest disaster struck. Not in one place specifically. It was... Everywhere. The continent shattered, building fell, mankind itself crumbled before the forces of nature, as if the earth was fighting a disease with everything it could do in it's power to get rid of humanity. And it succeded. All that was left, was the dust and rubble. On a small island, that once was a great city, only the creatures and creepers were left there to survive on their own. the lasts of their kind on that part of the continent. The only few signs of life still existing there. They couldn't survive alone. Together, all the creatures and critters decided to team up, and somehow survive this disaster. Will they survive in this?

Role info - you can play as any animal as you want to be, as long as it's an existing animal. no dragons, grifins or any such animals. - Roles - 1. Sparrowhawk | Collie/German Shepherd | Male | Broken rivers 2. Bai | Giant Panda | Female | Pizza Demon 3. Timber | Gray Wolf / Alaskin malamute | Female | Bobcat 4. Selene | Red Fox | Female | Devil Town 5. Pandora | ball python | female | starlight serpent 6. Alexander | Wolf dog | Male | Hunting Leopard 7.Blaze | Fennec Fox | Female | Embershed 8. Nightingale | Wolf | Female | Bobcat 9. Ace | Bordercollie + German Shepherd | Male | Hunting Leopard 10. Artemis | Wolf | Female | Moon stone Edited at June 9, 2024 10:53 PM by Ghosts of Glory

Sign up form Name: Age: Gender: Breed/Species/Animal: Appearance: Personality: Strengths: Weaknesses: Backstory*: Likes: Dislikes: Family/Relationships/Crush*: Other: Edited at April 6, 2024 09:56 AM by Devil town

Name: Sparrowhawk Age: 3 Gender: Male Species/Breed: Collie/German Shepherd Appearance: Sparrowhawk is a tall, strong male with ash-colored fur and silver eyes. He has a long muzzle, with a few scars, and his face is handsome and serious. His fur is long and very soft, and it blends in well with the city around him. He has large, strong paws and long legs good for jumping. His ears are chipped, and half of his left is missing. His head is thin, very much resembling that of a collie. His German shepherd size gave him a few streaks of golden brown in his paws, and his long bushy tail. His fur is usually very clean and nice, and he keeps himself well groomed at all times, even after making a kill. He occasionally limps, as he suffered a past injury in his right front leg. His voice is husky and rough, usually quite hoarse. Personality: He is very kind and loyal, and he takes care of his pack very well. He is very serious at all times, and although he hides it well he does get his feelings hurt pretty easy. He will only open up to you about it though, if he really, really trusts you. Sparrowhawk usually prefers to be called by his full name, but he will allow a close friend to call him Sparrow instead. He will feel like he betrayed you if he messes up at all when doing anything, and will do his best to repay you. He hardly ever speaks, but he will always listen as well as he can when someone is speaking to him. He loves leading wolves, and hopes to be alpha someday if he can. He is very caring, and will sacrifice himself to save anyone in his pack, even if he dislikes them. Strengths: He is really smart, and a good hunter. He has an amazing sense of smell, and he can track prey even in heavy rain. Not that he would go out in the acidic rain. He is a very fast, strong runner, and his Collie side made him a natural leader, and amazing at trapping prey. His German Shepherd side helped to make him fearless, as well, so he will not back down from a challenge. Weaknesses: His social anxiety is his biggest weakness. He can give orders well, but he can't really have conversations very well. His ripped ear also made his hearing a bit worse than it could be. He also tends to hesitate when he is hunting with others, wondering what they will do, and overthinks things a lot. He is also a bit afraid of going inside the buildings, after being trapped in one by neglecting humans. He is very scared of people, from being mistreated as a puppy. He's also sympathetic to loners, which may make it hard for him to fight them or chase them off his territory. Backstory: (Optional) He was taken away from his family at a young age because humans mistakenly thought that he was lost. He was adopted by cruel humans that did not take good care of him at all, and eventually dumped him on the side of the road, when he got too big. He wandered for a few months before finding the pack and joining. Likes: Sparrowhawk loves complements, although he tries not to openly show it. He also loves hunting, and leading other dogs. Spending time with his mate is really enjoyable for him too. He loves the feeling of running, as well, and if he can he will occasionally sneak out and take long runs around the city. Dislikes: Sparrowhawk hates dogs who are disrespectful to the alpha, or any rank higher than theirs. He also dislikes dogs who complain a lot. If he's trapped in his den or at camp all day, he will get really upset and grumpy because he needs exercise and running every day. If this doesn't happen, he may get restless and argue with other dogs. He also dislikes it when dogs who are lower rank than him try to boss him around. Mate: Night Crush: If he has a mate, this will be full. Pups: Open! Kin: Ace Closed Other: Done! Edited at April 21, 2024 10:40 AM by Broken Rivers of Ice

Name: Bai Gender: Female Animal: albino giant panda Appearance: Bai has all white fur, pink skin and eyes. she has a crooked paw on the left front. she also has a big gash across her cheek from exploding glass. Personality: Bai is really not that expressive. she generally only works when the animals need help. she doesn't talk at all so they suspect she's mute. Strengths: she's incredibly stealthy for a panda. she also almost never sleeps. that's pretty bad but still. Weaknesses: she's always tired. she is also noisy. Backstory: will be revealed later in the rp. Family/Relationships/Crush*: open (PM me) Other: she is pretty strong Edited at April 6, 2024 10:03 AM by PizzaDemon

Accepted! Broken Rivers of Ice said: Name: Sparrowhawk Age: 3 Gender: Male Species/Breed: Collie/German Shepherd Appearance: Sparrowhawk is a tall, strong male with ash-colored fur and silver eyes. He has a long muzzle, with a few scars, and his face is handsome and serious. His fur is long and very soft, and it blends in well with the city around him. He has large, strong paws and long legs good for jumping. His ears are chipped, and half of his left is missing. His head is thin, very much resembling that of a collie. His German shepherd size gave him a few streaks of golden brown in his paws, and his long bushy tail. His fur is usually very clean and nice, and he keeps himself well groomed at all times, even after making a kill. He occasionally limps, as he suffered a past injury in his right front leg. His voice is husky and rough, usually quite hoarse. Personality: He is very kind and loyal, and he takes care of his pack very well. He is very serious at all times, and although he hides it well he does get his feelings hurt pretty easy. He will only open up to you about it though, if he really, really trusts you. Sparrowhawk usually prefers to be called by his full name, but he will allow a close friend to call him Sparrow instead. He will feel like he betrayed you if he messes up at all when doing anything, and will do his best to repay you. He hardly ever speaks, but he will always listen as well as he can when someone is speaking to him. He loves leading wolves, and hopes to be alpha someday if he can. He is very caring, and will sacrifice himself to save anyone in his pack, even if he dislikes them. Strengths: He is really smart, and a good hunter. He has an amazing sense of smell, and he can track prey even in heavy rain. Not that he would go out in the acidic rain. He is a very fast, strong runner, and his Collie side made him a natural leader, and amazing at trapping prey. His German Shepherd side helped to make him fearless, as well, so he will not back down from a challenge. Weaknesses: His social anxiety is his biggest weakness. He can give orders well, but he can't really have conversations very well. His ripped ear also made his hearing a bit worse than it could be. He also tends to hesitate when he is hunting with others, wondering what they will do, and overthinks things a lot. He is also a bit afraid of going inside the buildings, after being trapped in one by neglecting humans. He is very scared of people, from being mistreated as a puppy. He's also sympathetic to loners, which may make it hard for him to fight them or chase them off his territory. Backstory: (Optional) He was taken away from his family at a young age because humans mistakenly thought that he was lost. He was adopted by cruel humans that did not take good care of him at all, and eventually dumped him on the side of the road, when he got too big. He wandered for a few months before finding the pack and joining. Likes: Sparrowhawk loves complements, although he tries not to openly show it. He also loves hunting, and leading other dogs. Spending time with his mate is really enjoyable for him too. He loves the feeling of running, as well, and if he can he will occasionally sneak out and take long runs around the city. Dislikes: Sparrowhawk hates dogs who are disrespectful to the alpha, or any rank higher than theirs. He also dislikes dogs who complain a lot. If he's trapped in his den or at camp all day, he will get really upset and grumpy because he needs exercise and running every day. If this doesn't happen, he may get restless and argue with other dogs. He also dislikes it when dogs who are lower rank than him try to boss him around. Mate: Open, he needs one. Crush: If he has a mate, this will be full. Pups: Open! Kin: Closed Other: Done!

I'm gonna edit the Sign up form, so do you mind refilling it, sorry abt that PizzaDemon said: Name: Bai Gender: Female Animal: albino giant panda Appearance: Bai has all white fur, pink skin and eyes. she has a crooked paw on the left front. she also has a big gash across her cheek from exploding glass. Personality: Bai is really not that expressive. she generally only works when the animals need help. she doesn't talk at all so they suspect she's mute. Family/Relationships/Crush: open (PM me) Other: she is pretty strong

Name: Timber Age: 3 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Breed/Species/Animal: Gray wolf/Alaskin malamute mix (Like huskys, but bigger) Appearance: Timber is a large, fluffy canine with deep blue eyes. Light grey fur runs from the top of herhead to her tail. A light belly ties it all toghter. Personality: I strong, loyal wolf-dog with a outgoing and friendly presonality. She tends to snap if some one bugs her or calls her names. But from her friends, she will exacpt almost any nickname. Strengths: Loyal, Strong, Fast, brave Weaknesses: Small temper, does not know when to quit Backstory*: Will be added Likes: Water, friends, running Dislikes: Annoying people, Disobediace Family/Relationships/Crush*: OPEN (PM me PLEASE!) Other: TBD