
A bunch of my artwork! A lot of what's posted here will be some of my favorite pieces, as well as several W.I.Ps.

First of all, if my username looks familiar at all, that's because it is! I used to be active on the art scene under the same username about a year ago, but now I'm back! Better. Stronger.

The first example of the evening is this boyo! I made him as a free quick sketch for a long-term RP partner of mine.

Another sketch I did for the same friend because OH GOD- I loved what I'd seen of this character, and I was taken by inspiration right after my math final.

I know this isn't my best work because I did it in like... 5 minutes, but I honestly really like this one. This is concept art of Moony that I did for my younger sister's FNAF fangame.

I did this little guy because I was listening to some Novo Amor. Notice the pastel trans colors <3

This guy is probably one of my favorite pieces thus far. This is yet another redesign for my favorite character, Gladiolus. I decided to give it a background after fully drawing him, hence the wonky scale. Even though I adore this piece so much, it is unfinished and unless I get someone to hound me, I'm not sure it every will be.

My newest w.i.p both on his design, and species! This is my sweet baby, Fyllo, a character from one of my long-term roleplays. I did this piece without any kind of references, so I'm very proud of how its turned out.

A SUUUPER basic reference sheet for my Way of Mercy Monk + Celestial Warlock, Bird. The left half of his face was paralized due to his contract. (Yes the coloring is sloppy, and yes there is no shading. Just let me live my life.)

I can't believe I forgot about this little Dude! He's just a species concept that I never had the motivation to color, but he's so darn cute!