
Screaming! I LOVE that! Definitely more of an unspoken push and pull dynamic/relationship. I think Amias in his bouts of severe rage or impulsiveness would subconsciously...idk if "look up to" is the right term but "aspire" I guess to be like Cresil. In the sense that he is silently jealous of how easily Cresil handles everything negative, and how put together he seems/is. Especially since Amias is such an emotional creature. I also love your idea of Cresil holding that validation just out of reach for the sole purpose of torment and entertainment!! Because he knows how to manipulate and walk that line between love and anger/hatred Edling said: Creek, I would LOVE to delve into their dynamic :0 There's a fine line between love and hate, so perhaps they've got some kind of complex push and pull aspect to their dynamic? In regard to your concept for them, I absolutely adore the idea of Amias seeking some kind of unspoken validation. Cresil, being the toxic creature he is, I think would be able to kind of sense that since he takes an analytical versus emotional approach to everything, and would probably use it against Amias or hold such validation just out of grasp to serve some kind of selfish agenda of his. Maybe even just for cruel entertainment?? Cresil's such a jerk, there's a lot of ways it could go lmao. Either way, I'm actually pretty excited to see how such iconic concepts in our respected portrayals handle each other as beings of power, as well as on a personal level :) Edited at July 22, 2024 07:32 AM by Caribou Creek

Edling Shiloh tries to do a lot of things that are impossible XD but yes it would be miserable for them both and the sessions would be short as he extricates himself. Nevermore She'd find the personality of death (Mejer) hard to deal with since he's not content, but the concept of death could actually be calming in a sense.

Creek - ah, we're really cookin' now! I definitely see Cresil viewing Amias as almost pitiful, at least considering the varying emotional intensities Amias seems to be capable of. At the forefront, Cresil could almost give the impression of being a pretty level creature because of the nonchalant approach he takes to creating utter mayhem. I could also see him being a complex blend of condescending toward Amias, but also lowkey intrigued just to watch Amias pop off in a spiral. I'm also in love with the idea of Cresil critiquing Amias' use of manipulation on mortals, just to probe for a reaction lol. Froggington - Lmao, therapy being so awful it can be used in equal measure as a threat between them. On the topic of therapy, the vision of Shiloh hosting a group therapy session between all of the deities I think would get out of hand so quickly, but would nonetheless deliver so much free entertainment XD East - I definitely agree. Cresil would see Lyra's compassion as a crippling weakness, one he wouldn't be averse to exploiting for a game of complicated gain. I'm sure more often than not he'll be deserving of varying degrees of Lyra's frustrations, though he would likely enjoy being responsible for poking at Lyra enough to see her usually benevolent persona crack, even just a little.

I can see Shiloh blanching when he threatens therapy and she being like I need time to mentally prepare myself lol not really, but a funny thought. It would be funny to see a 12 year old looking goddess hosting a group therapy session. And she's not the calmest looking figure either

She'll be needing a whole century to mentally prepare for each session lmao. Not taking into consideration the age she looks and the blood stains that may or may not be on her clothing, give that girl a pair of reading glasses and a notepad and she'll look perfect for the part of therapist to the deities XD

Edling- Yess exactly my thinking as well! Also can I just say I'm in love with Cresil sobbing Excited to see the two of them in action lol Froggington- I know we discussed some via pms, but I did mark on Amias' sheet that he kinda veiws Shiloh as a sibling and that she's a main sense of comfort to him/able to ease his recklessness during his bouts of strong emotions

So some basic ideas for Zephyr's affiliations (obviously all open to suggestions/changes as well)
Mejer - Because Zephyr is something of a commander, these two would probably butt heads. They're also both seemingly stubborn, but I think maybe Zephyr would respect him as war mostly leads to death? He likes how hardworking Mejer is as well, which I could imagine is where most respect sprouts from.
Cresil - Most likely avoids him lol. I can't imagine Zephyr interacting with him unless he is in absolute dire need. Maybe they're mostly just acquintances? While hate is a huge thing among mortals, he would also hate to be the deity who hates... hate.
Lryssa - Zephyr is kind to her though stern when he needs to be. Just because she is the embodiment of love does not mean that Zephyr is something of a kinder man to her. He treats her the same as everyone else, but he can admit that she doesn't press his buttons as much as the others might.
Shiloh - The otherside of his coin is a complex one. While Zephyr brings chaos and war, she brings peace and prosperity. I can imagine them attempting to work together and it simply going wrong every time.
Amias - Zephyr appreciates the deity of love's loyalty and passionate mindset, which he believes makes for a good worker. Zephyr can not relate to him it feels like, though. Zephyr has never experienced such a bond that he could consider romantic love, even though the feeling does not have to be romantic.

Creek - great minds think alike 🤝 I am very glad someone does, Cresil doesn't deserve to be liked by anyone though lmao. I also very much love Amias too <3 Mercenary - I think Zephyrs approach to Cresil is very fair ahah. Of course, Cresil would be delighted to ever be needed by someone who otherwise doesn't give him much of a second glance, but maybe a time or two Zephyr was an unfortunate soul who's owed Cresil a favor?? I imagine Cresil might have been the source of a few ignitions of war, for obvious malicious reasons. So he enjoys lurking wherever war may be present at the very least.

I like that dynamic between Mejer and Zephyr! Mutual respect as Mejer knows that he wouldn't be able to do Zephyrs job
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Mercenary I think just from the perspective of him being the deity of war and not including what he is like personally she'd be uncomfortable around him not wanting war, but maybe there could be a circumstance where she'd want to try to work with him and yeah, I would definitely see it going down in flames as they have such different approaches