a small tent striped in different shades of purple with none of the colors appearing another time.
A small feline appears, her movements gracefull. She introduces herself as Moth.
A small feline appears, her movements gracefull. She introduces herself as Moth.

(Moth's potions and magic shop)
"I work with potions and magic." She says " Jasiri can give you mild healing potions but I can do much better, I have potions that to all sorts of things, invisibility, strength... almost everything you can think of. For price I can see hints of what may be the future."
yellow healing potion: heals minor injuries- 5 gold
A bandage: not really a potion stops bleeding- 5 silver
Speed potion- 3 gold
Potion of strength- 7 gold
The future- gives a basic understanding of the future- 6 gold
A healing: heals all injuries and resores health. 10 silver - 15 gold