
the inn is run by Ivory. She sells food and offers you a place to stay while you are in. The town.
A wolf calls you over. "Hi, new to town are you? I own this inn and you can call me Ivory! You can stay here for as long as you like. Anything to keep you out of that forest..." - food Hamburger- restores 5 health, boosts stamina - 10 silver cheese- just over powered- 10 gold more will be added - Currency Gold coins, silver coins, Shells 5 shells= 1 silver coins 15 silver coins= 1 gold coin Rooms Room #1: Marcus - Midnight Howlers- 10 gold Room#2 Skullz- Pigeon Skullz- 10 gold Room#3 Room#4 ect. Edited at November 27, 2023 08:35 PM by Dawnforest

Oh, okay now I would like to ask her for pointers.

Rules. -stay in charectar. - don't control the townsfolk/ other charectars you may encounter. -There is a chance that you can catch adopts but don't beg for them. - Post in the correct thread. - This starts in the Inn thread.

Sooooooo, what am I supposed to do????? How do I ask her for pointers?

Rules. -stay in charectar. ( act as your charectar) - don't control the townsfolk/ other charectars you may encounter. -There is a chance that you can catch adopts but don't beg for them. - Post in the correct thread. - This starts in the Inn thread.

Okay, so I guess I wake up and ask for well a hamburger I guess.

This is my first RP just to let you know.

(It kept saying unauthorized, oops) -Snoring coming from the ground- -Eventually the commotion above ground awakens me. I pull myself up and out of the ground and stumble around, collecting my items. I confusedly stumble into the inn, bumping into pretty much everything.- "What's this?" Edited at November 27, 2023 08:38 PM by Pigeon Skullz

Ohhhh, so thats how it works, thanks for the non-intentional help Pige.

Ohhhh, so thats how it works, thanks for the non-intentional help Pige.