

If you want to send a friend request, then go to the person's profile, and look on the right side near their avatar picture, it should say Friends somewhere. Click it, and scroll to the bottom. There'll be a little box that says Add friend next to it. Click, and then press submit.

Yes, I have figured that part out But what if your friend has sent you a friend request? where would you go to accept it?

Game Moderator Darkseeker
You would go to your mail (Pack > Game Mail), click on "Game", then click on the message and scroll down.

There should be a little envelope icon on the top right of the screen. Click it, and it should take you to your inbox. There you'll see all the messages you have, and I'm assuming you'll also see your pending friend requests.

Can u please help idk how to add a friend

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Chaos -- re-read this entire post, because it tells you how.

The sending a friend request didn't work!!!

In what way is it not working?

How do you unfriend someone?