
Hello everyone I searched forums but coulnt find the answer. Can someone explain the importance of these and also..can you change it or is it something they are just born with? mod edit: title modified to prevent page stretch Edited at October 18, 2020 04:39 PM by Vennenum

Howling and Wrestling are two traits that come into play during the Full Moon Celebration (FMC) which is the 5th-9th of every month. All wolves are born with a certain disposition for howling and wrestling (ex: poor, average, excellent) and you can find these out by spending 50 mush per rating (manage your wolf>rate wolf) Or you can find the specific number (out of 50, 50/50 being the best) by spending one apple per rating.
Only pups can wrestle during the FMC, but all wolves can howl.

1. These are important for things like the full moon festival activitys such as: Pup wresling. Those skills are also usefull for earning things during events 2. It is something they are born with and is genetic (I'm not sure what Disposition is for)

^^Disposition is for exploring, if you assign a wolf to a specific prey/predator, disposition determines how likely the wolf is to "listen" and go for that prey/predator instead of doing what it wants.

Thanks so much for your answers. I am very familiar with FMC but had no idea this was just part of this. I do make my wolves howl during the event as regularly as I can but didn't understand the point in doing so.

Thanks so much for your answers. I am very familiar with FMC but had no idea this was just part of this. I do make my wolves howl during the event as regularly as I can but didn't understand the point in doing so.